I just received the following Announcement, from Sean Huze – Marine, Iraq Vet. You may want to add his new Blog to your Blog Rolls and Visit often, for progress on his Production of “Homecoming”. You can read more about the production below and by visiting the Site and New Blog.
The link above, with Sean’s name, takes you to the page, to find out all about him, in his words.
Below is the E-Announcement:

Vet Films Blog
Hey all,
So, I created a blog for the project. I plan to make a tab to link to it from the Veteran Films – Sand Storm Productions site late Sunday night. That way, it gives everyone a chance to post and/or comment over the next few days and when it is linked up, it won’t look lame (ie the only posts being mine). I’ll be using it to post when we have new donors/producers, updates on the status (shoot dates, screenings, film festival acceptance, etc), and I’ve asked the cast/crew to post their thoughts and experience with the project on the blog as well. I hope that it will be a fun & ACTIVE blog. If not, it may be short-lived. Thanks to all of you for being a part of this project and I look forward to seeing your posts on the Vet Films Blog!
All the best,
Sean Huze
Veteran Films – Sand Storm Productions

Abit of information from the Site, other links can be found there as well as in the building of the Blog:

The Production from Sand Storm:
The war ends at home
Veteran Films
Homecoming is the first in what we hope will be a series of short films related to the war in Iraq and/or the veteran’s experience upon return. Homecoming focuses on the turmoil war inflicts on its combatants and their families and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Produced by Sand Storm Productions in association with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), the hope is that the film will raise both awareness and funds so that IAVA can make this veteran’s issue a part of mainstream media and conversation.

The Announcement went out to Contributors to the Film Project. The link for the Site is where you can join us and Contribute what you can afford and become a part of this Project.

Help this New Generation of Combat Vets out if you can, to bring Awareness/Truth where it belongs, Into The Light!!

As the project is about the returning Vets and touching on PTSD you might want to visit this Article, from the UK that was posted today, adding to the Many coming out:

26 April 2006
EXCLUSIVE These are four mates who dreamed of joining the Army together. But two years after serving in Basra they say they are suffering from post-traumatic stress..
By Ros Wynne-Jones

“Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another.”