I have some busy times coming up. I’ll be in Las Vegas from June 8th to June 11th for Yearly Kos only to turn around and hop on a train the morning of June 12th and head for D.C. and a three day conference at the Hinckley Hotel called Take America Back 2006. I am very interested to see how the conferences differ from each other.
In some ways the conferences will be similar. For example, Harry Reid will speak at both of them. But there will be a world of difference between a blog-based conference in Sin City and a traditional activist-based conference held in the District. For one thing, the D.C. conference will feature Robert Redford, and a lot more politicians (like Feingold, Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gary Hart, and John Conyers). The Take America Back conference will not be ignoring the blog world. Matt Stoller, Chris Rabb, and David Sirota are scheduled to speak, and there will be a Bloggers Blvd. for those of us that want to cover the events as they unfold.
As for Yearly Kos, Matt Bai has a piece on it in the upcoming New York Times Magazine:
Las Vegas, as the ad campaign likes to remind us, is a place people go to untether themselves from reality β to become, if only for a weekend, anonymous and uncensored. It’s odd, then, that Vegas is about to play host to a gathering of ordinary Americans whose objective is precisely the reverse. Next week, 1,000 devotees of the liberal blogging universe β people who know one another only as pseudonyms on a screen, connected by only their running commentaries β will descend on the Riviera Hotel in hopes of affixing names and faces to their online personas. The event has been dubbed the YearlyKos convention, and it is the first-ever corporeal assemblage of the bloggers at the Web site Dailykos.com. These are the people who are said to be changing the very nature of American politics, transforming the old smoke-filled room of insiders into an expansive chat room for anyone who wants in. And so it’s not surprising that Democratic luminaries like the party’s chairman, Howard Dean, and its leaders in Congress, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, have arranged their schedules to address the convention, along with at least a few 2008 presidential contenders. No small contingent of political professionals and journalists will show up as well. (I myself will sit on a panel about political journalism, which is kind of like being the Dunkin’ Donuts spokesman at a cardiologists’ convention.)
There will be a lot of bloggers out in Vegas. I’ll finally get to meet Jerome a Paris in the flesh, and that goes for a lot of other people I regularly exchange e-mail with, too. Ambassador Joe Wilson will be there, and so will Larry Johnson (if his trip to Iraq doesn’t get extended). I hear Wesley Clark and Governor Mark Warner are going to be throwing big parties. I like parties. But, I’m going to make sure I find the time to play me some craps.
How many of you will be able to attend one of the conferences?
He must have missed the Pie Wars, or the “election crazy’s”, or the “conspiracy theorists” purges… so perhaps it should have read: anyone who the new “insiders” decide to keep around.
Sarcasm aside, it should be a good convention… lots of interesting speakers fer sure. Wish I could make it (or any of the meet ups/ conventions).
My convention attendance these days is limited to marketing and ad conventions in Tdot.
I hope that people don’t let their (poosible) antipathy for Daily Kos cloud their judgment about this convention. It will have Tribbers and Atriots and MyDDers and EuroTribbers and Firedoglakers and C&Lers, and many other people. It’s a blogging convention more than anything specific to Daily Kos. And anyone that pays the registration fee is welcome.
I admit when it was first proposed I was hesitant, but with all the great sessions, speakers and folks attending it should be a good blogging meet up.
Like I said, wish I could make it, but my finances don’t allow a trip to Vegas at this point… barely even allow a trip to Starbucks π
Have fun and don’t lose your shirt at craps… you’ll have pieces on both conventions when you get back right?
Ah, well — that definitely counts me out (let alone travel expenses)!
In all seriousness, though — not that a threadbare purse isn’t serious — I’m sincerely looking forward to hearing about these events from you, BooMan.
In a kinder world (in which I have a fairy godmother), I’d definitely attend at least one of them, if not both. However, I’ll definitely be along in spirit. Look for the vaporous vision with the spring leaves between her toes.
OOOOOHHHHH, I wish I could.
I would LOVE to meet DHinMI in the flesh.
We would have a NICE talk!!!
