i wrote this little missive in answer to Booman’s piece Suit Filed: Rumsfeld a War Criminal? regarding the German effort to try Rumsfeld as a war criminal, but in reality it was about the whole lack of fire that I see in the bellies of about 98% of the Dem officials about to come to power in DC.
A large part of America WANTS TO EXTERMINATE THESE CRIMINALS NOW!!! Just about the largest percentage that is going to exist, I think. The tide is in, and it’s only going to go out again.
“There is a tide in the affairs of men / Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” wrote ol’ Will in Julius Ceasar.
MISS the flood tide and it is back to business as usual once again.
Paddling in the shallows.
In the shadows.
Until the next tide appears.
Eight, ten, twenty years?
By THAT time we are quite likely to have been destroyed.
Either the concept of participatory democracy, the United States, or indeed life on Earth as we know it will be gone, gone, gone.
So…now’s the time.
Read on.
And sail with the morning tide.
It’s ALL hype. The more the merrier.
These people are not going to serve a DAY in jail.
Not unless the U.S. is defeated militarily, thoroughly subjugated and effectively occupied by hostile powers.
And THAT ain’t happening.
Bet on it.
Nuclear war for REAL before that ever comes to pass.
I would like to see every country on EARTH hold war crimes trials in absentia for these animals, and declare them guilty, guilty, guilty.
Maybe THAT would wake up the dumb sleeple motherfuckers who still think that war is a game to be won or lost and to the victor belongs the spoils.
All a virtual wargame. No severed limbs, no screams of the dying, no agony, no grief.
Just an SUV in every garage and “What’s on tonite, honey?”
Maybe that would cast a pall of shame over this criminally gluttonous country.
You gotta KNOW that we ain’t gonna do it. One listen to the flapping, recidivist gums of most of the major Dems is all you need to know about that idea..
May as well make as many waves outside of our own little cesspool as possible.
ANY attention that is brought to the war criminals who currently run the executive branch of this government and the Quislings who populate the legislature would be constructive.
Embarrassed by the moving force being Germany?
Germany, of all countries? Bearing the message “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”
They certainly should know what they are talking about.
The HOME of war crimes in the 20th century cannot even stomach this travesty.
And the star witness…?
A General in the U.S. Army who was Hallliburtoned (That’s just another way of saying CIAed, folks. Intelligenced. Think not? Wake the fuck up.) into impotence in the face of war crimes.
“Need to know? You need to know enough to stay in your goddamned ROOM, General Bitch, Sir!!!”
How much lower can we sink?
Maybe we can resurrect Ghengis Khan and have the Mongols try us as well.
The more the merrier.
Right on up and down the line.
What’s that?
You say the Dems need to be shamed into it?
There is MORE than enough shame to go around.
Let us not compound that shame by our own inaction.
If they will not fight, these Dems…force the issue.
The smart ones know what the role of the blogs was in their victory this month.
Make them understand that WE have gotten stronger as well, that we know damned well what we can do, and that we will take them off at the knees if they do not take action.
Let them know.
And if Germany or France or indeed East fucking TIMOR want to add their voices to the chorus…why…good on ’em., Booman.
Good on ’em.
The more the merrier.
Go AFTER their asses!!!
I was okay with the idea that we have to investigate and gets ducks in a row before we take the serious step of impeachment.
I am not okay with impeachment is “off the table.”
Once again, the Dems are willing to use us for their purposes and then toss us aside.
I guess that spine they were going to find after they won power is no where to be found. It is going to be a long two years.
Give it a little time. Of course impeachment is off the table…for now. Investigation is not off the table, and honest investigation will lead to a place where the American people are screaming for impeachment. Things will start rolling in January. Patience is a virtue.
Patience is a virtue. Maybe not when it comes to the Dems, IMHO.
When it comes to Dems who aren’t the majority until after they’re sworn in and who haven’t yet made the case to the American people, it seems reasonable to me. Of course, your results may vary. My reasoning is thus, if impeachment begins before it becomes obvious to all those who haven’t been paying attention (i.e. most of the electorate) then it will go through the house and die in the Senate where it needs much more than our bare majority to push it through to the end. For impeachment to work it has to be the consensus of not just the Democratic base, but enough Republicans in the Senate as well. Without that, it dies, and it probably takes our new majority with it in 08 and also all chance for an actual accounting of what has gone wrong.
I’ll apologize later if I’m wrong.
