Yikes, what a weekend. From volleyball suicide bombers to more Afghanistan regrets to Rand Paul stupidity to… well, JFC to just about everything else, it’s getting downright depressing. Especially with the cold and the dark and the flu going around (did you get your shot? I got mine. Go do it today). So here’s a little dirty old music -not safe for work at all- to make this Sunday a little less dreary.
You’re welcome!
excellent choices, thanks Brendan.
i play with an old-timey band and our woman singer does several of these old off-color tunes. Hers include “If I Can’t Sell It I’ll Keep Sitting On It” and “You’ve Got The Right Key But the Wrong Keyhole”. There are a couple of similar ones called “My Handyman” and “My Kitchen Man” (Kitchen Man has at least one sausage joke and “he can always get into my sugar bowl”) and one called “Women Be Wise” that’s a reply to these — the gist is that if you brag about this great guy one of your nasty girlfriends will steal him.