George W. Bush has received nothing but bad news from the pollsters of late as his job approval ratings have tumbled over his perceived mishandling of the situation in Iraq, the economy, Social Security, and most recently the federal response to Hurricane Katrina. But ever since September 11, 2001, Bush has had the confidence of the American people when it came to protecting us in the war against terror.
Now it would appear that public confidence in the president is crumbling on the terror front as well, at least that is what the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll suggests:
Conducted September 9-12, 2005, the new poll represents troubling news for Bush, t who has staked his presidency upon his success in fighting what he calls the “world wide war on terror.”
“When it comes to dealing with the war on terrorism, do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing?”
Approve: 43%
Disapprove: 51%
This is the first time since 9/11/01 that more people disapproved of Bush’s handling of the war on terror than approved. In January of this year 53% approved versus 43% who disapproved. This poll represents a 19-point swing toward disapproval.
“”Do you think that the United States is adequately prepared for a nuclear, biological, or chemical attack, or not?”
Is: 19%
Is Not: 75%
“Do you think that, as a country, we are more safe, about as safe, or less safe than we were before September 11th?”
More Safe: 31%
About As Safe: 37%
Less Safe: 31%
This is the first time since 9/11/01 that more people did not feel more safe than less safe.
One poll does not a trend make, but if the American people lose faith in president Bush’s ability to protect us from terrorists, what does he have left to hang his hat on? Karl Rove must be sweating bullets right about now.
Let’s hope Bush is losing his coattails…and that the polls show a trend towards dumping his GOP loyalists in 2006. Bush is protected from the polls. No one will tell him he’s not King of the World. But, maybe the nation is waking up. I don’t have much faith in that..Karl Rove will expel his kidney stones and get right on his killer bandwagon. He’s not finished yet.