Can’t make the Baltimore meetup? Join our virtual meetup here at the Cafe.
Your host today is Mary.
No crabbing. This is the cafe, not the Chesapeake Bay.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Don’t 4-get to 4 everybody.
For those not able to head east to Baltimore with CG, the cafe is a perfect spot for our own little meetup. What kind of trouble can we get into today? Ideas? Suggestions?
But, first unrecommend the last cafe and recommend this one.
it’s my day off, why am i awake so early? (yes, I slept last night)
I always wake up early on days I don’t have to work.
need coffee?
i’ll stick to de-caff, i’m hoping for a sudden nap-attack to strike at any moment.
I’m sending slackerly/napping thoughts your way Manny. π
is that it can be anything you want.
I plan on napping extensively today. Have you ever noticed those nice cushy couches over on the north side of the cafe? Perfect for napping. And they are virtually unlimited in number and able to accomodate all cafe patrons. π
perverted, ugly, slobs….I would say the sky is the limit as far as raising hell goes.
I knew I could count on you to get in the spirit!
I say we take all the furniture and CDs and newspapers and everything out of the cafe, and replace it with absolutely identical stuff.
oh you wild man you.
How did you like les mis?
Absolutely wonderful. So glad I went. Everybody had a great time.
I left the theater with an interesting question, though. I look at productions like Les Mis or Miss Saigon and I think: Why aren’t these classified as operas? I mean, the majestic staging is there, the absence of spoken dialog is there, the weightier subject matter than your standard Gilbert and Sullivan or Rogers and Hammerstein opus is there . . .
My brother in law and I came to the conclusion that it’s not an opera because operas are performed in opera houses with tickets that cost $100 more than the ones we bought for Les Mis, and regular people actually go to Les Mis where they might not go to an opera. Fifty years from now, music historians will probably see it as a distinction without a difference.
I’m glad you liked it. A few years ago they released the rights for amateur companies to do it and I wondered how it would translate to the high school stage. Amazingly well in fact. It was actually somewhat better in a strange way when it didn’t rely on lots of massive sets and special effects.
I agree with you on opera. I’m an opera fan and, like you, I can’t figure out why these aren’t classified as operas. I think they eventually will be. Candide is now regularly performed by opera companies and I think these will be too.
This production used a massive barricade that folded in from both sides of the stage, a rotating stage that would allow a smooth transition from (for instance) the outside of Valjean’s estate to inside the grounds and back again, and some pretty elaborate sets for places like the sewer and the cafe. I was sort of amazed that they had an entire courtroom set that was only used once for about 30 seconds. Usually the Money in these shows balks at such things unless they’re really raking in the bucks.
High schools get imaginative and creative in the face of such things. For instance I could see the students actually building a barricade as they sing rather than using a mechanical set they could never either afford or build.
In this case they’re really raking in the bucks.
BTW, Family Man is planning a Cafe musical. You’ll want to be involved π
Wonderful idea Mary.
I can see Omir with a lead part, can’t you?
Or maybe because he’s a storyteller he can help move the story along π
I think you’re correct on all. Having Omir would be like having the biggest hit on broadway and the biggest star in it.
Not that everyone wouldn’t be the biggest star in my eyes. π
Hey yeah, I can be like the narrator in the Rocky Horror Picture Show and everyone can yell “Where’s your FREAKIN’ NECK?” every time I appear on stage.
Froggy Bottom Cafe: The Musical? Now why didn’t I think of that?
Because you were too busy making our lifes easier, creating the robo-rater.
Methinks this musical just might be taking off. π
OK, I have the plot synopsis, first draft (apologies if I’m stepping on your toes):
The Froggy Bottom Cafe is this cool little cyberspot that sits next door to a bunch of virtual real estate owned by a big nasty GOP developer. Of course the Cafe is the last bit of electronic holdings this nasty developer needs to buy to be able to put up a high-rise slum, and the owner of the cafe, a guy named BooMan, doesn’t want to sell. So the nasty developer starts a bogus foreclosure proceeding, saying he’ll take over the property in 24 hours unless BooMan can come up with a brazillion dollars. (He has no idea how many a brazillion is, he just heard that three Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq and figured it had to be a lot.)
So, the residents of the cafe get together to showcase their special talents in a fundraiser to save the cafe, and not only do they raise $227.35, thirty unread copies of Crashing the Gate from the Congressional library and an autographed Armando dartboard, the mad hacker Omir pulls a deus ex machina out of his laptop and not only does he make the nasty developer’s toupee disappear, his girdle bust and his Viagra stop working, he manages to get the developer indicted for not being rich and ruthless enough and almost everybody lives hoppily ever after.
How’s that?
You saw Bombay Dreams? Is BooMan going to become a big musical film star to raise part of the money to save the cafe and then forget his roots when he’s surrounded by drugs, women and too much money?
Funny you should mention Bombay Dreams, it’s the first musical the Fifth Avenue Theater is doing for their 2006-2007 season. That’s the theater we went to last night for Les Mis, and to hear them tell it at least they are one of the big stepping stones on the way to Broadway. Considering that they have had a hand in a couple of rather notable successes, like the musical version of Hairspray, I can’t say that I disagree.
