Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing

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That thing… that thing right there, by your foot, it is my jaw

“I certainly do not want to discuss that issue,” the Arizona senator said aboard his “Straight Talk Express” bus in Ohio when asked about his views on health insurance covering the medication.

But the off-message topic was raised from a member of McCain’s own team: national co-chairwoman Carly Fiorina, who had said earlier women often express frustration over the fact many health insurance plans cover Viagra but not birth control medication.

“Let me give you a real, live example, which I’ve been hearing a lot about from women. There are many health insurance plans that will cover Viagra but won’t cover birth control medication. Those women would like a choice,” she said Monday.

McCain shows his ignorance on the topic and from the video, he squirms and winces his way through the questioning and sums up that he does not know enough about the issue to give an informed answer. The list of things McCain admittedly doesn’t know anything about is becoming impressively long – economics, computers, the internet and now health insurance.

Evidently the Straight Talk Express bus is shorter than the others.