The above is a Yahoo News headline. Read the story from which it comes.
As a further reminder of what I have been saying here for quite some time now, read this comment I made on my own post here in early March:
I took a little (working) mini-vacation early this week. By car. Traveled west from NYC through the great state of New Jersey (You know, the one that elected Chris Christie?) into rural eastern PA, then up through “The Endless Mountains”…that’s what PA calls them…into the southern tier of western NY state, right on up to Rochester and then back southeast again to Ithaca (a little haven of safety) and further through what I call the Badlands of rural NY state on into the Paterson NJ area and then further (Safe at last!!!) my own bastion of (somewhat) sanity, the working class West Bronx. I stopped for gas, stopped for food, stopped just to stop. And…I left my radio (AM and FM) on through the long treks. Here’s what I heard and saw. (Felt actually, as much as anything.)
Trump gonna take about 80% of that trek no matter who opposes him.
It’s a big U.S., but it ain’t that much different from the lands through which I traveled. Different weather, same socio-economic groups in about the same percentages. It’s all connected by the media, by the internet.
Watch. (Watch out, actually!!!)
The AM listeners are totally pissed off!!! Politically, morally, economically, in terms of so-called “religion”…pissed off like a mothertrucker!!!
The FM listeners?
About 35% of them are listening to country music. (Read “complaint” music.) Maybe 10% are listening to truly lame “PBS”-style shit, all the rest are listening to almost totally sexualized, drug-laden, totally non-political travesty music produced by robots. They’re not even listening to sports talk.(Too mixed-race in terms of content is my theory.)
Who do you think is coming out to vote this November?
You got it.
The pissed-off ones.
And they are voting for Trump.
I tol’ ya!!!
This should be a wake-up call for ALL HRC supporters. Many polls suggest that Sanders beats Trump nationwide much more handily than does HRC. I believe this to be true, not because the polls say it is true but rather because it makes sense!!!
I have been saying here for years that presidential elections hang on the undecideds, that the non-straight ticket voters are the ones who determine the outcome, and that the straight ticket DemRat and RatPub voters essentially cancel each other out, nationwide. The so-called “undecideds” have decided at least this much…they are through with the Permanent Government as it now stands and they are through with its candidates. Why? Because it is quite obviously working very badly and threatens to work even worse in the near future. Total collapse-worse, maybe.
So…of the three front-runners, which one is carrying the PermaGov label stitched right onto her forehead?
HRC by a landslide!!!
A negative landslide against Trump.
At least Bernie has a fighting chance.
Against Trump?
Bet on it.
It has been my long time experience that there are more decent people in the world than not-so-decent. Many decent people will hold their nose and vote for the truly nasty-spirited Trump over HRC because they are feeling desperate about their current positions in the world, because they justifiably blame what I call the Permanent Government for this situation and believe that any change would be better than what is happening now. Understandably so. But given Bernie’s quite obvious, life-long “decency,” I further believe that many, many of them they would vote for him over Trump because…well, because they cannot imagine being comfortable in a room alone with Trump but would probably enjoy Bernie’s company for hours.
That’s why.
Before it’s too late.
a big band concert in the South Bronx now.
At the very least I’ll be spared any Trump-lovers.
Bet on it.
But will the Hillary voters stay home if Bernie wins the nomination?
No. They are lockstep Dems, most of them. They vote a straight ticket.
The so-called “black” vote? I dunno. If they really believe that the Clintons have been “good” for the black population and that Bernie will somehow not be good for it? Maybe. But how many? It’s a pretty dumb position, on both ends.
REALLY hope Cruz loses! Poll I heard today says Kasich beating Cruz for #2
Speaking of Hillary Clinton of all people:
Billion now at
The conservative group Judicial Watch has FOIAed documents of then Secretary of State Clinton related to the September 11 2012 attack in Benghazi which killed a U.S. ambassador and several CIA honchos. The documents prove that the Obama administration knew that the attack in Benghazi was part of an Al-Qaeda operation. Clinton and the Obama administration have publicly claimed the attack was in reaction to some anti-Muslim movie that was circling on the Internet.
Judicial Watch also got the release of Clinton’s email to her daughter Chelsea stating that an ‘al Quaeda-like group’ was responsible within an hour of publicly pushing the bogus story about the film. That kid knows more state secrets than Obama, I’d guess.
