Each and every bomb dropped from a plane or grenade shell launched, maims or kills people. Many are killed as a result of “collateral damage” in the War on Terror after the 9/11 attacks … name all the countries where US and coalition forces have operated – war “theater.” Later the Arab Spring led to western powers and the GCC nations to supply arms and mercenaries to overthrow sitting government for self-interest and a power grab for their state. All pictures and videos are horrific, victims of war provides an opportunity for propaganda. In Syria it’s use is not for peace, but to attract more young men and women to the battle field. Syria Direct and the Nabaa Media Foundation appears to be such an outfit. See also twitter account Syria Direct.

A letter from Limar

Limar al-Taani, 3 years, was killed with her family Saturday Nov. 21, 2015, in Daraa, Syria, by the Russian jets’ bombing of their house …

See also #talkislam

Name Limar Mirzo al-Teani
Age 8
Family Status  
Area Dam Road neighborhood
Video of the martyr www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsEg5jH_VZI&feature=youtu.be  
Generic Video www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7UunBPpaXE  

Daraa activists call on rebels to complete ‘liberation’ of the city

Civilians in liberated areas of Daraa city took to the streets in protest on Saturday, condemning the “feebleness” of rebel leaders and imploring them to liberate the rest of the city, displaying messages decrying the disconnectedness of rebel leaders from the people, in pictures published by the local Nabaa Media Foundation.

“You spent your meetings drinking cola and eating apples, where is your religion?” read one protestor’s sign.

Activists and civilians also accused rebel leaders of being “agents of foreign intelligence services,” and reminded them of the daily barrel bombings they are exposed to, reported the Nabaa Media Foundation.  

Rebel Fighters Seize Golan Heights Border Crossing

Syrian media activists documented the seizure of the Quneitra crossing point situated on the Syrian border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The crossing was seized from the Syrian government by Islamist militant group al-Nusra Front on Wednesday, August 27. Forty-three United Nations peacekeepers were detained by militant groups as the fighting unfolded. Credit: YouTube/Nabaa Media Foundation