OK I know I’m slow, but I went over to vote for Olivia for best blog. I clicked on parvum opus and went to parvum opus. I didn’t see any box or type in area to vote for parvum opus. Since I am missing something, could someone tell me how to vote.
If I understand this correctly, a Democrat is not a Republican and a Republican is not a Democrat, so a Democrat, not being a Republican, is not not a Democrat making a Democrat twice as much not a Democrat as a Republican would be. Do you see? This is why you’re a conservative blogger now. You didn’t even have to change the drapes, because this has always been so.
Doesn’t that mean they start shipping you bags of small unmarked bills? At least until someone notices that you’re off the talking points. And that could take a while, we’re not talking about the brightest bulbs here.
I’m sorry, BooMan, but the Ivy League is always right. After all, look where both party’s Presidential candidates always seem to come from. You are a conservative pundit. You have been unmasked. I am shocked and saddened.
My grandmother had often repeated to me that LBJ had told an aide after he signed the civil rights act in 1964: “We have lost the south for a generation.” None of my family was ever upset that he did it, but as middle class Democrats they feared the votes they had lost by doing the right thing. Since then there have been a whole bunch of fights about the signing of that act. I view each one of them as important steps in the evolution of our American culture. LBJ was brave if nothing else. He took big risks doing what he firmly believed was the right thing. Vietnam was a dismal failure. The civil rights act a flaming beacon in the darkest of nights. This morning the Republican party stood at the threshold of one of those profound decision making moments and they have come away cowards and whores. They have voted Trent Lott minority whip even though Lamar Alexander had been “campaigning” hard for the position claiming that the Republican party needs fresh faces. Strom Thurmond is dead, Macaca Mailbox stuffing Allen did not win reelection and has no chance for the presidency in 08, the Republican Party stood on a cusp of being able to put its Dixiecrats to bed……racism may have finally found a way to no longer be something that was factored in when it came to our two largest political parties. The guys in their bedsheets could be free to make their own party up and it could get as many votes as say the Green party does. But no, the Republican Party has no stomach for the good fight, or a hard fight, or an honest fight and today Trent Lott is minority whip. If politics for me was about my side winning while their side loses I would be overjoyed because this only weakens the Republican party even more as racism loses more and more of a hold on all of us every single day. I’m sad though. I’m sad that they don’t have the courage to remove racism from the political table.
I can’t that I’m surprised. Anyway, good to see you in the cafe, it’s been a while since our paths have crossed. I hope life has been treating you well.
I just called the office of my congresscritter, Sue Kelly (NY-19) to ask if she will finally concede. They hung up on me. What should I expect from a Repug.
Sue, the Repug incumbent is benind by several thousand votes. She estimated that there are 10,000 absentee ballots yet to be counted. She won’t concede until every one is counted despite needing several thousand just to pull even and despite the fact that abentee ballots tend to trend Democratic. She is delaying the inevitable at taxpayer expense. A second call got a rather nasty staffer response despite identifying myself as a constituent concerned with taxpayer expenditures and not just some harassing partisan.
Thanks, B2. This is what I expected from Allen in VA. Sound like she doesn’t have a chance. It also sounds like the staffers are grouchy about losing their jobs.
I’m in the middle of arguing with someone over at big orange about Schumer’s selection of Casey in the PA Senate race. He claims that there was no one who could have stepped up and beaten Santorum except for Casey. Anyone have any names for me?
Joe Hoeffel and Barabara Hafer were 2 people who were interested in running that would be considered viable candidates by the big orange mindset, but they were pushed out by Schumer’s anointing of Casey.
Santorum was an immensely unpopular senator, in a year when the public was sick of smelling elephant dung. Casey’s win was more of a reflection of that than anything else.
Rendell (the democratic governor of PA who was up for re-election this year) got a higher percentage of the vote for governor than Casey did for senator. LINK to election results. MAybe you can smack them with that as proof? They are fond of crowing about how many votes Casey got for attorney general 2 years ago as proof of his immeasurable charms.
Nobody was really given a chance. The only guy I remember anything about was Pennachio, and he got no support from anybody.