Oh yeah, let’s add that to the plot too as long as we’re stealing from every musical cliche ever done.
I think it’s much better than I could have ever come up with.
I approve of my replacement
um, can your replacement play a little softer please? It is morning.
Let’s hear some ranchera, amigo!
I used to get a station from Monterey that played nothing but ranchera back when I lived in Texas many years ago. I’m afraid I didn’t have much appreciation for it back then; to my untrained, Spanish-impaired ear it all sounded pretty much the same. It’s a problem I have with several kinds of music I’m not familiar with. Arabian popular music, for instance, or hip-hop. π
Morning Manny and Tracy.
and it was my sister and I wasn’t very nice to her for making me get dressed to answer it. She should know better than to show up unannounced on a Saturday morning — especially when she was supposed to be out of town anyway.
Sounds like another regular day at my house. Never know who is going to show up or when.
I thought about you, that’s why I told you. I think you’re probably nicer than I was though. I told her to go away.
She’s unable to sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time and hates having nothing to do. She was supposed to go to Dublin for a long weekend and it must have gotten cancelled. So now she wants to be entertained.
Too bad. It’s my three day weekend.
ooops I think I broke my own “no crabbing” rule.
It’s a three day weekend you that you well deserve. It’s Mary time. Relax.
I knew I could count on you to understand.
Always Mary. π
Well the Queen Mom is up calling for my attention and George is whinning. Got to get her settled and George out. I’ll drop by later.
Everybody enjoy and please be careful this weekend.
Just don’t get George settled and Herself out. Easy enough mistake to make on a Saturday morning.
Trust me Omir, they would both let me know if I made that mistake. π
I’m the first one up. I haven’t yet decided whether I’m going to stay up and go get my breakfast, or just roll over and go back to sleep.
Looks like it’s going to be a foggy/rainy day here. Not so good for Folklife. I mean it keeps the crowds down and the thing I hate the most about Folklife is the crowds, but the Queen of the Universe really wants to meet up with some of her friends and go splashing around at this fountain on the Seattle Center grounds that turns into an impromptu wading pool every year.
It’s my consolation for not being able to go to Baltimore, which is after all 3000 miles away.
‘Afternoon, all! Hope everyone’s enjoying a great day.
Far as I can tell, however, the cats are not away — they’re just avoiding the landlord.
Morning WW. Are you calling me catty? π
Not at all! I refer strictly to quadripeds.
is probably what I’ll be later tonight…LMAO
I’m going to one of the oldest Jazz joints here in Miami tonight, and I’ve been warned of a Category 5 Drunk Front that will be moving through tonight. I fully intend on being caught up in the middle of it…; )
so what is “one of the oldest jazz joints in Memphis”?
Don’t worry, I’m not in Memphis so I won’t be stalking you.
oops..not in Memphis, it’s in Miami
LOL…stalking is not any worry of mine..LMAO
even the gator’s don’t stalk me, I hav’nt seen a Bi-ped, nor qaudr-ped that cares to stalk this fat ol’ man…ROTFLMAO
I haven’t hit a Category 5 Drunk Front in years. Wonder if I would survive. π
.. & I truly hope you enjoy it thoroughly, IP — regardless of the state of your peds.
Crap! Here he comes on his riding mower.
‘Scuse me for a moment. Time to pretend we’re all in the shower.
Morning WW and everyone.
I got everyone and thing settled. I figure I’m good for at least 30 minutes before needed again.
Lock the door WW. π
He’s finally gone, FM — after an excessive number of turns ’round my abode, which make the whole place rattle.
Honestly, I cannot stand that goddamn mower.
Eight months of pure peace, serenity & quietude & suddenly I’m living inside a metal vibrator, watching my wildflowers turn to mulch.
Hope you’re doing relatively well today, FM.
I dropped a sympathetic response to your post on the importance of the ‘home place’ the other night — doubt that you saw it.
I fully understand & appreciate where you are.
So I guess this means no more afghans and toilet paper cozies at the local craft fair.
ROTFLMAO….that’s a VISION I did’nt need today.. ; (
Morning IP, what’s new in your neck of the woods?
not much, just still trying to survive the Bush-agance…LOL
Glad to hear from you Omir, looking forward to more of your griot ; )
I keep thinking I ought to do some more, but my griot-writing time dried up and I haven’t been able to pull any loose yet. Not that there’s any less grist for the mill, mind you.
that’s both funny and sad. I hope when I’m 80 my dating life is better than ever.
When my grandma bought into one of those retirement centers in Cape Girardeau she claimed that the old men just were looking for some woman to take care of them and she was too old for that. I don’t think the men minded since the ratio of old men to old women was something like 1 to 10.
My mother said the same thing. She’s just sick of taking care of things and the men just want a caretaker. But now with Viagra it seems they want sex along with someone to cook dinner. Don’t we all.
It must be difficult being a bimbette these days. You find some rich old 85 year old man — but with viagra you actually have to have sex with him.