What makes you think that here WILL be any honest investigation?
Please point to a federal level precedent for “honest investigation” over the past 50 years or so.
Right…AIN’T none.
WE have to do the investigating.
And then we have to publicize it SO HARD that the media either picks up on it or loses the scoop battle. AND the rating battles along with it.
That’s it, KMc.
That’s the way it’s working now.
We can make it a long two years for THEM!!!
Attack them everyt time they cop out.
I understand how that might be a full-time job, but…what the hell. It’s do it or die on down the road. may as well go whole hog plus postage.
Arthur, I’m surprised at you. Since when do you put so much faith into what politicians tell you? So the Dems say no impeachment? Pffft. Oh yeah, there will be impeachment.
First, please realize that we have this lame duck session to deal with. There’s the little issues of a questionable nomination for Sec of Defense, and Bolton is about to be shoved on us again by some sort of chicanery. Let’s get to next year and the new Congress first.
Now I know that you, me and everyone else would love nothing better than to storm the White House and slap Dubya right in jail. Ain’t gonna happen. We have laws, rules… a process. Bush thinks the process is beneath him. He’s tried his best to destroy the process. The process is going to rise up and bite him in the ass, you’ll see.
Give the Dems a chance to issue some of those supeonas, dig a little, find all those smoking guns through the process of oversight. Once there is an actual case, impeachment won’t be far behind. That’s when the “impeach now” call will be taken up loudly by millions upon millions of American people. Then the Dems will have no choice.
I feel the same way you do, but I’ve learned something that prevents my hair from igniting.
I received a most wonderful bit of wisdom from a Kindergarten teacher. I admired her seemingly unlimited patience. She looked me in the eye and said “Patience is not a virtue… it’s a learned skill.”
It’s gonna happen, Arthur. You’ve gotta have patience, and be ready when the moment comes.
Relax, Arthur – you are not alone. It’s coming s-l-o-o-w-l-y. Now how’s about joining me in a nice cuppa tea.
A tea party is a lovely way to get started, no?
I’ve been looking for some new tea to enjoy for the winter. Thx Alice!
Sold by a very earnest college student, it is delicious, and makes a great gift. Enjoy –
We can impeach, at least in theory, but we do not have the supermajority in the Senate to convict. It is difficult to imagine any set of remotely plausible circumstances that would lead fifteen GOP senators to vote for conviction.
And frankly, there doesn’t appear to be much appetite for it among the general public.
Investigate, by all means. But impeachment would grind the legislature to a halt for much of the remaining two years of Bush’s term. There are a lot of things that Congress needs to do to repair the damage from years of Republican mismanagement, and doing those things will contribute a lot more to our efforts to secure the White House and larger majorities in Congress in 2008.
I’m of the opinion that investigation will serve our (and the country’s needs) better than impeachment right now.
Sure, it would be lovely to see Bush/Cheney running off to Paraguay in disgrace, but the Republican vines of corruption are so deeply rooted that we have to expose all of them before we can take the fires of justice to them. And that’s the ultimate goal — to expose the Republican party as the craven band of scoundrels that they are. That’s the only way we’ll succeed in returning a semblance of sanity to our government.
Pelosi and the Democrats are only saying that it’s “off the table” — it could be sitting just underneath the table waiting to be brought out when enough evidence is found in the investigations. They didn’t say it was out of the room in the garbage heap…at least, that’s how I read it. I don’t want them to impeach until they have evidence that’s so clear-cut that the Republicans remaining in the Senate have to vote to convict…and if they don’t, we’ll have fresh ammo to use against them in future elections.
Or the dynamic duo could do the country a service and just resign (like Nixon). So now you know my political fantasy. 😉
AKL of the above, and pedal to the metal.
We have scared them now.
Be a finisher.
NEVER let a dangerous opponent up again.
First rule of warfare.
First rule of combat.
And this is both.
I`m with Mr. Gilroy. Pretend I`m in outerspace looking down on this with the knowledge of past history. I`d say that there was a severe lack of character in a country that`s held itself up as morally superior to others. I`d say don`t these people realize that if left unchecked, the unitary power that was self invested in the perception of power, will nullify being able to check it in the not too distant future. I`d say this country has lost the right to criticize any other country at any time from now on. I`d say the shephard has castrated the flock so that he can have his way with them at any time even though the population of the flock eventually declines to be only a comma in the history I will know.