But my Philly-dwelling days ended in ’76 (and even then I didn’t live any closer than Salem County, NJ — a beautiful place, by the way, and a reflection of why New Jersey really is the Garden State in spite of everything Newark to Trenton). So I really don’t know.
My knowledge of Jersey is limited to Trenton, Camden and the South Jersey shore, mostly Cape May and Ocean City. I was there as a kid in the ’60s and early ’70s.
Salem County is right across the river from Delaware, right where the Delaware River empties into Chesapeake Bay. Pennsville (where I lived) is right at the bottom end of the New Jersey Turnpike, just as you get ready to cross the Delaware Memorial Bridge.
There are some old houses there with dates like 1732 worked into the brickwork on the chimneys. I couldn’t find any examples in Google Images, which is too bad, because they are really very cool old houses. Kind of interesting to think that those houses were already old, old, old when Seattle was still a mud flat.
We went to Wildwood and Cape May a few times while I was there. In fact our senior high school class went to Wildwood on our “skip day.” 🙂
How is it going today?
Here we still have a wonderful sunny autumn…
We’re deeply into our standard November weather — cool, wet, gray.
North of me in Montgomery
Good morning Andi and Melanchthon.
It’s been raining and storming all night here. Such beautiful non-lawn work weather.
Good morning, all.
Did others experience trouble connecting with BT over the last 30 minutes, or so?
Morning ask.
I just logged on, so I have to say no.
Yes, but it seems okay now.
Good morning CG.
Me too. Most likely congestion on the net somewhere because it happened when I tried to connect to another site.
Good Morning Everyone!
Good morning Bob.
Beautiful photo up top Andi!
Good morning Olivia. I agree about Andi’s picture.
But I’m off to work now … Have a good morning FM and hope to see you around later (and don’t forget to vote for me … 🙂
See ya later and of course I’ll vote for you.
and I’ve been to vote for you. Good luck.
Much appreciated! 🙂
Me too!
Thanks CG! 🙂
OK I know I’m slow, but I went over to vote for Olivia for best blog. I clicked on parvum opus and went to parvum opus. I didn’t see any box or type in area to vote for parvum opus. Since I am missing something, could someone tell me how to vote.
Go follow my link below and click in the white dot next to the blog name.
Thanks Andi.
which is nominated for Best Canadian Photo/Art Blog.
Vote here!.
I’m a conservative pundit now. So says the Columbia Journalism Review.
So when is your first Faux interview. 🙂
If I understand this correctly, a Democrat is not a Republican and a Republican is not a Democrat, so a Democrat, not being a Republican, is not not a Democrat making a Democrat twice as much not a Democrat as a Republican would be. Do you see? This is why you’re a conservative blogger now. You didn’t even have to change the drapes, because this has always been so.
I’m trying to decide whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing that they spelled the name of the site wrong in that…
Doesn’t that mean they start shipping you bags of small unmarked bills? At least until someone notices that you’re off the talking points. And that could take a while, we’re not talking about the brightest bulbs here.
That’s the first time in a long time honesty has been a trait attributed to a conservative anything.
Here we are posting on the conservative BooMan Tribute. You had me fooled all along.
I’m sorry, BooMan, but the Ivy League is always right. After all, look where both party’s Presidential candidates always seem to come from. You are a conservative pundit. You have been unmasked. I am shocked and saddened.
My grandmother had often repeated to me that LBJ had told an aide after he signed the civil rights act in 1964: “We have lost the south for a generation.” None of my family was ever upset that he did it, but as middle class Democrats they feared the votes they had lost by doing the right thing. Since then there have been a whole bunch of fights about the signing of that act. I view each one of them as important steps in the evolution of our American culture. LBJ was brave if nothing else. He took big risks doing what he firmly believed was the right thing. Vietnam was a dismal failure. The civil rights act a flaming beacon in the darkest of nights. This morning the Republican party stood at the threshold of one of those profound decision making moments and they have come away cowards and whores. They have voted Trent Lott minority whip even though Lamar Alexander had been “campaigning” hard for the position claiming that the Republican party needs fresh faces. Strom Thurmond is dead, Macaca Mailbox stuffing Allen did not win reelection and has no chance for the presidency in 08, the Republican Party stood on a cusp of being able to put its Dixiecrats to bed……racism may have finally found a way to no longer be something that was factored in when it came to our two largest political parties. The guys in their bedsheets could be free to make their own party up and it could get as many votes as say the Green party does. But no, the Republican Party has no stomach for the good fight, or a hard fight, or an honest fight and today Trent Lott is minority whip. If politics for me was about my side winning while their side loses I would be overjoyed because this only weakens the Republican party even more as racism loses more and more of a hold on all of us every single day. I’m sad though. I’m sad that they don’t have the courage to remove racism from the political table.
