It’s all over the news. Already. (They know when the wind starts to blow in a dangerous direction. And they know what to do about it, as well. I think. I hope.)
Checkered Financial Past Dogs Tea Party’s Christine O’Donnell in Senate Bid (4144 articles linked on Google News, 7:03 PM EDT, 9/15/19.)
Poll Suggests Opportunities for Both Parties in Midterms (NY Times)
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Taps Elizabeth Warren for New Consumer Protection Agency (434 articles linked on Google News, 7:14PM EDT, 9/15/10)
We’re on your side!!! WE’RE the good guys!!! Lookit!!! We’ve put a real person in charge!!!
In New York Republican governor’s race, the GOP establishment is the loser (LA Times)
There is more, I’m sure but…why soil my beautiful mind with such things?
The hustle is on.
The drumbeat will get louder in the next several weeks.
My prediction? Colored perhaps by a little hope?
It’ll work.
Minimal damage done, another round of attempts to make some sense by ObamaCorp.
We shall see.
Soon enough.
Stay tuned. (If of course you have built up enough immunity to the hypnomedia to take a quick peek once in a while without reverting to your original two year old’s trance state.)
May you be born into interesting times.
It is ironic that the last chance for some sort of rational national discussion should be in the hands of the HowdyDoodyLand MSM.
So it goes.
So we let it go.
Let us pray.
Let us pray that evolution is not through w/the US just yet.
We shall see, soon enough.
Let there be light.
Even if it is from a cathode ray tube.
Let us pray.
I know you just make these posts because you crave attention, and I should really take a “starve the beast” approach with you.
But i would be remissed if I didn’t tell you when I read your posts, with that ridiculous writing style, you remind me of this guy:!v=oY0a4jmkHzA&feature=related
and I don’t mean Dave.
That’s “remiss”, LT.
An insult from people like you is a compliment.
Thank you.
P.S. “…and I don’t mean Dave?”
You mean…if I mistakenly thought that you did mean Letterman then you think I would take that as a compliment? He’s an insincere media hustler with no inner content whatsoever. He’s nothing, kiddo. Not even a joke. A cipher. A blown-up zero.
Glad you like him.
How the Democrats Could Do It
O’Donnell Win Sends Message to GOP
The Democrats’ Tea Glee
Obama Promises Action on Immigration (Daily Beast, 8AM EDT 9/16/10)
ABC News:
Can GOP Sink Any Lower Than Carl Paladino? Nah.
Bill Clinton: Tea Party Shake-Up Of GOP Makes Bush Look Liberal
And several more similar stories on Huffington Post plus I am sure hundreds more that I am unwilling to spend the time to dig up.
The hustle is on.
My own media awakening started in the year 2004 when I returned home from an extensive and exhausting European tour of mostly one-nighters. (I am a musician, for those readers who do not know me.) I opened the Sunday Times after having been isolated from US media-generated news for most of that time and was confronted with the following picture.
A hawk-like Kerry about to pounce on an apparently unsuspecting and toothsome little morsel named Howard Dean. I knew at that moment that Dean’s demise as a national candidate was imminent, and soon after this epiphany Dean’s little “Ah HA!!!” moment was amplified by the media into a campaign ending gaffe.
And as a direct result of this effort we were given another four years of BushCo and hundreds of thousands more lives were lost or ruined worldwide. Maybe into the millions if this current set of economic fails continues to spiral downward.
This happened almost six years ago. The media has gotten much more savvy about its power and how to use it since then. Witness their creation of President Obama for all the information that you need on that account. They are now going to try to take down the Tea Party just as they did Dean. As they will any “extreme” movement no matter how intelligent or stupid it may be.
In the long run, extreme change threatens to be bad for quarterly business. Short term? Change sells media time. “Hottest thing ever!!!” screams the media. “Getcha red-hot news right here!!!” But long term? No. They want status quo and not a jot more or less. Bet on it. They want a vast, grazing herd of middle that will reliably tune in to “the news” even if there really is none.
And they are going to Dean the shit out of the Tea Party and by extension the Republican Party starting right now and leading up to the elections in November.
Will they be successful?
It depends on your definition of “success”, I suppose.
My definition?
“Success” would have been Howard Dean in the White House.
“Success” would be news coverage on merit rather than middleness.
But what do I know? I’m just a musician. Right?
I think that we are going to “middle” ourselves into insignificance if we are not careful.
On the other hand…given a choice between the middle and the likes of Paladino, O’Donnelll and Palin?
UH oh!!!
I suddenly find myself feeling all warm and fuzzy about mediocrity.
And of two minds regarding the media.
One mind wants to blow it up real good.
The other…and this is a very new feeling for me…sees it as a buffer against the kind of radical change that has displaced populations and destroyed cultures since history began.
Will they be sucessful?
If they stop the takeover of our government by the Palinites in 2012?
Now’s the time.
We shall soon see.
Let us pray.
Now say what you will about Barack Obama…he did win. And David Plouffe was his primary guide through the electoral/media wilderness only a couple of years ago.
Here is some of what he has to say about the extremization of the heretofore simply mediocre and crooked Republican Party and how the situation will develop over the next couple of years:
Now of course this is all spin.
But it is true spin…the best kind. False spin requires constant effort to keep it spinning. True spin goes viral.
A coment Arthur, just to grab some of your attention …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I live in the Bronx.
Thanks, though…
Properly known as ‘da Bronx.’
That’s the way I usually write it. Dunno what came over me.
But…when spoken?
“I live inna Bronx” is the real deal.