From the column by the Toronto (CA) Star‘s Linwood Barclay:
What boneheaded design guides Dubya’s moves?
… Once one embraces the concept of unintelligent design — a kind of doofus-like cosmic force — it becomes much easier to get your head around the operations of the Bush administration. …
Read all of Barclay’s hilarity and horror. OPEN THREAD:
Thanks to Susan T in Michigan for sending me this great column. Those Canadians!
One month ago today, I wrote this diary, which some of you read.
Well last night, Nick emailed me about it. I haven’t heard from him or any of his brothers in about 8 years.
I don’t know how he stumbled across it, if someone pointed it out to him, if he just happened to find it through googling, or what. I’m still kind of amazed and in shock.
If any of you pointed it out to him, you’ve got my most heartfelt thanks. And of course, thanks to BooMan for making this place great and sharing it with all of us.
This is wonderful, emjw. Let us know, if you can, how your reconnection goes … perhaps you can reunite in real life too.
But we are the foolish audience that enjoys the laughs while our attention is misdirected so they can rob us blind.
I’m trying to counter my personal tendency to entertain myself with how stupid, silly and arrogant they are, and marshal whatever fighting force I’ve got against them.
Didn’t somebody famous say once “We don’t get fooled again?”
That’s just amazing. Linwood Barclay writes funny “slice of life” kinds of columns about his kids and everyday stuff.
Never in a million years would I have imagined him writing such a fantastic political piece. Wow. And he puts it together so well. Have to write him now and show him some love.
God wishes to destroy the US.
My evidence: She gave us Dubya. That’s all the proof I need.
Bizarro …
Jail riot’s likely cause found
WTF. Shipping Hawaiian prisoners clear to Mississippi? I suppose they’re the more violent, gang-member types … but the culture differences, the racial tensions and discrimination against anyone who’s not white … wtf?
Susan…the article says the prisoners were shipped over a year ago. Truth be told, as it so seldom is these days in the media, this has been going on for at least five years. I had a friend that worked in the small prison(that had an ocean veiw can you believe it?)on Kauai and he told me at least five years ago they were doing this. He said it was cheaper than building a larger prison. Most the inmates were in on drug charges. The full eight years I lived there, there were only 3 murders.
That’s so f–ked up. Their families and friends can’t visit. And it must be just horrible in Mississippi.
One of us should do an investigative diary on this phenom. It’d be great to get more feedback from Hawaiians about this policy too.
Go for it! I am just swamped right now between work, home and trips these days.
Incredible too because as I understand it, an inmate has a better chance of not reoffending if they have family contact while in prison. I’m not sure if there’s an official study but surely being able to see your kids or wife while you’re locked away would help you to stay balanced.
It’s insane.
Here are the full lyrics to the Stones’ new song. I refuse to feature it because they’re taking buckets of money from Ameriquest — who’s got TV ads on all the time promoting their association with the Rolling Stones — and who is a major GOP funder and is backing Arnold’s special election in California. (They’ve given millions to Arnold’s campaign.)
Below are the complete lyrics to the song, “Sweet Neo
Con,” by the Rolling Stones:
“You ride around your white castle,
On your little white horse
You lie to your people,
and blame it on your war of course
You call yourself a Christian,
I call you a hypocrite
You call yourself a patriot,
well I think you’re full of shit
Oh, sweet Neo Con,
What path have you led them on?
Oh, sweet Neo Con,
Is it time for the atom bomb?
You parade around in costume,
Expecting to be believed
But as the body bags stack up,
We believe we’ve been deceived
The horror you’ve unleased,
Will backfire with more grief
When will you ever learn,
Sweet Neo Con, as the world burns?
Oh, sweet Neo Con,
What path have you led them on?
Oh, sweet Neo Con,
Is it time for the atom bomb?
Oh, sweet Neo Con,
What path have you led them on?
Oh, sweet Neo Con,
Is it time to drop the bomb?”
I can almost forgive the Stones connection with Ameriquest.
Where is Lorraine? I haven’t seen her post here in over a month, and she only posted once at culture kitchen in the last 6 weeks. She hasn’t posted at her own blog, but a week ago posted a picture of a young child with no words.
Any news?
Clearly Bush is a believer in Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. He is a “Pastafarian”. He is guided by the Great Flying Spaghetti monster. He understands that global warming, nuclear proliferation and abortion are all caused by the remarkable decline in pirates. You can clearly see this in graphs comparing the number of pirates, the number of nuclear weapons, and the mean temperature of the earth. He invaded Iraq to bring back the pirates in Lybia thereby bringing earth’s climate into balance.
“I was touched by His Noodly Appendage”
rotflmao!!! Oh my God, I don’t usually send anyone to kos but you guys have to see this picture it is so great….front page written by Kos!
I apologise for not properly embedding but I am at work and my cheat sheet is at home.