It would be good to meet Mr. Kos as well. I would like to tell him to his face how wrong his tactics have been and how they are going to turn around and bite the goals that I believe he truly espouses right in their well-meaning ass over the next ten years.
Not that anything I say would change his mind. I’ve already tried that. Just so that on that dark night of the soul when it all comes clear to him…the fact he was co-opted right from from the start, damned near…he will realize the depth of his error.
He’ll only be in his 40s then…plenty of time to change.
With regard to meeting Markos, AG, your vision’s a bit more sophisticated than mine, in terms of attempts to engage in productive dialogue. Mine are a bit simpler & tend to involve a cream pie.
Markos told me that he was greeted with pies in Denver.
Did the result involve dry-cleaning?
I didn’t get the impression that they threw them at him. They just presented them to him. But we didn’t get into a lot of detail, so I could be wrong.
Just as well, perhaps.
In any case, I hope your toe’s healed sufficiently by the time you’re on the road for you to get around comfortably (if it hasn’t already).
Thank you. My toe is starting to feel better. I was just thinking about that, as a matter of fact.
Glad to hear there’s some improvement, BooMan. I’d say treat it as nicely as you can (though it’s hard to say ‘don’t walk’) & it should return the favor soon enough.
If you think there’s been a fracture & you do herbal medicine, you might try some tincture of Boneset. The herb does what the name implies & should help your healing along.
No kidding???
But good… Heh.
Markos was just in Manhattan and Hoboken last week. You should have made the trip.
Unfortunately…I did not know.
And there will be no pies involved.
Only words and ideas.
Unless of course by that time he has a phalanx of physical minders keeping the hoi polloi at bay the way as do his virtual bodyguards on dKos.
The Times didn’t “miss” those things, spiderleaf.
DKos-the Small k Kerry of left wing blogs.
Left Wing Lite.
Tastes Great.
Less Filling.
PERFECT for the NY Times.
Kossacks got the “ordinary American” appellation in Bai’s piece. (As distinguished from, say, “crazed Bush-hating extremist computer nerds”).
Not a good sign.
Hmm — I remember a day when Denny Hastert, iirc, was calling Kossacks the crazed Bush-hating extremists. Or was it ‘terrorist sympathizers’?
We all know the two terms are synonymous anyway, or at least coextensive.
All this means is that the PermaKos has been successful in centrizing
the blog.
Reframing it.
Using Ratpub techniques in the service of democreacy.
“Tain’t Whatcha do it’s the way ‘Atcha Do It”
Trummy Young with the Jimmy Luncefored band, eaqrly 1930s.
Essentially regressive manipulation techniqueswill not work for progressive causes.
The medium IS the message.
A regressively framed and censored blog that speaks of freedom and reform.
Where is the REAL message?
It is in the months and years of framing.
NOT in the remaining, watered-down contents.
Freedom Lite Don’t make it.
Less taste.
More filling.
Not good for whom?
Good for the PermaKos.
BET on it.
What I was tersely trying to suggest is that once they see fit to bestow that sinister pseudo-honorific “ordinary American” on you, it’s a sign that what you offer is, at best, what Harlan Ellison called “defanged dissent.”
I repeat, at best. At worst…well, I could just paste in everything you’ve already said, Arthur.
In any case, anything but a threat to the powers that be.
And it’s not a good sign for those who still entertain (or even nurture) hopes for the Kos site’s being some kind of engine of change.
I look forward to your postings on both conferences.
I must comment that I disagree with which place is Sin City π
Truer words…
Sadly I can’t make it to the DKos convention. It would be fun, but my kids are still in school, my finances are stretched thin already, and I’ve already met Mary Scott O’Connor last September. ;0)
Seriously I’d love to go and kvetch with all the other contributors here and elsewhwere, but it isn’t in the cards. Maybe next year.
I’d love to meet you in DC, if you’re up to it. I’m nosy as hell and would love to put a face with a name.
Maybe I can get my hands on a couple of dinner tickets…
I have been so focused on the Vegas trip that I haven’t even thought about the DC one (which I only decided to attend yesterday). I’ll be staying at my bro’s house, but I can probably meet-up with people one of the nights. Tuesday night would probably be best. Maybe someone can get proactive about it, since I have a lot on my plate. But I’d love to meet-up with you and any other people in the area.
