Back in December, I mentioned a protest I am planning with my local anti-war group. It was originally called the “March for Accountability” but is in the process of being re-named the “Picket for Peace.” Truth in labeling, I think, since we are really picketing rather than marching.
The ideas outlined in the diary linked above are still guiding our local protest. But I would very much like to see if we at the Booman Tribune can help to build a larger blog-organization, so that this same protest might be duplicated in a number of areas.
If you are interested, I would suggest the following:
- Recommend this diary, so we can get some shelf-life for discussion.
- Go back and read the linked diary, so you get an idea of the protest.
- Contribute your thoughts below.
- Volunteer to a) manage a local protest of the pro-war legislator’s office in your community, and/or b) help spread the word about this protest to the larger blogosphere so that we can have a blogging manager in every pro-war legislator’s district (but let’s wait on spreading he word until we have our ducks in a row here at the pond).
A couple of my own thoughts that go beyond the initial diary a bit. As far as a loose, blogger friendly management style for this really freaking big ass project, I might suggest something like this. Those committed Boo Tribbers with energy and desire to do this could commit to organizing in their own district, and perhaps overseeing 10 other districts (kind of like regional management — in a blogosphere/not geographic sense) as we get more district volunteers once we start spreading the word about the protest. So you could like create an e-mail list and keep 10 others informed. Kind of like a pyramid scheme, only in a positive way. Like Amway for altruistic peace people.
Just a thought.
Another thought. A lot of the down and dirty work for the stated goals of getting your pro-war legislator to 1) support peace and 2) accountability has been done for us by Murtha and Conyers. Even if their plans are not perfect, it is a very convenient and easy goal to say to the pro-war legislator, “Look, you need to support Murtha’s efforts to end the war, and Conyers efforts to appoint a select committee to investigate the run-up to the war. And if you don’t, we are going to be picketing and hounding you all election season, and supporting your opponent, and garnering really bad press for you, you hawkish bastard.”
Okay. I know it’s late. I know your weary. I know your plans don’t include… these wacky protest ideas at 1:30 am EST. But I hope to talk to you all about this more tomorrow.
Good night. And good luck.
Places. Places. The sun is rising. I’m feeling democracy shining. If you aren’t running for office already, or committed to a campaign to unseat a wing-nut war-monger for the months of January through April, I need you.
We can do this. We can help effect some races. Maybe all races. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Take the first step (man, I feel like I’m on some sort of pathetic telathon). Jot down your name below. Tell me your district, and the wing-nut who needs a democracy enema. Or tell me you are a regular at some other blog, and you can be available by e-mail to help coordinate. But tell me something. We only need five more volunteer Tribbers this hour to make our quota. A democracy is a terrible thing to wait. And for just minutes a day, you can have an impact. (Think Sally Struthers here, make-up running through her tears). Come on.
will there be an edite feature to comments. For the love of pasta. I can’t take it. I write fast. I don’t edit. And I hate sounding like an idiot for eternity.
So I meant”
A democracy is a terrible thing to waste.
No, you had it right the first time: still waiting.
I’m just going to stop typing today. I can’t get anything right. But yeah. We are waiting. And waiting. But I love these protests. Even if they don’t seem like much. Being involved is so much better than sitting on the couch watching Hardball (my old hobby).
It would further the cause, so to speak, to present those reps with a resolution or petition (properly drafted) for them to sign. Contrary to popular opinion the AUTF was not a “blank check”:
Feingold’s position, as well as those of the other 22 voting against the AUTF, makes it clear that at minimum the administration failed to comply with the Resolution. Irrespective of the bombastic rhetoric and talking points we’ve heard over the past nearly 3 years, they have clearly not made the connection between Iraq and 9/11.
Keep it simple Sam.
Excellent point. As part of our local action (and I would like it if others’ local actions bore some resemblance to ours) we intend to present a letter to our local war-monger asking for a redress of our grievances. If they do what we ask, in a verifiable and trusted way, we will stand down. I would be thrilled if the local wing-nut turned into a peace loving representative because of our action. That is the point. I don’t even care what label he wants to put at the end of his name for C-SPAN appearance (D or R). I like Republicans who are honestly committed to peace now and holding the administration accountable for lying us into war. So we will be presenting a petition/letter with clear instructions on what we expect, and how the Rep./Sen. can act to meet our call. And that letter will be distributed to local groups for ease of use.
So are you signing up RBA? Come on. You know you want to.
Well. . . glad you asked. I don’t support protest marches generally, but would support delivering a properly worded petition. And I’d suggest your group is not “anti-war” so much as it is simply “American”.
I’ll take that as a “yes.” You want to organize a petition for your local pro-war congress critter? Sounds good to me. And you can call your local action anything you want to. It is local. Like food in France. Do what you will. But you are on the team now rba. Drop me an e-mail, and you are the first enlistee. Awesome.
Wise-ass. π
I was totally serious. You have volunteered. Rest of line must have taken one step backward. It is okay. I promise it will be easy.
Uhhhh……Ahhh’llll get back to ya on that, yyyeah, th-th-that’s it….
I read this early this morning and have been thinking about it all day.
“really freaking big ass project” describes it nicely.
Would I volunteer to picket with others? Yes
Organizing 150 people for a thirty day picket is getting out of my “comfort” zone BostonJoe – so far out that I’m not sure there is oxygen, cause the thought of saying I will commit to this makes it hard for me to breathe.
Give me a few days to check around. I know of no anti-war group in my area. I don’t know if I can collect enough friends who in turn could draw in others.
I will get back to you. π
Okay. But let me make it easy for you tampopo. Only commit to something you are comfortable with. Baby steps. If you have a war monger congress critter in your town or nearby, then commit to the cause. Then narrow your local protest to something that is manageable. Yours could be finding two people to picket with for one hour a week, and deliver the war monger a letter each that we’ll send to you.
Then, if you find some connection with more people than you thought possible, you can grow a bit. To become whomping tampopo, Activist Master of the Universe — when you are ready for it. π
Just a thought. Hate to see anyone pass because it is too much. Better some than none.
for political street theater!
theoretically, there are impeachment protests planned for that day, too.
So Ced, are you going to take on a district? I can’t imagine you live in a place with a war-monger congressman? But I could be wrong.
The massive protests on day one (the 3rd anniversary) are something each protest will need to work around. I plan on being at the massive protests (hopefully in DC) and then getting the 30 picket started either remotely or immediately on return. This is a long term project. Not a one day deal.
to let you know i’m not ignoring you, just too frazzled to be coherent at the moment.