The whole world can now let out a collective sigh of relief that poor Alex van der Zwaan will not have to serve so much prison time that he misses the August birth of his first child. Hallelujah! God is merciful. U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson is merciful too, and she will recommend that Mr. van der Zwaan serve his thirty-day sentence at the cushy white collar facility in Allenwood, Pennsylvania rather than at a halfway house or D.C. jail as is the normal custom with such short federal sentences. On the other hand, Judge Berman Jackson was in no mood to let van der Zwaan escape any incarceration.
One of van der Zwaan’s defense attorneys, William Schwartz, argued that leniency was appropriate given the impact of the episode on the Dutch attorney’s family and on his legal career. He is likely to lose his license as a solicitor in the United Kingdom, Schwartz said.
But Jackson was largely unmoved by those arguments, noting that van der Zwaan came from an upbringing of privilege and lacked any hardship that could have mitigated his actions.
Van der Zwaan is married to the daughter of a Ukrainian-Russian energy mogul, German Khan, whom Forbes ranks 138th on its list of billionaires, with a net worth of $9.3 billion.
“This glass was dropped on a very think carpet, which has cushioned him,” the judge said.
This son-in-law of a Russian oligarch lied to federal investigators about his contacts with a GRU military intelligence officer who worked for years in the offices of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. That’s not the only reason his law firm fired him, however. He seems to have actually worked for Russian intelligence himself.
Van der Zwaan was drawn into the saga in 2012 as his law firm prepared to release a report commissioned by Manafort and Gates for Ukraine’s Justice Ministry in a bid to defend then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who had jailed one of his most prominent political opponents, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko…
…The report was billed as an arms-length review of the circumstances surrounding Tymoshenko’s trial. However, Mueller’s team told [Judge] Jackson that, in the words of an unnamed witness, van der Zwaan had “gone native” and began communicating about the report with Gates, offering talking points for the Ukrainian government in advance of its release. The Dutch attorney also gave a draft copy of the report to a public relations firm working with Ukraine, contrary to instructions from senior attorneys at Skadden, prosecutors said.
In addition to that, he secretly recorded conversations with a senior law partner at the firm, so his future employment as a solicitor would be in doubt even without this conviction on his record.
Robert Mueller is relieved to have a thirty day sentence here because it sends a message to anyone else who is thinking of lying to his prosecutors. And even he was merciful since his team told the judge that they had no problem with a sentence that would be light enough to assure that van der Zwaan would be home in time for the birth of his child.
A mere slap on the wrist.
Here’s what happened to Martha Stewart. But then she apparently didn’t have to pay a $20k fine, like van der Zwaan did. Hardly a deterrent given his father in law’s billions. From Wikipedia.
“Stewart was found guilty in March 2004 of felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators, and was sentenced in July 2004 to serve a five-month term in a federal correctional facility and a two-year period of supervised release (to include five months of electronic monitoring).”
Seth Abramson: “This is a good reminder that federal sentencing is more draconian than state sentencing. It is very hard for a first-time nonviolent offender to get jail or prison time, even “just” a month, in most states.”
Five months was a gift.
And now that van der Zwaan has received his early Christmas present, it will be interesting what he gave Mueller by way of consideration.
Well, he’s just hoping he doesn’t have a neurotoxin smeared on his doorknob when he gets home.
The billionaire father-in-law is the most interesting part. German Khan, with his ties to Rosneft, Alfa Bank (remembering the Trump Tower server that transacted with Alfa Bank) and maybe even Cambridge Analytica.
At 33, the kid was in way over his head and probably helped Mueller’s team connect more dots than he helped Manafort & Gates.
WTF ….33 year old … KID?
If Mueller wants to really stick it to van der Zwaan, he could release a statement implying that he had provided a cornucopia of useful information in return for his lenient sentence.
Would make for an interesting homecoming, no?
No need for that. Putin already knows what der Zwaan told Mueller. Mueller is watching the donald. Will Putin demand a pardon?
I think Mueller should not have been merciful and should have instead sought to make van der Zwaan miss the birth of his child.
I will be more interested to see what mercy Mueller extends to those who fight him every step of the way. Van der Zwaan was smart enough to know when Mueller had him dead to rights and folded. Someone like Roger Stone would be better test case.
Manafort himself is not cooperating.
Latest developments in the Manafort case.
Manafort is toast.