Recently, three dozen Democrats in Congress asked the Pentagon’s Inspector General, Glenn Fine, to open an investigation into the Bush administration’s domestic spying program. They chose the Inspector General to receive this request because under the Patriot Act, they believed the IG’s office was the proper entity required to review complaints of violations of civil liberties by Bush’s Justice Department.
What was Inspector General Fine’s response?
WASHINGTON — Rejecting Democratic requests, the Justice Department’s independent watchdog says it does not have jurisdiction to investigate the legality of the Bush administration’s domestic eavesdropping program.
More after the fold . . .
In a three-paragraph letter circulated Tuesday, Inspector General Glenn Fine instead forwarded the request to Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which reviews allegations of misconduct involving employees’ actions when providing legal advice.
President Bush’s decision to authorize the nation’s largest spy agency to monitor — without warrants — people inside the United States has sparked a flurry of questions about the program’s legal justification.
Over three dozen House Democrats, led by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., a member of the Judiciary and Homeland Security committees, requested separate investigations by Fine, the Pentagon’s inspector general and Congress’ watchdogs at the Government Accountability Office. Lofgren said she thought the Pentagon’s watchdog was best suited for the work.
The upshot? I could be wrong, but I suspect that their request for an investigation by the GAO will also be rejected. As for the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility, don’t expect anything out of them, not while they are under the thumb of “Abu Gharaib” Gonzales.
No one in government service, whether authorized or not, will dare touch this until Democrats get a majority in either the House or the Senate. No one will be brave (or foolhardy) enough to tackle the White House on this issue, not without cover from a Congressional Committee conducting it’s own independent investigation. And by that I mean a committee chaired by a Democrat. I fully expect any hearing chaired by Republicans regarding this matter to be a whitewash.
Update [2006-1-11 20:2:54 by Steven D]: So who is going to investigate the NSA’s domestic spy program? Don’t worry, it’s all being taken care of:
WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency’s inspector general has opened an investigation into the agency’s eavesdropping without warrants in the United States, according to a letter released late Tuesday.
The Pentagon’s acting inspector general, Thomas Gimble, wrote that his counterpart at the NSA “is already actively reviewing aspects of that program” and has “considerable expertise in the oversight of electronic surveillance,” according to the letter sent to House Democrats who have requested official investigations of the NSA program.
Gimble’s letter appears to confirm that an internal investigation into the NSA’s domestic eavesdropping program, authorized in a secret order by President Bush after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, is under way. The Justice Department has opened a separate criminal investigation into the recent leak of the highly classified program’s existence.
. . . Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., said NSA’s inspector general should not be conducting an investigation if the office has played a role in approving the program.
I can’t imagine how an investigation of the NSA by the NSA regarding secret warrantless spying on American citizens ordered by President Bush will turn out. Can you?
Fuck the Democrats. Why should the Inspector General do anything for them? The past few days has showed the whole world that the Dems can not put a coherent thought together, can not work together — in short, are not worthy of governing this country. Fuck the Democrats.
If I have to hear one more word out of the mouth of Joe Biden, or hear one more time the stupid, asinine question of whether Roe is established law I will lose it.
Alito is a lying sack of shit. And the Dems didn’t touch him. They looked like complete idiots, and the Republicans on the panel know it. Tonight they are drinking champagne; and somewhere tonight Joe Biden is still apologizing for asking a question at a confirmation hearing.
Thank you. You express my outrage perfectly. It is a fucking waste of time because we ALL know how this play is going to end…. Alito is a mealy-mouthed liar, and they haven’t got the balls to call him out on it. Even Feingold backed off time after time — either because he wasn’t well prepared or he didn’t want to really get into it.
P.S. Here are related headlines from Amy Goodman this morning:
NSA Denies Whistleblower’s Demand To Testify Before Congress
Meanwhile, ABC News is reporting the National Security Agency has denied the request of whistleblower Russell Tice to testify before Congress. Tice, a former intelligence agent at the NSA and Defense Intelligence Agency who has spoken out against the domestic spy program, was told he is not free to testify because staff members on Capitol Hill do not have high enough security clearance to hear the secrets he has to tell. Tice first spoke out on record on Democracy Now last week.
House Democrats To Hold Informal Hearing on Spy Program
And House Democrats have scheduled an informal hearing on the NSA spy program. Michigan Congressmember John Conyers announced Tuesday the hearing will be held on January 20th. Conyers, ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, said House Republicans had ignored calls for a formal hearing.
I, of course, read
as “The National Security Agency’s inspector general has floored the throttle on the 440 Hemi with glasspacks that powers the main shredder…”
But that’s just me, right?
I don’t think the NSA is qualified to investigate until their investigative skills are proven. They still haven’t found ObL.