Can’t make the Baltimore meetup? Join our virtual meetup here at the Cafe.
Your host today is Mary.
We’re flooding the cafe to make a pool. Towels are by the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Don’t 4-get to 4 everybody.
we’re having our own party. What kind of games would you like to play?
Please unrecommend the last cafe and recommend this one.
What’s going on?
where’d you go? You were here and then you were gone? Getting ready for a big memorial day weekend barbeque? Or something else?
Made a potato casserole thing. I am cooking deficient.
I’m cooking deficient too. And Missouri is just enough of a southern state that I’m constantly made to know that I’m deficient.
because then people just ask you to contribute stuff like ice cream for get-togethers.
bring the chips, salsa, and soda?
and ain’t it grand — a quick stroll through the grocery store on the way over and you’re done.
Start telling people you’re a lesbian. For one thing, criticizing your cooking skills will rapidly move way down on their priority list. For another, you will be soundly praised if you mix up some instant jello pudding and then let it set in a pre-made graham cracker crust. Which, once you get over feeling like you’ve suddenly been re-routed to the special ed cooking class, does take the pressure off.
Laura is laughing! LIL!
though with a girl who could cook. He would be able to get away with all sorts of shit and everybody would feel sorry for him because he was unfortunate enough to marry a lesbian.
Their pity might be mitigated, though, by the idea that you let him watch.
Twisted? Nay, I protest!
Is it my fault if I’m aware of common heterosexual fantasies?
Don’t answer that.
I sent my husband a copy of the movie “The Sex Monster” when he was in Iraq. All these macho Army guys always talking about if their wife wanted to do something with another woman that they would be in heaven. I watched that movie one night and died laughing thinking about all the times I had heard that. After receiving the movie and watching my husband phoned home to tell me that I had ruined their favorite fantasy. In the movie a wife decides to give in to her husband’s wish and then discovers that she likes girls better. She is sneaking girls into the house when he’s at work, hitting on his secretary. I’ll never forget one of the movie husband’s arguments for having his movie wife experience another woman, “You’ll have the home court advantage!”
I s’pose the nice thing about fantasies is that they only go so far.
I’ve actually known a man to offer defense for unlawful action by telling the court that just before the offense, his girlfriend left him for another woman. Playing the universal sympathy card, I guess.
It didn’t help, however.
Now there’s a thought!
“came out”. Back home one night we went for a drink together. Nothing was open so we ended up going to a less than savory local bar. Town was so small though that everybody basically knows everybody. A guy approached us sitting together, not exactly sure how he made a living but he always seemed flush with cash whenever I was around him. He looked down at us sitting there and then looked at me and said, “We’ll I guess I know why you wouldn’t ever go out with me now.” “Yeah, that’s it, it has nothing to do with having a questionable livelihood and your complete lack of bathing!”
My ability to cook is limited to heating up Pop Tarts and opening bottles of beer. My wife know how to make a peanut butter sandwich, and I think she knows where the beer opener is. Needless to say, we eat out a lot, and by a lot I mean every day. In fact, we’re off to go get some duck for lunch now. Ah, duck. The water fowl of the gods.
poptart my breakfast frustrations will be solved permanently.
I regularly forget to adjust the toaster and burn my pop tarts 🙁
Ouch. But you guys should really try Toaster Strudels instead. No more pop tarts for you!
Because they are harder to burn? Or because they tsste better?
That’s no joke. You can get a second degree burn from an improperly cooked Pop-tart. Okay, I got a second degree burn from an improperly cooked Pop-tart.
among these Southern girls, I really am a slob. My family though is all within the healthy weight zones accept for me, and that didn’t happen until my thyroid went haywire. I always wanted to eat to live instead of live to eat. I think around the neighborhood though the gossip is that I starve my children.
I have an excellent recipe for deficient if you are interested.
Fantastic, Andi! Beautiful color — so inviting!
(Though I’m sure it may not be, in actuality.)
There’s not too much in the woods that I don’t find inviting.
