Last week I posted a couple of diaries about new businesses being featured on the Kiva microlending site, urging people to fill the loan need in record time once again and suggesting many other ways of helping East Africa. As of this morning, all outstanding loan needs have been filled. We did it again! Thanks to all who responded to this need.

But there is still more that people can do if they want to. This aid to small businesses is just the start. On dKos my last diary got a request for a somewhat smaller bite of activism. I guess I put together too large a packet of information and some people wanted a series of more focused actions to help East Africa. Well, in that spirit I am focusing on two things people can still do even though no new Kiva loan requests are available.

Again, let me state my overall vision before I focus on two parts of this vision. My vision is this: a coordinated effort by the blogsphere that will focus on several interconnected issues with a view towards REGIONAL and COMMUNITY based development. The target area of Uganda/Kenya/Tanzania (roughly the Rift Valley/Lakes region of East Africa) is an excellent place to start because of the critical environmental issues, the presence of excellent groups like Kiva, and the fact that these nations have a chance for becoming more stable if some immediate crises can be survived.

My vision includes primarily economic, education and environmental issues and combines microlending through Kiva, purchases through Fair Trade organizations that operate in this area, and donations to particularly important organizations that focus on these issues in this region of Africa. In invite you to join me in this ambitious, difficult, and potentially historic effort. I should note that each of these nations are having political difficulties. Hopefully they are growing pains of democracy. But I am not currently focused on the political developments in these nations so much as on the plight of the people and the environment in these nations.

Now to focus on two things. Since it is the holiday season, I will give some gift ideas from Fair Trade companies doing business in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Then I will give an action that continues the one-on-one spirit of Kiva only this time focused on helping students get a secondary school education.

I have tried finding some Fair Trade groups that sell products from this region of East Africa. These can help you in selecting holiday gifts this year while helping the export economy of the same region that Kiva loans are helping. Here are some suggestions:

Fair Trade Coffee from Uganda. Most of us love coffee. Why not use your addiction to help out farmers in Uganda?

Fair Trade baskets from two companies in Uganda. Very beautiful looking items, if you are into baskets.

How about cool handicrafts from several companies in Kenya? All fair trade, these companies sell items like sculptures, jewelry and drums.

And there are a couple of handicrafts companies in Tanzania as well selling fair trade items.

Give a Fair Trade gift that also helps artisans and co-operatives in East Africa!

Many people like the personal connection they feel when they give a loan to a specific business owner. A comment from a dKos reader of my first diary suggested another way to get that personal connection, this time helping a student in East Africa pay for their secondary school fees. Here is what 2pt5cats says about her experience:

Secondary school in Kenya (and many other countries in Africa) isn’t free.  We’ve paid for a girl’s high school via a Canadian organization that arranges such sponsorships…

She writes us and even sends her grades; it’s a great way to make a connection with someone in another country.

Here is the group that she recommends. You can help sponsor the secondary school education for a child in Kenya or Tanzania, though in this case you have to send a check to the Canadian Harambee Education Society. Find out more on their website. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is. A secondary school education is so important that families in East Africa will do anything they can to raise the money for their kids. You can help!

Please purchase some fair trade products from these nations to help their economy and please consider sponsoring a child’s education. We can make a real difference in people’s lives in East Africa. Through Kiva we (and others) have helped more than 30 small businesses in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania with microloans. If we can help other small businesses through Fair Trade purchases and help students get a good education, we can make a real difference.