I’m sitting here listening to Arlen Specter give a press conference. Arlen announced at the close of the hearings that he would vote for Alito.

One of the first questions he received asked him why he was voting for a judge whose ideas on Roe v. Wade are thought to be well known, and whom appears to be opposed to abortion rights.

Arlen explained that Justice Souter was considered strongly pro-life, and that Justices O’Connor and Kennedy had professed pro-life views, but they had all joined to write the Casey decision.

That is all true. But, Alito appears to be opposed to Roe right now. He had many opportunities to dissuade the public from the perception that he would not respect Roe as settled law, and he failed to do so.

Arlen Specter ran for reelection in 2004, claiming to be a supporter of women’s rights, and privacy rights. I know that, as the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee considering the merits of a nominee of his own party, Specter has a difficult job. But he also has to answer to the people of Pennsylvania that took him at his word when they decided to reelect him.

This is no minor broken promise. This year the people of Pennsylvania are facing a likely choice between Rick Santorum and Bob Casey, Jr. Both candidates are opponents of Roe. Yet, the people of Pennsylvania do not support overturning Roe.

Arlen Specter has an opportunity to stand up for our beliefs by rejecting Alito. At a minimum he should cast his floor vote against Alito. But, he has made a decision to turn his back on us, to break his promises, and to do the bidding of the President and the religious extremists within his party.

Specter should be ashamed of himself.