Something that people either don’t know or tend to forget is that Marco Rubio endorsed Mike Huckabee during the 2008 cycle.
“For those of us who consider ourselves to be Reagan conservatives, Mike Huckabee is our best chance to win the nomination,” Rubio told reporters in late 2007. “People are looking for genuineness and sincerity in politics. He has those qualities as well as the positive leadership skills needed to run our country.”
In fact, the two worked so much together, Huckabee credited Rubio with changing his mind on key policies related to Cuba. Specifically Huckabee had been for ending the embargo with the communist nation. But after spending time with Rubio in 2007, Huckabee changed his stance and refused to support ending the embargo without significant democratic reforms in Cuba.
At the time, Rubio was the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. He could have followed his mentor Jeb Bush’s lead and endorsed Mitt Romney, but he went with an unhinged biblical literalist and transparent huckster and con man instead. Even at the time, Rubio’s choice mystified a lot of people, but one of his advisors explained that raw ambition was behind it.
At the time, Rubio was on his way out of the speakership, and he was looking to have a greater presence on the national scene. He would get more of a return with Huckabee, more so than with Fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney or John McCain.
“That was an endorsement really where they had nothing to lose, especially Marco,” the aide told The Daily Beast. “It was more of an introductory move to get his foot in the door. Back then Marco was really pitching his conservative values, and it mirrored where Huckabee was… It just elevated him a little bit, elevated himself on the national scene. If Huckabee had legs, [Rubio] would have had a pretty big presence.”
Maybe so, but Rubio said he went with Huckabee because he thought he was the strongest opponent of reproductive choice: “I want the Republican Party to be the party of life and family, and Mike Huckabee is the best candidate on those issues.”
In other words, Rubio wanted to cast himself as a politican evangelicals should rally behind. But if we flash-forward eight years, Huckabee is not inclined to return the favor. He says that he’ll probably support Trump if he isn’t successful in winning the nomination himself, and that’s remarkable because Trump is the worst poster boy for family values that the Republicans could choose. What Huckabee and Trump share isn’t a love for marital fidelity and conservative Christian values, but a gift for ripping people off. I guess grifters gotta stick together.
As for Marco Rubio, we keep hearing him characterized as “a target straddling the line between the conservative and establishment wings of the Republican Party.” And I guess that he should be given political credit for being able to create that impression.
Here’s the deal, though. Folks are looking at two things. First, they’re looking at the ascendancy of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz and casting around desperately for an alternative. Second, they’re looking at how bereft of juice and hope the Jeb! Bush campaign has become.
And they keep coming back to Marco Rubio as the guy who should be able to fill that void. That’s why his competitors are ganging up on him now and calling him weak and unreliable.
But I keep coming back to that Huckabee endorsement from late 2007.
Is that something a true “Establishment” candidate would do?
So, which is it?
Is Rubio a far-right candidate for biblical literalists or the safe establishment alternative to Trump and Cruz?
He’s tried to have it both ways, but his opponents are going to make him choose.
Yet another example of sound tactics and abysmal strategy.
A quick definition:
Tactics is how you win the battle.
Strategy is how you win the war.
Rubio is a weasel whose views slip back and forth between “moderate” conservatism and reactionary absolutism depending on who he’s talking to. As before on immigration, so on abortion.
Talking to Meet the Press, Auguest 2015:
Talking to Fox News, August 2015:
Rubio is using the Zelig playbook. Problem is that he can’t act and is too lazy to perform in half empty rooms.
I’ve always thought Rubio was the most dangerous candidate to run against HRC, because he is truly a fresh face, young and charismatic. All the things that Clinton is not.
But he also brings her liabilities in spades. He’s poll-driven, unprincipled and has real corruption issues in his past. He has HRC’s perceived liabilities as actual liabilities.
OT but what an asshole
National Rifle Association President Wayne LaPierre on Wednesday challenged President Barack Obama to a debate on guns, even though the organization declined a White House invitation to participate in a town hall discussion that aired last week on CNN.
Fuck Wayne LaPierre. That extremely sociopathic asshole doesn’t deserve the privilege of being on the same stage with President Obama.
An example: it is patently obvious to any sentient being that the NRA would reject any offers to debate that the White House would offer and then go to the media to complain that the President won’t accept a “fair and balanced” debate stage.
But it is funny to see LaPierre bitch about process; that always works to grow your base. The Trumpian response would be, “Wayne looks WEAK!”
“He’s tried to have it both ways, but his opponents are going to make him choose.”
The Clinton’s are adept at having it both ways.
As in: Are they progressive?
The ability to have it both ways is actually the sign of good politician. Its in the job description in the same way as catching fish is for a fisherman.
The question: are you smart enough or able enough to get away with it? Or perhaps, more accurately, does your audience want you to get away with it?
IOW, if you are honest, stay out of politics. Just leave tb to the Trumps, Rubios and Clintons.
I have to deny that.
And a birther problem More popcorn!!
Pretty hard to argue that someone born here is an immigrant. But that’s lawyers for you. If engineers were lawyers, roads would look like pretzels and be littered with off ramps to nowhere.
Umm… I think you may have that backwards. If lawyers were engineers, instead of engineers were lawyers as you wrote.
The point however still seems mostly sound.
Given the ambiguities of the English language, it actually works both ways:
If engineers were (thought like) lawyers….
If lawyers were (did the work of) engineers….
The English, she is a funny thing.
Boo you question the endorsement of Huck back in ’08 being the behavior of a true establishment GOPer. The thing is, the Tea Party kooks who have been elected since Obama took office are now being considered establishment.
Nikki Haley is on the Yahoo page being touted as a VP candidate now due to her response and favorite of the establishment.
Lil’ Marco was a Tea Party darling when he ran for office.
Paul Ryan is an Ayn Rand acolyte and now establishment.
Un-elected bomb throwers are embraced by the tea party, end up in office and become establishment simply by holding office. They may not actually “compromise” but they are stuck with the stench of elective office and since Obamacare, abortion, whatever is still around, they are considered to have sold out.
and it is only a matter of time before Cruz will be considered establishment……
You make a good point. The notion of democracy – allegedly about building consensus and working together towards solutions that work for the majority (as opposed to only for a white supremacist tantrum-throwing bitter male minority) – flew out the window long long ago.
The GOP/Tea Party wants only THEIR laws/ideas/etc to happen, and everyone else is either illegal, immoral, or just to blah to be under any consideration.
Once these yay-hoo candidates get elected, their constituents are instantly disappointed because something or other didn’t happen immediately.
We’ve said here before, it’s in the GOP establishment’s bigger interest to keep abortion legal, to let gay marriage happen, and to not really ever resolve issues around immigration. Why? Because these, among other wedge issues, are what keep the GOP in bidness. And the GOP has become adept at eating its own.
Paul Ryan did not want to become Speaker for reasons obvious to anyone who knows something about how politics works these days. I’m guessing he was given a whole lotta payola and a buncha other promises to take on this position bc, frankly, at some point, his heavily brainwashed hissing base will demand his head on a platter. No love lost on alcoholic Tan Man Boehner, but I really felt that I understood his euphoria in quitting. Who wouldn’t want to get out of that viper’s nest??
The GOP has created it’s own monster show, which has resulted in Trump. Rubio? Eh? He’s doing what everyone else does… yes, ineptly, but not surprisingly. I don’t think he stands a chance for POTUS, but what do I know?