I can’t that I’m surprised. Anyway, good to see you in the cafe, it’s been a while since our paths have crossed. I hope life has been treating you well.
I just called the office of my congresscritter, Sue Kelly (NY-19) to ask if she will finally concede. They hung up on me. What should I expect from a Repug.
Hey, B2, help me out on this one. What’s the situation in your district?
Sue, the Repug incumbent is benind by several thousand votes. She estimated that there are 10,000 absentee ballots yet to be counted. She won’t concede until every one is counted despite needing several thousand just to pull even and despite the fact that abentee ballots tend to trend Democratic. She is delaying the inevitable at taxpayer expense. A second call got a rather nasty staffer response despite identifying myself as a constituent concerned with taxpayer expenditures and not just some harassing partisan.
Thanks, B2. This is what I expected from Allen in VA. Sound like she doesn’t have a chance. It also sounds like the staffers are grouchy about losing their jobs.
It has been two days since my last visit to the Cafe.
What are the odds of finding a priest here to absolve you?
Good to see you have repented of your wicked ways. What’ve you been up to?
Priest? Priest? Who needs a priest? I’m looking for absolution from Family Man. Looks like I got it, too.
Yea thou barely you’ve visited, sit back in heavenly slackatude and forego your days of toil.
May slackerly blessing be upon you. :~)
Don’t forget to anoint the sinner with beer and poutine.
Sorry I’ve been drink beer, eating poutine and trying to find a hockey game on TV. This becomming cdn isn’t easy.
Oh and I’ll have to bless somemore beer and poutine before I can annoint the sinners. 🙂
Back Bacon
Please sir, we’re talking Cadadian Bacon here. 🙂
Can’t spell tonight. Should have been Canadian Bacon.
I’m in the middle of arguing with someone over at big orange about Schumer’s selection of Casey in the PA Senate race. He claims that there was no one who could have stepped up and beaten Santorum except for Casey. Anyone have any names for me?
Joe Hoeffel and Barabara Hafer were 2 people who were interested in running that would be considered viable candidates by the big orange mindset, but they were pushed out by Schumer’s anointing of Casey.
Santorum was an immensely unpopular senator, in a year when the public was sick of smelling elephant dung. Casey’s win was more of a reflection of that than anything else.
Rendell (the democratic governor of PA who was up for re-election this year) got a higher percentage of the vote for governor than Casey did for senator. LINK to election results. MAybe you can smack them with that as proof? They are fond of crowing about how many votes Casey got for attorney general 2 years ago as proof of his immeasurable charms.
Have fun!
Thanks, CG. I knew someone would step up.
Nobody was really given a chance. The only guy I remember anything about was Pennachio, and he got no support from anybody.
But my Philly-dwelling days ended in ’76 (and even then I didn’t live any closer than Salem County, NJ — a beautiful place, by the way, and a reflection of why New Jersey really is the Garden State in spite of everything Newark to Trenton). So I really don’t know.
My knowledge of Jersey is limited to Trenton, Camden and the South Jersey shore, mostly Cape May and Ocean City. I was there as a kid in the ’60s and early ’70s.
Salem County is right across the river from Delaware, right where the Delaware River empties into Chesapeake Bay. Pennsville (where I lived) is right at the bottom end of the New Jersey Turnpike, just as you get ready to cross the Delaware Memorial Bridge.
There are some old houses there with dates like 1732 worked into the brickwork on the chimneys. I couldn’t find any examples in Google Images, which is too bad, because they are really very cool old houses. Kind of interesting to think that those houses were already old, old, old when Seattle was still a mud flat.
We went to Wildwood and Cape May a few times while I was there. In fact our senior high school class went to Wildwood on our “skip day.” 🙂