Seconded! Naturally.
Having good weather there, Andi?
It’s a little warm for me but still very nice.
Hope your day is going well.
… to get that ripple? Lovely … 🙂
Nope, just lucky.
Hope you have been enjoying the garden.
We’re off to do some stuff. See you this evening — if you are around.
Hi and bye. The queen mother is calling and I’ve got to run an errand. Be back in awhile.
The cutest Cafe ever!
thanks kb. Grab a towel.
Have a nice afternoon everybody.
o scrumptious mousies!
Do not be alarmed! Though I may resemble some other type of quadriped, I am really just a teddy bear ..
.. who likes to stay dry. I loathe soap.
We are having very nice weather now, so the human wench is off to her chores. I am off to hunt .. um, bugs.
We will see you soon. I will be lurking .. but do not concern yourselves. Enjoy!
eeeek! all the mice are hiding!
It looks like I’ve got the pool all to myself. Mary did a wonderful job with flooding the cafe.
quick shout out in the midst of Sat. errands…had to stop by the house to turn the a/c on in the studio so I’d have a refuge later…90° + here today…very unusual this early…global warming? Nah.
Temptations…decisions…hop in the pool…or
clik image to enlarge
Have fun yawl…
Just got a note in the mail from ComCa$t that Current TV is going to be added to our lineup in a month or so. Yeah!
I’m back, is anyone around?
I just got back too. Had to go down town and it’s hot as can be out there.
it’s 92 here, what’s it there?
I was just running errands that didn’t involve me being out much and I’m still hot and yucky.
I just looked it up. 91, but feel like 93 it said. I’m the same. Just going from the grocery store to the end of the parking the a few other stops and it’s enough for me. Ahhhh AC.
I guess everybody else has been out too, or napping.
I’m trying to decide if I want to take a shower or if that’s too much effort. I think it’s too much effort.
You already know my reply, so I’m not even going to say it. 🙂
that’s a nice pool picture you found, I wish it were real. That would solve the slack and get clean problem 🙂
RL does take precedence. Though slacking is an art form. 🙂
OK, I’ll be back in a few, I’m going to take the plunge (so to speak).
Have fun. It’s nap time for me.
Check back later.
for a little while, anyway.
hey, are you still here?
Nope 🙂
what’s up, recovered from NOLA and Memphis? Caught up on work? (heh)
If by ‘recovered’ you mean ‘already looking forward to the next vacation’ then yes.
I went in to work for a while today, and will go in again tomorrow, so I guess I’m not really caught up yet.
I’m going to go hop in the shower now…back in a few.
estatic at having absolutely nothing to do today. And tomorrow. And the day after that.
for a swim earlier, just finished making some salsa and a quesadilla.
will go nicely with this beer ej left you.
I was out blog surfing — seems everyone else is just as confused about the whole Gonzales resignation threat as I am.
You going out tonight or sticking around for “maryb’s last lounge”.
around, gotta make sure you have a proper sending off as you ditch us for real-life frivolity. 😉
I haven’t turned on any of the news channels today, I’ve been watching the Food Network trying to figure out clever ways to destroy my kitchen. You would think Mr. Torture would have thicker skin after spending so much time contemplating ways to ensure a war crimes trial in the future.
Hi Mary, Manny, ej, kidspeak and whoever is lurking.
Manny were you watching the sugar championships.
I’m learning about the behind the scenes operation of food prep at Disney World. I think the host, Marc Summers, is a vampire, he hasn’t aged at all since the days when I was addicted to Double Dare on Nickelodean.
There was a great chicken curry segment a coupla hours ago, good stuff.
I guess they show different shows in different areas. Right now they’re showing iron chefs. Don’t really like that.
it’s too ‘reality tv’-ish for me, I watch the FN to learn how to cook not to watch someone else figure out how best to concoct a duck-foot/salmon cheesecake.
Same here. I want to know what ingredients, how much and how to cook it. Although I do like watching Elton Brown. Those little know facts he brings up.
