It’s all over the news. Already. (They know when the wind starts to blow in a dangerous direction. And they know what to do about it, as well. I think. I hope.)

Checkered Financial Past Dogs Tea Party’s Christine O’Donnell in Senate Bid (4144  articles linked on Google News, 7:03 PM EDT, 9/15/19.)

Poll Suggests Opportunities for Both Parties in Midterms (NY Times)

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Taps Elizabeth Warren for New Consumer Protection Agency (434 articles linked on Google News, 7:14PM EDT, 9/15/10)


We’re on your side!!! WE’RE the good guys!!! Lookit!!! We’ve put a real person in charge!!!

In New York Republican governor’s race, the GOP establishment is the loser (LA Times)

There is more, I’m sure but…why soil my beautiful mind with such things?


The hustle is on.

The drumbeat will get louder in the next several weeks.


My prediction? Colored perhaps by a little hope?

It’ll work.

Minimal damage done, another round of attempts to make some sense by ObamaCorp.

We shall see.

Soon enough.

Stay tuned. (If of course you have built up enough immunity to the hypnomedia to take a quick peek once in a while without reverting to your original two year old’s trance state.)

May you be born into interesting times.