Ick. That’s the thing with Anna Nicole Smith. I think she deserves every penny that rich old corpse had just for having sex with him.
Now there will be cozies for Valtrex prescription bottles and sweet deals on Grammy’s homemade castor oil crabs shampoo.
I love you, Indy. You never fail to crack me up.
Well, I love you too, Second Nature. For the same reason plus I think you’re loverly on general principles.
Well, that’s because you haven’t actually met me….YET!
I assume you & Andi both will torment the hell out of me just like older sisters usually do. I figure that forgiving you in advance is my best line of defense since that will make it far less satisfying. :p
You take all the fun out of anticipating our meeting.
Hey, don’t blame me for your heterosexuality.
It was the vast heterosexual agenda. I was indoctrinated before I knew any better.
But I need to know specifics on what I can blame you for so I can work out my guilt spiel in advance.
Pfft, as if you need help. Doesn’t just knowing your mother qualify you to be a coach in the Guilt Olympics?
I want you to be really impressed when we meet IRL so I don’t want to take any chances.
I cannot even imagine a reality in which I am not deliriously impressed with your personage. π
Ah, so you have to be out of your mind to be impressed with me. Sounds about right to me. π
I always wondered why all those people went to retirement communities. Now I know. π
Sheds new light on why your mom doesn’t want to go to one. She knows.
Sorry, I’m sure that brings up many disturbing images for you. Feel free to bleach your eyes now.
Bleaching eyes and mind. π
Actually I wish my Mom would meet some nice old guy.
I have just the old guy.
One day you might make it to a retirement community. π
Hey, there’s hope for us all! Is that why you’re waiting so long?
SN you forget where I live. Gene pool. I would hate to hear after something happened. “Oh BTW, did you know we’re 4th cousins removed.” Ewwwwwwwww.
At my MIL’s retirement community they aren’t supposed to have any people who are suffering forms of dementia but money’s money so they do and currently they have a man who shows up at dinner naked from the waist down. So maybe it isn’t dementia but an indication he’s ready for action.
If there’s a combo as repulsive as pantsless old men and dinner, I haven’t heard of it yet.
So you could take care of both him AND your mom?
Hell no. He’d have to be a rich old guy who would adopt me and afford us the luxuries we deserve. π
Honestly though if she did and was happy, then I think, yes I would.
You’re such a nice guy…are you sure you’re not a serial killer?
lol, I make jokes, but really, you’re the guy the poor unwitting neighbors always describe: “We’re just so shocked! He was always a pleasant, quiet fella. He took such good care of his mother, and that little dog of his. He was always polite to us, and he kep’ his lawn real nice. We just can’t imagine how he up and done kilt half the town this weekend.”
I’ve often wondered if a serial killer could be lurking among us. But up until now I didn’t wonder if it was Family Man. Thanks Indy!
Well I wanted the musical to happy, but….. Maybe a new plot line. π
Maybe we could use it for film noir night.
Actually after the first musical, I was think about favorite films with plot twists too.
You forgot ‘he kept to himself mostly, and he was a church goin fella.’
Forget church going fella and I run errands most the time. Doesn’t that count. π
Now you’re scaring me Indy. Lets say I’ve never hurt anything or anyone, and can’t even imagine something like that.
I wouldn’t dream of you hurting anyone, Family Man. I actually do believe that you’re just as nice of a guy as you seem to be. π
Thank you Indy. One phrase my x used to tell me that I actually took to heart. She used to tell me “you’re terminally nice.” Nothing wrong with that, that I can see. π
& you’re obviously still with us.
Betcha Dick Cheney goes first.
You mean the king of mean. π
adds a special frisson to your international man of mystery aura.
Quick, FM….I’ll beat you to Google frisson!
LOL you’re right! π
Now that’s an aura I can do without. π
Frisson was the word of the day on May 6, 2005. No wonder I didn’t know it – I was out that day.
With Andi and everyone around, I’m constantly googling to find out what they’re saying. It almost become a habit. π
You’re so sweet. I hope my kids feel that way about me when I need care.
I should take the hint from my browser. It crashed while I was trying to find a picture of the bedroom scene from Harold and Maude.
& so the popular new phrase is: ‘Make love, not water’ .. ?
LOL! That reminds me of a joke:
Q – What’s 24 feet long and smells like urine?
A – The conga line at the nursing home.
<embarrassed wench-like chuckle>
You’re a virtual fountain of grotesque amusement today, o luscious being.
Higher praise I have not heard. Now I can take a nap with a contented little smile on my face.
Hey WW did ya get rid of the landlord and did the garlic work?
Yes, o wise elder of slackerly weather patterns, the dumb mofo’s gone. Left a little rant upthread in that regard.
No garlic available presently, but I do manage to cast a spell now & then that blows a rod on the mower.
The cats are now expressing their utter relief by eating. They have ‘whew’ expressions on their little faces.
WW I’m sorry. I was jumping around so much I didn’t see it, but now have.
Yes I did see what you wrote the other night and thank you.
All frogs and mice head on over to the new cafe. Don’t forget to hit unrecommend on your way out.