Booman recently posted this perfectly reasonable question: With Another School Shooting, Has Anything Changed?
My own answer lies below.
Read on.
Has anything changed?
Short…and obvious…answer?
How could this rapidly mounting, natively-produced epidemic of social terrorism be “changed?”
Stopped in its tracks!!!
Collect all of the guns in the U.S.?
House to house, door to door?
Ain’t gonna happen.
Most rural and minority-dominated city areas in this country would rapidly begin to look like the second coming of Fallujah. Bet on it.
And if it by some miracle it did work?
Then what?
Get rid of all the knives as well?
How about bomb ingredients?
Gasoline, bottles, matches and rags for Molotov cocktails?
Get real.
Barring a…so-far-not-very-likely…sea change in the way one or both of the the dominant political parties are financed?
It’s not going to happen.
Profit is becoming more and more centered in a small minority while:
1-World overpopulation continues to incease.
2-Cimate change renders more and more areas essentially uninhabitable.
3-Human workers are being rendered less and less necessary by the rapid, geometric-level progression of robotics.
The end result is a progressive lessening of the rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” that the founders of the U.S. wrote…no matter how cynically and/or blindly they may have done so…into the Declaration of Independence.
This goes for all people across all national boundaries.
As the worker human becomes less and less important to the production of profit, the major beneficiaries of that profit become less and less interested in sustaining the lives of those often troublesome workers. And there we jolly well are, aren’t we.
Global warming?
Rapidly increasing pollution all over the world?
Constant war?
Total surveillance?
Medical, pharmaceutical and health insurance incompetence and/or total criminality?
The almost total poisoning of the food chain?
It sounds like a hostile takeover plot devised by aliens, doesn’t it?
At the very least, by human beings who are themselves totally “alien” to human needs and suffering, right on up to the current “Top of the world, Ma!!!” U.S. President/Motherfucker/Whoremaster, Donald Trump.
It makes Hitler’s Final Solution look like a minor gang war in a relatively small neighborhood.
Is it “conscious?”
I dunno.
I can see it, so I have to presume that at least some of the people in positions of power can see it as well. The “smart” ones at the very least, people like Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger, people like Eric Prince, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone.
And the beat goes on.
The beat down.
Fuck ’em!!!
We got ours, and soon we won’t need these troublesome proles!!!
Let them eat cake?
Helll no!!!
Let them eat dirt!!!
Will anything in this system change?
Yes, I believe that it will.
In time to save humanity and so-called “civilization?”
Dunno about that.
Way above my pay grade.
In all of human history, when any beatdown on this level reached critical mass…just within the last few hundred years, look at the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, the collapse and destruction of the Third Reich and the precipitous falls of so many lower-level, tinhorn dictators…in all of human history (just as in a nuclear reaction), when critical mass in terms of human meanness has been reached there has been a terrible explosion.
What’s different now?
The massively destructive human meanness is no longer confined to one local time bomb waiting to go off.
It is now worldwide.
This time, it’s going to be really big.
Unless, of course, we humans manage to disarm it.
So far?
I don’t see that happening.
I hope I’m wrong.
First we need to wake the fuck up to what is really going on. I don’t see that happening either; I just see shortsighted rival gangs competing for position and power.
Like the RatPublicans and the DemocRats.
So it continues to go.
Let us pray it doesn’t go too far.
I am.
P.S. Below, please notice the snarky comments from oaguabonita and nalbar. They…and their neocentrist compatriots all the way up to the top of the DemocRatic Party…repeat the this lame tactic up and down the line.
At the top, the DNCers and their media tried to laugh Donald Trump off the stage while simultaneously minimizizing the humanity of his supporters by calling them names instead of attacking their real faults. As can be plainly seen, this didn’t work. At the bottom, people like these Booman Tribune neocentrists do the same thing. They call names and make accusations. Then what do they do when an attempt to rationally answer their criticisms has been made? They call names and make accusations again instead of engaging in some sort of conversation.
Above, I wrote:
First we need to wake the fuck up to what is really going on. I don’t see that happening either; I just see shortsighted rival gangs competing for position and power.
Like the RatPublicans and the DemocRats.
As above, so below.
At least they’re consistent.
Consistently shallow.
It’s the water.
It gives them great dough, but also causes them to have incoherent rants.
. . . resemblances keep accruing, isn’t it?
Ya spose ag could actually BE Trump’s sockpuppet here? BT’s very own (lucky us!) “John Miller” or “John Barron”?
Now a standalone post. Booman Recently Asked-Has Anything Changed?. Please comment there.
Thank you…
Losing the Thread?
Posted to the wrong place. Thanks.
btw …
nice job, diary with 4 rec’ds is not bad
ahh the good ol’ days with a dozen or more
are long gone … villagers of a cult people 🙁
I just keep trying, Oui.
It’s all I have to offer on this level.
So it goes…
Thanks for caring.
Have you read “The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality”? I listened to an interview with the author on PBS. He has some interesting (and disturbing) things to say. I do hope he writes better than he speaks, still, it wouldn’t be the first time that interesting ideas were presented in a boring writing style. Hyman Minsky’s “Stabilizing an Unstable Economy” and “Das Kapital” come to mind.
No Voice, I have not read it. But the idea that occurrences commonly considered to be “evil” are…on a higher level…necessary for the continuing evolution of life on earth is an essential element of Sufi thought.
Have you ever read the “Moses and Khidr” story? There are many versions. Here is one that is fairly easily approachable.
Check it out.
P.S. The Trump saga may well fit under this class of events.
We shall see…if we live long enough.