(This was originally written as a reply to comment by Heart of the Rockies on Booman’s recent post “The DCCC’s Fingers on the Scales.”(<http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2018/4/26/12454/2855#55>)


Heart of the Rockies wrote:

However, she isn’t the only promising candidate to have lost to Coffman. Several others have as well. I don’t understand why.  This district has a lot of immigrants from Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.  Also quite a few Hispanics.  Quite a bit of poverty. Perhaps they aren’t voting.  Or aren’t able to vote.

And I responded.

Read on.

A lot of immigrants from Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.?  Also quite a few Hispanics?  Quite a bit of poverty? Perhaps they aren’t voting?  Or aren’t able to vote?

Ya think!!!???

There is no “perhaps” here, given the “not voting/unable to vote” idea combined with not being asked to vote or effectively organized by the DC-controlled Democratic Party.


I really do get tired of trying to bring this up, but the leaderships of both the Republican and Democratic parties are still stuck somewhere in the ’50s/early’60s “white-middle-and-working-class-rules-the-electoral-scene” mindset that was in place when and where they grew up. On the contrary, we are rapidly heading towards…if we have not already arrived at…a “brownish” majority in this country.

The first party that:

A-Truly recognizes this fact at the top of their bureaucratic food chain


B-Manages to reach out to that burgeoning majority without totally alienating the “old” majority

will win national elections across the board.

Until then?

Same same.

Groundhog Day.

Over and over and over and over again.

The only change?

The two centrist parties will change places every few election cycles. One party will win and promise to “change” things. When they fail, the other party will win and run the same game. Like I said—over and over and over and over again. The names change at the top but the Permanent War Machine continues apace.

So it goes.



Heraclitus-“”Change is the only constant.”

Question from AG-“But what if that ‘change’ is only in outward appearance?”

Heraclitus (or possibly a stand-in)-“Eventually the Emperor’s revolving set of new clothes begin to tatter and fall off. Then…and only then…does real change begin.”

Q-Does Trump represent the tattered robes of this system as it has stood since the assassination years?

A-I believe so, myself. It’s quite plain to see. He is almost completely naked in his self-glory.

Q-But…who’s going to pick up the pieces?

A-Damned if I know.

Whoever wakes the fuck up enough to appeal to the real majority of this country. (Maybe “majorities” would be a better word.) Those people who…no matter what their ethnicities, economic situations, religions or genetically defined sexual preferences…want to be able to live and work here in peace.

I spend a lot of time in public places. It’s a given in NYC that people of all types generally coexist quite well on the streets and in stores, restaurants and public transportation etc. And it seems to me to be pretty much the same throughout the country. Yes, we have nutcases with guns shooting up various venues, but really…what are the chances of that happening in any Dunkin’ Donuts, Waffle House, diner or gas station/convenience store across the nation? Zilch, that’s what. Nada. Nearly nothing. Why? Because about 99.9% of the population just wants to be left the fuck alone to live as they want to live according to their culture and their talents.

That’s why.

And if that isn’t a “majority,” I don’t know what is.