The only people who could actually get us to ponder leaving [entirely] are the Russian President and the Chinese Premier and it would probably take a joint effort.

These fuckin’ neo-liberal clowns, including Murtha, Kerry, Billary, and Reid, not to mention the neoconservative cabalists, can talk about drawing down troop levels until they are blue in the face. We have ZERO plans to leave. We will be there in perpetuity…or at least until every cubic meter of oil and natural gas has dried up from Tel Aviv to Kandahar.

Sure, we may draw down, but bet on the fact that we will have our 10-15 permanent military bases (fortresses) staffed until the total exhaustion of regional fuel sources.

If we cut our forces to just 20,000 to 30,000 troops and have them holed up in our bases supported by air power have WE accomplished anything? Should we feel encouraged? Don’t be silly.

Wake up. We held our troops in Saudi for 12 years. We are in Iraq until the oil/gas is gone. We will all grow old and die with our forces serving as a constant irritant to Arabs/Persians.
