Barack and Michelle Obama went to Manhattan tonight to see a Broadway play.
The Obamas plan to attend the 8 p.m. performance of “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone,” a critically acclaimed production that has been nominated for six Tony Awards, including best revival of a play.
Set in a Pittsburgh boarding house in 1911, “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone” centers on a group of African-Americans searching for their place in the world and coming to grips with the legacy of slavery.
They traveled there in a 12-passenger Air Force Gulfstream V (C-37A). Here’s the Republican response:
“As President Obama prepares to wing into Manhattan’s theater district on Air Force One to take in a Broadway show, GM is preparing to file bankruptcy and families across America continue to struggle to pay their bills,” RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho said in an email this afternoon.
That’s not all from Gitcho. She then added a snitty, “Have a great Saturday evening — even if you’re not jetting off somewhere at taxpayer expense.”
It’s not like New Orleans is drowning.
sheesh. Just because George and Laura were the third most boring couple on the face of the earth doesn’t mean every first couple has to stay home and watch tv on saturday night.
The truly funny part is if Barack and Michelle Obama announced they were going to stay home this weekend, Gail Gitcho here would be scolding them anyway with “President Obama can spend trillions of dollars, but not on America’s small businesses. When will this Beltway President come out of DC?”
This is pitiful. Wonder how much all those flights to Crawford cost. Also, I assume Barack is paying for the theater tickets and restaurant himself out of the salary we pay him. A person can spend their paycheck the way they want. not like he has so many opportunities to spend $$$ on his family.
Umm – that’s a good argument about paying for the theatre tickets and the restaurant, but it kinda falls down when it comes to the Gulfstream V flight from Washington to NYC, not to mention the motorcades.
Let’s face it, nobody should be bashful about the fact that since the invasion of Iraq (if not before) the American President is always going to need special protection.
I gotta say .. the RNC has taken the WATB thing to a high art .. Jeebus .. and they really think they are gonna score points with this? .. I can’t wait to hear what Boss Limbaugh has to say Monday about this .. I am sure he’ll gin up the faux outrage
And how do they think George the magnificent W got to Crawford for all those vacations — hitchiking?
they are some petty mofos.
plain and simple.
Hey repugs, it’s called Culture. Get it? Get some of it. Yes, that’s right, with a big C.
Where they come from, kultur starts with a ‘K’.
Poor Gail. She has to grind out those stupid emails for modest wages at the RNC because Human Events already has subsidized idiot posing as a best-selling author.
It’s not the travel or the expense the GOP is aiming at. They want to create talk in the media so people pay attention to what show the Obama’s flew all the way to NY to see.
This is what they are.. all the way from ‘OMG! He only chooses people of color for the Supreme Court!’ to ‘OMG! look at the show he saw on Broadway! People of color!’
They will pick on this and pick on it, for four long years. Don’t underestimate how this can resonate with many Americans. If the GOP can get the media to pick up this meme (and the media is predisposed to do so) full time they WILL make head way with it.
This is the path the GOP has chosen. To convince the nation that the Obama’s are ‘different’, and protect ‘their own’.
still makes me twitch. She and the rest were fucking FIRED that day, the day they let New Orleans be raped.