The situation in Iraq can be summed up with the following.
1). The United States is now at war with the Shiites (who they put in power) and the Sunnis. The Iraqi government cannot be formed as long as there is US presence and will probably never be formed from the elements that it is currently composed of. The government will not form, but the military elements are coalescing from both Shiite and Sunni blocks to fight the United States.
2). The largely Shiite Iraqi army is about to disintegrate completely and parts will simply disband and other parts become part of Iraqi Shiite militias fighting the US..
3). The United States attempt to provoke civil war has backed fired. The Shiite and Sunni groups will temporarily focus on the expulsion of the Americans from Iraq before resuming their war with each other.
4). The United States military is actively engaging in “Black Ops” against Shiites and killing many innocent people intentionally in order to provoke civil war.
5). The United States is trying to Kill Moqtada al-Sadr leader of the Mahdi army who it disingenuosly blames for “torture” of Sunnis. This has backfired as well with Sadr being joined by other militias to fight the United States.
6). The United States will probably try to assassinate Jaafari and blame it on ” sectarian tensions”. The attempt by the United States to remove Jaafari has backfired, resulting in a strengthening of his position and a weakening and exposure of how vulnerable the United States is in Iraq. The United States is virtually powerless in Iraq..
7). The impetus for an invasion of Iran despite Bush’s domestic problems and poll numbers is largely increased by the chaos of his policies in Iraq as the strategic benefits for Iran from Iraqi chaos (and the resultant exposure of American weakness and vulnerability) are too mighty for the Bush administration to bear. They will be impelled to attack by air and damage the Iranian economy and military so as to lessen it’s focus and ability to concentrate on controlling southern Iraq. This can only fail and damage the world economy.
8). The United States is trying to form alliances with Sunni Insurgents to fight the Shiites. This switching of sides is not working out. The attempt to switch sides is simply being used by Sunnis on a case by case basis to their own advantage. The United States is being played like a fool.
9). The United States military is intentionally committing “Mai Lai” atrocities in Iraq for two reasons: 1). To create chaos between Sunnis and Shiites. 2). It’s just something they happen to do from time to time. It is very common and goes unreported.
10). The violence in Iraq is about to increase to never before seen proportions from all sides due to circumstance and due to American elections.
This situation is bad, bad, bad and deteriorating. It’s not getting any coverage either. Thanks for this diary. The worst thing about relying on disinformation campaigns (Rummy-) is that it can be turned and in cases like this, it’s impossible to tell who to believe. If the latest mosque story is true, it’s not acceptable. If it’s not true, most of the world won’t believe it anyway. The battle for Baghdad is evidently underway.
It seems that there is no end to how they are screwing everything up.
They don’t understand anything. It’s like being lost at night in a car in a foreign country and you have no idea where you are, it’s rainy heavily and instead of driving slow, cautiously they step on the gas and hope for the best. Tha’ts Bush.
They seem to stop and beat the hell out of the pedestrians too, as if that’s the cause of being lost.
What’s your opinion of the latest mosque catastrophe? Any idea which side to believe?
I don’t think it matters, myself. I think that the point here is that the Shiites are now fighting the Americans. Either the Americans killed these people or the Shiites made it look that way. The point is the Americans and the Shiites are at war with each other.
Since the Amry has been purged of most Sunnis and is mostly Shiite those that are committed in the army and not just there for a paycheck will leave. My impression is that the Iraqi Army is a big mess as far as it’s focus goes. Nobody is there to “defend” the homeland. They are there for all kinds of reasons, none of which have anything to do with American Interests.
It’s a big mess and I don’t think it can be cleaned up, so the U.S. should do everybody a favor and stop vomiting all over the place and leave.
America is incompetent. When the leader is incompetent, the whole country is incompetent.
So much is being done now…even the port mess…that will have repercussions that are on thier way economically especially.
I don’t believe there are any terrorists who pose any threat to the US. Not a real threat.
What is really disturbing is the fact that the U.S. government has a history of plotting and planning to kill it’s own citizens for purposes of influencing them. Here’s a documented case…Operation Northwoods with declassified files presented by the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff with a plan to kill Americans so they will support a war on Castro.
Here’s a link to a fascinating video on the same subject. It seems a lot of paranoid people run the world.
If it happened then, it is happening now.
I think that one is just one of too damn many similar incidents. It’s compounded when the coverup lies justify more deaths and then thos require more coverup lies. WTC 93 trial transcripts show agency informants/controls double-crossing both sides and some how, another preventable attack succeeded. Testimony shows the controlled operative asked for inert materials, as previously agreed, to build the weapon. Again, one agent blocked another and the attack succeeded, despite the plan. Lockerbie’s tragedy is shown to be the assasination of DEA agents who had uncovered an agency’s involvement in drug rings to finance more covert terrorism. 9/11 looks to be just more of the same.
though few Americans are aware of it, due to the patriotism of the US corporate media, who make the necessary sacrifices of any journalistic integrity they may have ever had, to show their Resolve to do their part to Prevail over the Enemy that Lurks and hates freedom.
This is ironic, since Mr. Danger himself has long touted himself as being a “uniter.”
In reality, one might see the same cooperation, albeit temporary, between Catholics and Protestants were Malaysia, for instance, or Belgium, to decide one day to invade and occupy Ireland.