
Partners of Geert Wilders in the US earn big from anti-Islam propaganda

(NRC) – Neoconservative David Horowitz, one of Wilders’most influential supporters in the US, has an annual income of nearly $480,000 from Jihad Watch. See latest IRS tax form 990 filed by David Horowitz Freedom Center in Los Angeles. He earned a yearly bonus of $112,000.

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Horowitz’ Center has more than $5 million annual revenues and finances the weblog Jihad Watch and islam criticus Robert Spencer who is full time active in support of Geert Wilders and financial sponsoring. In addition, Horowitz runs NewsMax, Terrorism Awareness Project (TAP) and FrontPageMag.com. Michael Finch VP earns $162,386 and Robert Spencer as director Jihad Watch received $132,537.

Another American mainstay of Wilders, conservative Daniel Pipes of the pro-Israeli Middle East Forum, has an annual income in 2008 of about $ 235,000. Pipes, who opposes a Palestinian state and campaigns for a military attack on Iran, he said last year a sum of six figures’ for Wilders was picked up in the U.S.

Horowitz and Pipes are on the right flank of the Republicans, but agree that Wilders on Islam has outmaneuvered them to the right. They say there are various statements of Wilders on Islam they would never repeat in the U.S., but use Geert Wilders in practice as an agitator for their pro-Israel activism, the struggle against Islamic extremism is an important part.

Geert Wilders a Likudnik sponsored by Daniel Pipes

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."