Tommy Thompson, Republican US Senate candidate in Wisconsin — unlike Paul Ryan who still tries to hide the stinky cheese that his vaunted plan to save Medicare would essentially kill Medicare — makes no bones about the fact Republicans want to “do away with Medicare and Medicaid,” and he’s “just the guy to do it.” Just watch:
Please send out the link to this video on Twitter and post it to Facebook, and email it to anyone who still thinks Republicans running for elective office are compassionate. Because people need to see what Republicans say when they tell the truth for a change about their plans for the future of our nation and its people.
Dead man walking!
No wonder Thompson’s poll numbers are supposedly cratering.
Couldn’t stand the guy when I lived in Wisconsin, and can’t believe he would win in the state again for any position.
…and imagine that this is like a lot of Wisconsin. Both Thompson and Paul Ryan seem oblivious to the carnage.
I think there are going to be surprises come November, and the same bobbleheads may not survive this political season.
Good to see you posting here ~ you’ve been missed and thanks for the link ~ that story needs to be shared far and wide. I just did.
Sounds like Republican Heaven! Keep those proles in their place!
Well…my wife’s “in the mood”!
Mother Mary!
Is she a Democrat?
Afraid the GOP voters that depend on Medicare and/or Medicaid are as deaf as the Log Cabin Republicans. They really don’t believe that Republicans would end entitlements.
…Tommy Thompson is not as great as his PR claims. Dude has been taking mega from the drug companies he went and shilled for after he left Bush’s administration. All he’s after is bucks, and he gets his back up at anyone who wants accountability about HIS tax returns. This revelation about his making deals with Big Pharma over Medicare has been a shock to a lot of Wisconsinites. Much like the reaction folks have been recovering over about the real Paul Ryan of Janesville. Rumor has it that he’s trending badly in his race to keep his House seat lest he lose the vice-presidency.
Prick him a few times, and the crusty crab that is Thompson does come out of his shell. As Tammy Baldwin continues to whack him big time upside the head on the campaign trail and in the polls, I fully expect Thompson to get nasty and then nastier.
Love your pieces, but here, you haven’t gotten the compete poop and scoop regarding Tommy Thompson.
Just not on the stump.