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- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
It’s Thursday! And not a moment too soon…
It’s great to have a nice new cafe but you really didn’t need to get up in the middle of the night just to do it.
Oh, it was no trouble, really…
After I got back to sleep, I had the mos restful sleep. It was a shame to ruin it by getting up to get ready for work.
Well even if work hadn’t already done it, I’m the kids would have been delighted to wake you up in return for all the times you’ve rousted them out of bed. Turning the table on parents is the best.
I’m off to do battle with them now. Yeargh. Why can’t that make an alarm clock that douses teenage boys with cold water if they don’t get up?
You just need an alarm clock that is across the room that plays Lawrence Welk.
Oh yuk! That’s disgusting;-)
I have a soft spot for Lawrence Welk – he reminds me of my grandparents.
Mom and Dad always watched the show when we were little, so I should probably feel some nostalgia about it too. It was, IIRC, an annoyance to us kids at the time, since there was usually some inane show we wanted to see playing at the same time.
Oh, it was a total annoyance, but now it’s sort of endearing. Funny how that goes.
I’m really heading out now. Really…
I was thinking of a Super Soaker water gun. With ice water.
Can you tell I’m tired of the “get up” game? 🙂
And with that, I’m off to the salt mines…see you this afternoon!
And a one, and a two…
a really big shoooew
Heh – that reminds me of when The Beatles were on the show and poor Ed couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t get the girls to stop screaming and just sit there politely to watch the show.
The theme this week is Colors. Vibrant, subdued, solid, patterned, bright, dark, natural or human-created. Anyway you want to show them, we want to see them.
Olivia will be along a bit later with the diary.
here … 🙂
Yer late!
Heh, I can’t get up as early as Andi! 🙂
My nephew, Brady, is in the hospital with the flu. He’s got muscular dystrophy and his lungs are compromised anyway, so the flu is a major worry for his mom, my sister. Here are pics of him recently, with his guard dog, Minnie, and from his childhood, with my youngest son.
Brady, left
sis, Minnie, Brady
So sorry to hear that, SN!
Sending positive thoughts in your and his direction, and hope he gets competent care where he is.
That is scary … Sending positive thoughts!
That’s a really sweet photo of your sister and Brady with Minnie.
I am so sorry to hear this. Good thoughts to Brady, his mom, and you.
Sending LOTS of positive thoughts their way. Keep us posted on how he’s doing.
I heard the flu is killing healthy people this year, so maybe it’ll leave the ones who already can’t breathe on their own alone. :/
I hope Brady is well from his flu bug and back home with Mom and Minnie soon.
Nephew update: pneumonia. Ugh.
Oh – sorry to hear. Hope he is doing better soon.
Oh no. I know your sister must be really worried (and you too). I hope there is better news very soon.
Hoping you have better news this morning, SN.
Fall comes to the F’s (or at least our driveway). But it’s going fast as yesterday’s rain and wind brought down masses of leaves.
click for larger
I drove over to Morgan-Monroe Forest yesterday to visit some friends and pick up the cider for the fire dept. fish fry. The back road scenery is spectacular! I’m off to breakfast this morning with some old high school chums. I promise to post apple and leaf photos later on.
I’ll look forward to the pics, ID. So have you applied for the photographer job at the Democrat yet?
There’s weirdness in the personnel dept. over there at present. I think I’ll wait until that all settles out;-)
Forgot to mention the nice driveway fall decorations the other day. Beautiful!
Well feel free to use me as a reference when you do apply. 😉
Gorgeous! The colors have really turned here too.
hmmm, haven’t got a clue how that happened — I always have something to say.
They’ve turned and a lot of them have gone, though there’s still some green out there too. I don’t think I can remember so much bare and green together.
We still have a little green left, but the oranges and yellows are out in full force.
I’m so lazy today…I have a sore throat and sniffle, and I’m skipping yoga this morning because I’m so tired.
I hope it’s not the start of something worse and that you get better quick.
Being lazy sounds good. It’s overcast and cool here but the dogs just don’t care so I’m off in the gloom to walk.
See ya later.
Good morning!
