Diane Mantouvalos is my wanker of the day. I read the entire article about Clinton dead-enders. They are evidently attempting to create a political movement that is a counter to MoveOn.org and that wants to throw Howard Dean out as party chair. Do they even have any conception of what Dean and MoveOn.org mean ideologically to the Democratic Party? If they do, it isn’t mentioned in the lengthy article. They are not quoted as opposing the left-wing of the party, or as opposing the outsiders and newcomers that make up the new ranks of party activists. They appear to oppose MoveOn.org for no other reason than that they endorsed Obama. They think Dean somehow screwed Clinton out of the nomination. How? Lord knows what goes on in their minds. Not much, from what I can tell. They don’t have a single policy difference with Obama that merits a mention. And they think that they can build a coalition of people around this? What? What is the coalition about? Why would anyone join it three years from now? These people don’t even understand what it is they’re defending. Let me ask you, what does this have to do with Harold Ford Jr., or anything else for that matter:

Why hireheels Won’t Back Obama: He’s Just Another Bad Boy
Posted on June 4th, 2008 in Sista Christian Louboutin by hireheels

Remember that cocktail reception that you went to last fall? The one where you met that really hot guy? The one who went to all the right schools, had all the right connections, the one that you could hardly believe was talking to you!?! But incredulously he was… Wow, thought you— “WHAT A CATCH!” He was smooth as silk, elegantly dressed; he knew all the right things to say— and he said them with perfect syntax!!! When he asked for your biz card, you almost fell off your Manolos as you fumbled through your purse trying to find one without make-up smudges on it… “OMG,” said you, as you told your girlfriend the next day, “I have a really great date on Saturday with this incredible guy, I just hope that I didn’t have a piece of lettuce stuck in my teeth; I couldn’t stop smiling. It was such a connection… WOW…”

Well Saturday night came, you strapped on those hot new Louboutin sandals that you forwent 3.5 months of lunches (and many dinners) to afford… you made it to the that new “IT” place (how in the name of Hell was he was able to get a reservation) just on time to run to the Ladies’ to touch up your lipstick. You made your best entrance into the bar area (no lettuce in your teeth to be sure), but no dude. You waited for an hour… checking your mobile every few minutes, maybe he’s tied up… After your third Cosmo, you finally admitted the worst. He’s a NO show— you’re stood up. This smooth-as-silk guy was a gorgeously shiny package with all the righteously right rhetoric. Sadly, this beautifully appointed Bad Boy just didn’t have the substance or the soul to back it all up.

It isn’t even a good analogy. A better analogy is that your girlfriend was supposed to give you a ride to your date but she lost her job and had her car repossessed. Is Hillary Clinton the candidate for the white working class or the candidate for the Manolo-wearing Cosmo-sipping Sex-in-the-City set?

Look, I’m all for nursing grudges but I don’t delude myself that you can build political movements based on them. You want to throw Howard Dean out? Barack Obama just retained him as chair and he’s adopted his 50-state strategy as his own. You want to change how the primaries function? Guess what…the party is about to be filled with Obama acolytes, and they are masters at understanding the rules.

Today is supposed to be party unity day, or something. I don’t really care. I’ll debate someone that thinks the Democratic Leadership Council has the right values and the right electoral strategy. I’ll debate someone that thinks MoveOn.org is too far to the left. But I won’t debate someone who compares losing the primary to getting stuck sipping Cosmos in their Louboutin sandals without a date.