What a revolting situation.

Religious fundamentalists are everywhere, pulling political strings and buying off politicians all the way up to the Oval office, to back up their campaign to remove our hard won civil right to reproductive freedom, and send us back to the good ol days when we were first and foremost, breeding machines . Don’t kid yourself that its only abortion that want to get rid of. (Or make impossible to access one way or other), it’s the morning after pill too,  and birth control itself isn’t far behind.  

If that’s not bad enough, (and it is), now we have groups like “Democrats For Life”, plus  many  “progressive” men within our own so called liberal party, who want to elect anti choice candidates all over the place, because it’s politically expedient. “Don’t worry”, they tell us, “Once we’ve got control of congress back, THEN your rights will be protected!”      (WTF!  Do we look STUPID?  And we should trust any men in power with our reproductive freedoms…exactly WHY?)   Face it: until those men can get pregnant (and as long as they’re getting plenty of sex,)  reproductive rights for women will never be their top priority.
Sisters, it’s time to take control of our own lives and our own freedoms!    (TOWANDA!)

Will  those of us who really don’t want to become mamas  have to give up sex altogether, in order to be absolutely sure we don’t get pregnant? ( or get some lovely STD??)  Of course not!

There are other perfectly good options, such as becoming a lesbian, (hey, if you haven’t tried it, don’t knock it. I’m serious!) OR we can  become skilled experts at the art of “self love”, (after a trip to the “toy store” where you will find a selection of designer penises that will knock you socks off!)  

I know, I know, it’s not quite the same as getting it on with a handsome hunk after a nice romantic candle lit dinner,  but think this one  through with me, just for a  minute! Just pretend that we had the unity to all say “Uh Uh. Not tonight.  Not tomorrow night either.  In fact, not at all, not until I know for sure and certain that “I”  am in full control  of whatever happens in  my own body, as a result of having sex with you!” ”

How long do you think it would take those religious fanatics to back off if they weren’t getting any?  How long would it take our “pro life Dems”  to decide maybe they needed to rethink their  stand on reproductive rights? And how long would our dear “progressive leaders” be  willing to go without, before deciding it’s really NOT such a good idea to bargain away women’s freedoms for political victories?

Don’t be fooled, sisters. This whole damned thing is about control. It’s  about re-asserting male control of women’s lives, by controlling our bodies and our reproductive freedoms.    It’s about removing unwanted competition out there in the “real word” by women who have become  entirely  too big for their britches, who no longer know their “proper place.” as decreed by a patriarchal religious ideology that  created  by men, and from which men have benefitted for generations.  They are going for a return to the ” good old days,” when a women existed to serve her man, her children, her family, her home, and her church, before ever even thinking of herself and her own needs.  I came from those days. I lived in those days. I know what life is like in that kind of a world. You do not..repeat..you do NOT want to let this happen again.

So, if I was a fairy godmother..(wait a minute ..I AM!), I would be waving  my magic wand like crazy right now, so that ALL women would “JUST SAY NO!” until all the puffed up arrogant, ignorant, misogynist males who THINK  they are in charge, would have to cry
UNCLE!!” and then finally get on with accepting AND supporting what has not yet been  accepted by far too many men: that women have a constitutional  right to the exact kind of sovereign control over our bodies that men have always had over theirs. As well as all the other equal rights that are still being given lip service all too often.    


(crossposted from OurWord.org)