Originally posted on the BetterCA blog.
The California Recovery Team (CRT) has been violating the law by sending out campaign mail that illegally uses discounted non-profit postage and displays a fraudulent union bug. Both actions are violations of federal law. We have requested an investigation by the USPS and announced possible legal action unless they cease their activities.
From our attorney Lance Olson:
CRT’s use of a non-profit permit to get cut-rate discounts on their blatantly political mailing is outrageous. This permit was either unlawfully issued or is being unlawfully used. Only organizations that satisfy special standards and have received official authorization from the USPS may mail items using the Nonprofit Standard Mail rate.
By misusing the nonprofit mail permit, the governor’s campaign saved about seven cents per piece mailed. A single small mailing of one million pieces would have saved $68,000, while a larger six million piece mailing would have saved $408,000. According to the California Secretary of State, there are currently 15,839,327 registered voters in California.
A fake union bug on the Proposition 75 mailer identifies the piece as being printed by a Allied union shop in Los Angeles (“9”), but no such printer exists.
Howard Dudley, president of Communication Workers of America Local 14904, representing printers and mailers in Southern California, and delegate to the Southern California Allied Printing Trades Council says:
“Union label #9, which Governor Schwarzenegger put on his mailer, is not authorized by the Southern California Allied Printing Trades Council. The unauthorized use of this union label not only raises the question of legitimacy about the governor’s mailer but further raises questions of violation of federal trademark laws.
This is a major mistake by the Schwarzenegger campaign and it further underscores their attempts to win at any cost and portray themselves as friendly to union members. Clearly, the need to save money outweighed any ethical or legal concerns.
Click images below for more detail, or see the full mailer here
Show some love for going after Arnold. How about a reco or two?
Julia (juls) Rosen
Whooooooooot! Great Work ABC!!! I love you guys!
I’ll second that janet….and I feel like I’m being literally suffocated by all the criminal activities(and morally reprehensible actions)by repugs..there just doesn’t seem to be any end to all this does there.
Good job ABC!
Faking the union bug is major. Look for Arnold’s tepid support among union workers to evaporate completely, just as his support from Hispanics disappeared after his appearance with the Minutemen.
I’m looking forward to the criminal investigation.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out this was paid for with DeLay/Abramoff money.
Wherever there are republicans there will be crimes…
Proposition Recommendations.
Link to California League of Women Voters
Link to Alliance for a Better California
IMHO, Vote no on 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78
Any props that Arnie supports, I’m against. This special election is a waste of $$$ that can be better used in CA.
These propositions will only support his career, Republican party, and BushCO. Arnie’s an Austrian version of Bush.
Arnie’s an Austrian version of Bush.
Except that Arnie has a better command of the english language…