They just won’t stop hating America (via Raw Story):
Statement Regarding Pentagon’s Alleged Deception
August 4, 2006
Mandate of the 9/11 Commission
The 9/11 Independent Commission was established by law to “… ascertain, evaluate, and report on the evidence developed by all relevant governmental agencies regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the attacks;…“make a full and complete accounting of the circumstances surrounding the attacks, and the extent of the United States’ preparedness for, and immediate response to, the attacks…”
Recent stories in the Washington Post, the New York Times, as well as the release of the transcripts of the NORAD tapes in Vanity Fair, clearly show that the 9/11 Commission failed in its duties.
According to current reports, the Commission knew that it had been deceived by NORAD. In May 2003, representatives of NORAD testified, in full regalia, before the 9/11 Commission equipped with an easel and visual aids to highlight NORAD’s timeline for the day of 9/11. In June 2004, NORAD testified again, changing its previous testimony. The new timeline blamed the lack of military response on late notification by the FAA.
The Commissioners never determined or explained why there was a discrepancy between the two sets of testimonies. Governor Kean is quoted in the Washington Post article as saying “we, to this day don’t know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth … It’s one of those loose ends that never got tied”.
The fact that the Commission did not see fit to tie up all loose ends in their final report or to hold those who came before them accountable for lying and/or making misleading statements puts into question the veracity of the entire Commission’s report. Individuals who came before the Commission to testify, after NORAD’s appearance, had no reason to state the truth. It was abundantly clear that there would be no repercussions for any misrepresentations.
Furthermore, the lack of tenacity and curiosity, by the Commissioners themselves, to determine why NORAD had deceived them is unconscionable. Knowing full well that the lack of military response was such a critical failure, begs the question of whether that same lack of tenacity and curiosity was applied to other critical areas of the 9/11 investigation.
We fought to establish the 9/11 Independent Commission because we believed that American citizens would be better served if our nation’s vulnerabilities were uncovered and then fixed.
Unfortunately, once again the failure to fully and properly investigate all areas, not follow all leads and not address the need for accountability, whether it be bureaucrats lying at a hearing or personnel with questionable performance of assigned duties, continues to leave this Nation and its citizens vulnerable and at risk.
The 9/11 Commission was derelict in its duties. What we needed from them was a thorough investigation into the events of September 11th.
Inexcusably, five years later, we still do.
Patty Casazza
Monica Gabrielle
Mindy Kleinberg
Lorie Van Auken
No doubt Ann will announce that these women were having affairs with Mohammed Atta and the other 911 terrorists. How else to explain their treasonous statements about our noble military leaders and the honorable 911 Commissioners?
Ask me if I am stunned or not. No, not really. Just look at who was on the commission, and that will tell you volumes, of why. I bet the commission did not think America was smart enough to follow the leads themselves and find out the truth of the matter. Thanks to Vanity Fair, we now know the truth of this one matter. It will all come crumbling down sooner, rather than later, I believe. Why else do you think bush and his cronies are making matters worse for the world and the lives of millions. It is to make us unable to confront the reality of things they have done from the very get go and years before. I am not wearing a tin foil hat when I say this. All I am doing is looking truth in the face and boy do I not like it one bit. The truth does hurt when confronted, honestly and forth-rightfully. It always has hurt. But for our survival sake we must face it and do something to correct the fact that we do have criminals running the cop shop, or the lunatics running the asylum. It is just that obvious, to me, anyhow. To me this has and always has been a set up job…a frame, if you must. So we have to jerk us back to reality and get the straight of things and go onward so as to never let this happen ever again.
Yes dearest ann will do her best to make a little money over this revelation…has she ever let anything stop her? She one of the lunatics in the asylum, is she not? She is just one of many. They will never stop for they are truly dimer than shit with only a twinkle of light in the light-bulb. All of their elevators do not really come to the top! They are actually serious nut jobs, even if it is jut for entertainment for which they do this. I think it is coming apart at the seams…every little bit of it. Once we find out that our government was part of the scheme of things, boy will shit hit the fan then..
the Jersey girls rock. And for all the accomplished they got one hell of a lousy report. The Warren Commission Report stands up incredibly well in comparison.
The 9/11 Report didn’t even address the most pressing questions, like insider trading and the nature of Jordanian, Russian, and other governmental warnings.
They never explained what Condi Rice knew and what she told the President when she talked to him between WTC1 and WTC2 and before he started reading My Pet Goat.
They never explained how the President watched the first plane fly into the building, by his own account (twice), before he went into the classroom.
They didn’t even mention the collapse of WTC7, which still has no governmental explanation.
It’s no wonder that conspiracy theories abound. They abound because the report is so thin and so inadequate.
What could Condi Rice possibly have known between the first and second hit?
It doesn’t surprise me that Bush “recalled” seeing the first plane. Reagan “recalled” all sorts of things that never even happened. And Bush is not more intelligent or less scatter-brained than Reagan.
I don’t know what to say about the report’s silence on WTC7.
