Jon Swift gets very deep into the meaning of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline’s divorce.
When CNN sent out a Breaking News email on Election Day saying that Britney Spears was filing for divorce from her husband of two years, Kevin Federline, I didn’t realize just how important this story was at first. But now that the election is over, the full the impact of this tragedy is finally sinking in. I’m beginning to think that this story may actually be more important than the election because what is at stake here may be our most fundamental and sacred values.
And then Swift makes a call to action.
I don’t know if Senator Bill Frist has gotten a chance to see the video on YouTube of Kevin Federline being served divorce papers by Britney via text message, but I’m sure that if he could summon the powers of video diagnosis he brought to Terry Schiavo’s case, he could see that K-Fed seems to be suffering from real human emotions just like the rest of us. Though it is difficult to tell, there are moments when you seem to see a glimmer of pain in his eyes, which shows he really can respond to stimulus around him and is not brain dead as some have claimed.
I agree. Bill Frist still has a chance to do something for his country before he leaves Capitol Hill. I hope he does the right thing.
Dr. Phil over Dr. Bill…and that’s not saying much…
Britney who??
You mean .. adopt him & then kill him?
If anyone honestly expected the ditzy Spears and lack luster Federline to stay married like the Hope’s or the Widmark’s, or some other super-successful Hollywood marraige, I wonder what they were smoking!
Good grief, Spears has been photographed coming out of a notorious London lesbian bar with a pick-up, and Federline can’t perform for shit. This was a model couple?!
She’s a National Enquirer dolly that sells supermarket tabs and he’s, well, he’s a, ummm, a guy from somewhere.
Let ’em go.
It always drives me nuts when people seek to deny two perfectly decent gay parents the right to adopt a child, yet we allow folks like Spears and Federline to procreate. There’s no justice…
I don’t know, procreation seems to be the only thing they are good at. Neither of them has any musical talent, at least.
She became a big star with no talent and he became President of the United States with no intellect.
So glad the repugs are “saving marriage” so Britney has a chance for #3 before she hits 30.
The greatest danger to American Marriage and the family is economic. How can marriage, much less family continue given the reality that everyone has to work full-time crappy jobs and different schedules just to live? The greatest danger to marriage and family is capitalism. If one person made enough to support a family and had some job security it do more toward “saving marriage” then all the right-wing “values” nonsense.