Definitely fall, but we do not have your fabulous colors.
That soft pink with the green is really lovely.
It’s always interesting to me how different the colors are season to season. Last year the colors were more vibrant, especially the maples which were bright red and orange.
Calling Claude Monet!
We were at MoMA less than 2 weeks ago to hear a lecture on him and his water lilies.
I’ll post more photos as I get the chance.
I think this is my new favorite bee photo.
Red-bottomed Bee (Exoneura sp.) on a native white flag iris (Diplarrena moraea).
Or, maybe it’s this one:
The bee is about 1/5 of an inch long.
Two more photos, and then we’re making an early night of it.
Blue lovecreeper – for its many fans.
Two Salmon sun orchids.
Good night and thanks for the lovely Good Morning greetings. I hope you are all tuckered out from having a fine trip.
I like the first bee photo best — love the close-up bee butt.
Good morning/evening keres! Thanks for the lovely photos and glad to hear you had a good trip to Bruny Island.
BTW, I’ve had 2 virus warnings while at ImageShack in the last 2 days. Hope your anti-virus is up to date.
Morning/afternoon/evening all.
click for larger
Kewl bananas. Morning Andi.
Pink swampheath to go with your morning coffee?
Thanks. I’ll drink (or slurp, actually) to that.
I’m a slurper too (if only tea), much to Imogen’s irritation.
I am a time-based slurper — I slurp my early morning coffee so I can drink as soon as possilbe. Once I’ve had a couple of cups, I can wait for it to cool a bit.
Multiple cups of caffeinated beverages and you’d have to pry me from the ceiling. I just like the taste better slurped – don’t ask me why, I just do.
Aoplocnemis tasmanicus
and raise by two. Wow, that’s ugly.
Obviously, a face only a mother weevil could love.
Very kewl!
Morning CG. Everybody up and at ’em or did you have to get out the Supersoaker? 🙂
Good morning!
Yohoo – 8.5 hours of straight sleep, and a beautiful, crisp and cool morning. Off to the Conservatory Garden in a few…
Have a good time! You’ve got a nice day.
Great day in Central Park today.
Looks like an absolutely gorgeous day. And I love the tree’s transition.
Good morning, folks! Thanks to all for the absolutely gorgeous photos above.
Finally, a lovely day here in the Kaats — a sunny, brilliant blue sky, no precipitation expected. Thankfully, it’s warm enough to get outside & work. Time is short, projects remain incomplete.
SN, I send warm healing thoughts your nephew’s way.
Hi Wench – glad you’re getting a lovely day!
The boy is getting a PICC line inserted today. Normally done in the radiology department, they didn’t want to risk taking him through the hospital so the plan is to bring in ultrasound equipment to his room and do it there.
Filled with positive thoughts about the antibiotics conquering the damn pneumonia and the boy going home.
Positive thoughts from Indiana joining with yours and hoping they are a part of a big wave.
Sending more positive thoughts that way – thinking they’ll be able to pump what he needs through that picc line and send him home soon.
Hiya WW. Glad to hear you’re having great weather — I hope that mean you will make a great leap forward on the dome. 🙂
I can’t seem to wake up this morning so that all I’ve got to say … except … yawn.
Morning Andi. I could go for a yawn or two, seeing as it’s almost bed-time here.
Unfortunately, Lily has applied successive layers of mud to her front feet over the course of the evening (we have a leaky greywater system). So, I’ll have to do something to remedy that before I can go to bed.
Sorry, I don’t have any ugly bug pictures to start your day. I did get a few photos of a blue-tongue skink today, but I haven’t downloaded them from the camera yet.
I have complete sympathy with and much too much understanding of muddy dog feet.
Hey blue-tongued skinks are nifty, not ugly.
I didn’t mean to imply that blue-tongues were ugly – they are nifty indeed.
Earlier today Lily pulled one out of the bushes by it’s tail (no, their tails don’t detach). I witnessed the maneuver and got her to drop it unharmed. Imogen then gave the skink the ritual de-ticking before re-releasing it in the front garden.
Poor thing, I’ll bet that was damn scary.