Does the report say why Bush was ALLOWED, by the secret service, to sit in the classroom, like a sitting duck, for 7 minutes after the second plane hit? That one always confused me. I thought secret service guys got POTUS ass to safety at the first indication of danger. It’s like their job.
it was a lot longer than seven minutes.
If you are interested, I wrote an article (.pdf) about it.
Great aticle, if that’s the same one you shared a while back.
Ya know, we really have no idea what Card whispered into GWB’s ear that morning. He might have told him he couldn’t get the Cocoa Puffs for the AF1 brunch. He might’ve confirmed that there was indeed a planned ass-attempt on GWB planned for earlier that morning.
Glad you beat me to this – I was going to put this up too.
What really gets me is that some people who now see clearly the Warren Report was a political document, i.e., a very fancy set of lies, think the 9/11 report was truthful and honest and well done. They just don’t get that the Kennedy case was not an isolated aberration, but an all too common instance.
Any time the government sets up a “commission” to “investigate” anything, I know that while, under the hood, a serious investigation is likely taking place, if the truth is unpleasant, it will not be presented. We have to pry the truth from our government through law suits, legal cases, and sometimes, direct action. I think to this day we would have had no proof that COINTELPRO ops were ever conducted by the FBI had not activists literally broken into the FBI’s offices and stolen the files.
How long will we have to wait to see the secret files from the 9/11 commission? Will a next-generation Oliver Stone have to do a film for us to get those files opened?
I am so grateful there are family members who use their grief to fuel action that may yet save our country. These woman are the true patriots, unlike those who continue to keep what happened from them.
I don’t know what happened. But I know the official story is as holeful as Swiss cheese.
Lisa, I personally think of it this way, if I were sitting on a jury trying to figure out who is honest and who is not honest in giving testimony to a crime and then trying to figure out how to vote for a guilty or not guilty position, then it comes down to the fact of hearing the real facts instead of what one side or the other wants you to hear, and how they present it to you, to hear.
Yes, I think the commission wanted us, john and mary q public, to hear only that which they wanted us to hear, not considering that we already had some evidence from research and what-not, that might sway our thinking on things. I remember when the jersey girls went to make a statement in the beginning of this— getting the commission started— the things they personally wanted to know about, they ppl sitting on the commission was amazed as to how much they already knew and where they got there info. Just amazing, in fact, and the response they got too.
This tells me volumes of how ppl think of others views of/on things. Since it is evident they knew things that they did not report, then what other things do they know that they did not report. I am very concerned as to the evidence presented before the ppl. I want to know the evidence that bush and cheney themselves gave…we heard nothing, nada, about that, and if they did publish it I missed it. I want to know that clinton himself said..since a lot was given behind closed doors, this tells me that things were with-held from us as the public that we have a right to know. I can tell you there was lots online out there, that was thought as conspiracy theories, that have since been proven actual. This is truly, a sad realization that we as a nation can not hear or know about. Actually the world as a whole should know. The world had citizens lost in this incident. This is why I feel that the government with-holds lots from us that shouldn’t be with-held.
As far as Kennedy’s death, I had my mind made up way beck when, when I was much younger as to what really went down. I was int eh military then and I could see then that things were not right…just that something was not right and upon looking into things now that I have a way to get information, I see I was not far off. Not that I knew particular things, but it does not take a rocket scientist to figure things out. It is sortta like a wife knows when her husband is cheating on her…she cant place her finger on specific evidence at the time, but just knows..then upon investigation, finds out the truth. It is that questioning that brings to light the truth of the matter…no matter what you want that truth to show it is the truth anyhow no matter how you see it.
I found your diary about the 9/11 information you recently posted a remarkable finding of some facts and how we interpret those facts on a whole.
I want to say on more time here in front of everyone, I come here to learn. I come here to take off on my own investigation of things from your links and from what links I already have and from that I draw my own conclusions. If presented to a jury what would it show..that is where we all need to be thinking and presenting our ideas..
Thanks more than you will ever know for all your hear work and knowledge on things…just everything…and to the others too…many hugs for this…
Thanks so much, for all of that, Brenda. Much appreciated.
And YES, YES. If people realized what the government already knew, and kept from them re BOTH Kennedy assassinations, I really do think there’d be protests in the streets. Looking at the raw files, seeing who knew what when, and what they did about it, it’s not just shocking, it’s disturbing. Intensely.
If we could fix the media and our vote, I truly believe all the rest would fall into place. Sadly, the elite recognize this as well, which is why they have gone to great lengths to marginalize the Internet, to play up Network and now cable news, and to decry any who cross official storylines….
But again, thank you. I feel your hugs from here, and they are MOST welcome.
Jeff Wells has another great post summarizing the recent articles re 9/11 over at his must-read blog, Rigorous Intuition. I love his writing, his point of view, and the imagery he weaves. Here’s a clip, but do yourself a favor and read the whole thing:
“This Is War”
by Ann Coulter, September 12, 2001 – video