I’m not sure I want to know about the behind the scenes food preparation at Disney World. I go every year and I like everything to just be magical 🙂
but I head to Disneyland at least once a year, I love it.
We were in front of the castle for New Years, that was by far the funnest NYE party I’ve been to so far.
The good thing about this show is that now I know where I can find the white chocolate cheesecake for dessert.
especially at the world pavilions in Epcot.
I’m usually there for the food and wine festival so I like to just walk around, watch the entertainment, and try different things at the booths.
But we also try a different hotel restaurant each year, last year was the Polynesian. My favorite has been the hotel near Animal Kingdom (I can’t think of the name but they have african food).
Where’s the cheesecake?
at the Dolphin when I went, it was cool to take the boat around the resort. The cheesecake is at the eatery closest to Pirates of the Carribean.
Based on my career in food service, I never want to know anything about any food preparation at any restaurant.
how was your day.
And I agree about the food.
Day was fine. Nice bike ride with no wind. Went to the library, grocery store, and got dinner from our favorite take-out (a place that does all kinds of salads) so no cooking.
Did I miss any excitement?
not as far as I can tell. I went out and ran errands and did a little shopping this afternoon and when I got back the cafe was completely empty. People just started showing up.
I think I agree with you Andi.
How’s the day so far?
See answer to mary above.
How was your day? Did you sit around watching the grass die and drinking iced tea?
Saw it. You pretty much it the nail on the head, with the exception of tea. Now it’s just water.
Glad you had a good day.
or is that a cable thing?
It’s a cable thing on food network. The chefs are in competetion to make sugar sculptures.
Actually I was channel surfing and on the history channel I thought about you. The had about the acient Romans and the Lake Nemi ships. Now it’s about Archimedes.
I had to google the Lake Nemi ships — they sound cool. Fun archaeology facts.
That’s the reason I thought of you, the archaeology. Plus your Italy trip.
Here, have a beer 🙂
I’ll take the aspirin now since I intend on having more than one.
Working today E? and tomorrow? Mr. Yuck doesn’t approve.
Have some scotch to cheer you up
Mmmm, scotch.
OK, I’m off to go watch the Pistons get home-court advantage back from the Heat. See you guys later!
Aside from MY CAT!!!!
no, the cat’s away …
Hi MM, how was your day?
Hey, maryb! Still on hold with the Indonesian situation. We would really like to get some news about what’s going on with our family over there, but need to be patient!
In 1972 my grandma was visiting her daughter (my aunt), son in law and 5 grandchildren (my cousins) in Managua when the earthquake hit that destroyed the city It took us a couple of days to find out anything. My dad had a friend who was a ham radio operator who monitored all the transmissions for us — they lived near the American ambassdor’s house so we told him to listen for damage reports on that house to try to get an idea of what was going on in their area. After a couple of days my grandma called from Miami, where she’d been evacuated by the American embassy. Everyone was alive and well, except my grandma had broken her toe when she was thrown out of bed.
So I know what you are going through. I hope you have an equally happy ending.
Wow that must have been a really really stressful experience, but I’m so glad that all was well in the end.
It’s hard to get a sense of what is going on in Java, my husband’s father and most of his siblings live in Yogyakarta, which is only 15 miles away from the epicenter. But after surviving the Northridge quake in 1994, I know that there is nothing about earthquakes that is predictable except that there are alway casualties.
MM, this must be extremely nerve-wracking for you and your husband. I hope you get good news soon.
How’re doing MM?
Okie Dokie, FM! Are you having a premium slacker day, I hope?
Yes I am. Except for a brief trip downtown I’ve stayed inside and napped.
O FM, you are my role model! I feel a nap coming on at this very moment!
Naps. Rest and relax and I hope everything goes well.
Yup, that’s me.
And proud of it, ay?
Not really but it isn’t like I have some choice about being something else — after almost 56 years in this state, I think I’m stuck with it.
You certainly have exercised a talent for capturing the most beautiful aspects of it!
over here
Please unrecommend this cafe on your way out.