There’s some pretty long conclusion jumping going on in that post.
There has been some pretty long conclusion avoidance going on about that particular fuckup for years.
‘Bout time it got cleared up, don’cha think?
One way or another? Or perhaps a third way?
I do.
But I genuinely believe it was complicated. What was Stephens even doing in Benghasi? And what business was the CIA ‘annex’ engaged in?
My personal favourite theory is that the al-Qaeda affiliated warlord they were conducting drone attacks against got fed up and brought his column in to the city for revenge. Stephens presence perhaps a coincidence or not. But there are a number of loose ends here some of which might even be related to the Petreus departure. Pull threads carefully from a Hong Kong suit!
One thread at a time.
Including the ones marked “Hillary.”
What? You think the State Department, the CIA and the U.S. Military don’t share garments?
Hell…they often sleep in the same beds!!!
A thread marked “Hillary” at the outset might well have further markings as it is unwound.
Bet on it.
But there’s a murky line in there somewhere between us meddling for a good cause or not. It’s entirely plausible that the CIA were after some nearby bad guys with drones they were controlling from within Libya. That would certainly explain the existence of the ‘annex’. Is that a good or a bad thing?
If they were quietly collecting loose ManPADS that would be a good thing, right? But if they were sending them to Syria that would be bad? It gets messy and the boundaries unclear. Liberals always end up arguing over this kind of stuff.
Arthur, Maybe most people (whoever they are) might not want the episode to be cleared up. The emerging picture would be too painful to look at. Their worst fears will be confirmed, they feel that, so avoid the unpleasant experience. It had better remain ‘murky’ or whatever. We even now have a conspiracy theory which may be more substantial than the Saudis want to admit: a partially true conspiracy theory. Can you grasp the implications? I can’t. I’m more from they did or they didn’t school.
Yup. Indeterminacy theory applied to politics and raised to the nth power. Instead of a cat in Schroedinger’s closed box it’s a plot of some kind. And, there are multiple boxes for every plot.
“2000 presidential election”
“Iraq invasion runup”
Some are empty.
Some are full of disinfo.
And only one holds the truth of each matter.
The chances of opening any of them are relatively slight, and the chances of opening the one where the plot actually proves out are almost nil. Plus, there is so much noise about so many opened boxes that even if you were to luckily find and open the right one, getting the word out and having it believed by a sufficient number of people to actually do something about it is nearly impossible.
And that is the real conspiracy.
Bet on it.
My own take?
Once again, Cicero’s sentence about liars:
Trust none of them. They are almost all guilty of something or they would not be successful politicians.
See my sig for more on this.
My personal theory is that she lied at first because she is a liar and it’s second nature to lie. Nothing nefarious, just a liar who would rather lie than tell the truth. No Muslim plot to kill the ambassador. No secret urge to spill American blood. Just a tight situation, an unexpected emergency, so her instinct was hunker down and lie her way out. Be prepared for (hopefully only!) four years of that crap. Then a solid Red Wall from Sea to shining Sea as the Democratic “brand”, as the marketeers call it, is irrevocably tainted. Maybe a Socialist Party will emerge, but I doubt it. The USA will be a corrupt kleptocracy as Russia is. We’re 90% there already.
Three things about that post by b. First, he’s jumping off from his 9/12/12 hypothesis which was based on info that he saw that hasn’t been nailed down. Second, he’s using Judicial Watch as a reliable source. I don’t accord them that much respect and their 4/14/16 report is so poorly written that it’s suspect. Third, JW and b give a lot of weight to what HRC said to Egypt’s Kandil and Chelsea in the late hours of 9/11/12. She was guessing and I doubt she is in possession of enough information to quickly formulate an assessment and we know that her judgment sucks anyway.
They are all more or less faking it.
Business as usual for bureaucracies of all sorts.
The figureheads or those at the top more often than not. But all bureaucracies have just enough core competency (at least 20%) in the middle ranks. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t survive for more than a short period of time. A company like Enron is a good example. They grew so fast in their last decade that they’d outstripped the ranks of the required core competency. Once questions were raised and the top dogs went down, the dominoes fell swiftly.
What a curious justification. I’d be more inclined to think that their core competency was corruption until it couldn’t be covered up any more. Core competency is a neat idea which gives too little credit to the boss’s dictatorship. Only we little people believe in magic.