Maybe someone can get proactive about it, since I have a lot on my plate.
Hint, hint!! :<) Oh geeze…my plate runneth over, but oh well. Let’s do it.
So…what’s your pleasure? This would be on Tues, 6/13, yes? Do you want to hang out in the DuPont Circle area (which incidentally, I seem to only visit when going to either the Hinkley Hilton or Bistro Du Coin) or some place closer to your brother (you can e-mail me privately re: what’s the closest Metro, etc.). In fact, you should e-mail me privately so I can get your availability, how long you want to hang out, etc.
Where are the DC BooTribbers?! Let’s come out and hang out with the Booman himself!
Speaking of Carnacki, are you coming to Baltimore on Saturday? π
Dammit, that’s this weekend?! I totally forgot! I don’t think I can make it because I have to go home. Damn.
we picked Baltimore just for you, didn’t we? π
The details are here, just in case your plans change.
OK, that’s just a little joke. But I feel like crap all the same. Shit. I have to work and then I have to go to our parents’. My MIL has been VERY sick and we go home every other wknd (Used to be every wknd) Let me check out the details–maybe I can still squeeze something out.
Yeah, the 13th. My bro is in the northwest, but that isn’t that important. DuPont Circle is fine.
As long as it’s Metro accessible!
YearlyKos is my first actual ‘doing something’… aside from commenting, speaking out, emailing, phone calling, etc. I volunteered and will be co-running the registration table there. I’m a shy person by nature, but I need to do this. It’s kind of my springboard into getting involved locally for me. Be sure to say hello! π
Cool. Will you be wearing a sticker that says ‘Hello, My Name Is Shermanesque’?
Most likely. Plus, I’ll be working with a guy in a kilt. Don’t ask… π
Well, since I have to register, it sounds quite likely that I will be able to spot you. The kilt should be a dead giveaway.
Decided it’s more important to work on my relationship with the spouse, especially as he’s turning 50 in June…perhaps next year (especially if we can do Chicago which we love).
Note: Air America will be present; Majority Report is broadcasting live from yKos on Thursday and Friday, so spouse and I will be listening while we’re packing.
Have a great time…I’ll at least be able to monitor the blogs in Seattle; might be problematical at sea…
I’ll be at ykos.
I’m joining the fence-sitter clique wrt YearlyKos, I’m seriously considering it but haven’t decided yet. If I do go, you’ll know me by the mariachi traje and sombrero (kidding)
Manny, you should go. You are fairly nearby, no? How far by car?
an 8 hour drive but it’s through the desert so I would rather fly. I’m looking up flight info, if I can get a good rate I’ll see what I can do to party….er meet with you all.
Oh, come Manny…I’m even going, and we missed you in DC last fall!
The guilt burns! π
I’ll keep you posted, I gotta figure out how much spare change I have accumulated in the deep recesses of my couch so I can perform a miracle and make it multiply. Did you know they have slot machines at the Vegas airport? Dangerous stuff.
I’m registered to go to YKos but it’s still 50-50 that I’m going to get there due to some work considerations. I’ve already had to concede Thursday and move my arrival to Friday mid-morning. Hopefully it will work out.
I hope it works out- it would be great to see you there.
I will be at YearlyKos (Hi Shermanesqe!) and am looking forward to meeting and greeting all the blog glitterati.
You can spot me at the Street Prophets quilt raffle table.
…with the open-neck rayon shirt, several gold chains, and a pinkie ring.
I’ll be very easy to spot in Vegas.
Unfortunately…I did not know.
And there will be no pies involved.
Only words and ideas.
Unless of course by that time he has a phalanx of physical minders keeping the hoi polloi at bay the way as do his virtual bodyguards on dKos.
Posted this in the wrong place. Sorry.
I was considering it after I got over the pie war shit, but I cannot. My kid is in school and I since I filed for a divorce, I cannot leave the state. You’ll just have to blog it for us!