I’ve asked this question a couple of times in comments of other diaries… I’ll get an occasional “4”, but no answers. I think people think it’s a rhetorical question, but it’s not. I’d really like to know the answer, and since this seems to be Democratic Party issues day here, I thought I’d go ahead and ask it in a diary.

Follow me over the flip and I’ll explain my reasoning.
I have not been (and am still not, really) all that political traditionally. My interests lie more in the people affected by the political decisions than in the horse races, or nominations and all that. But still… the political is personal, as they say, and the decisions made by the politicians we elect can have very far reaching consequences. Anyway though, this diary is not about that… it’s about the question:

Who is the Democratic Party representing?

When you speak to individuals and listen to their concerns, or read blogs by various authors who have different outlooks on economic, social, environmental and other issues… you sort of get the impression that no one at all feels that the Democratic Party is representing them.

Let’s take just a few:

Ethnic Minorities – while most vote for Democrats to a greater or lesser degree, quite a few people acknowledge that the Democratic party has a tendency to take these votes for granted, and for the most part don’t actually fight for the issues that affect all, but affect many in these groups more.

Labor/Unions – well, beyond the fact that they are just  a shadow of their former selves, many still vote for the Democratic party, but they also feel that their concerns have been ignored, with NAFTA, huge CEO salaries and relatively puny worker salaries, Walmart, etc.

Women – it’s acknowledged by many that the Democratic Party is so far the safest vehicle for the protection of reproductive rights – or was, until all the talk of it being a burden and so on. Its’ also mentioned that Democrats have just not gone to the wall on many issues that disproportionately affect women… funded childcare, women’s health care access (and men’s too, of course), educational issues and many other things.

White males – tied in with the unions issue is also the thought that their concerns have been thrown over the side in favor of ethnic minorities, environmentalists and women.

Environmentalists – lots of really terrible legislation has been allowed to pass that give some who previously felt that the Democrats were the champions of environmental rights pause. Also, some feel their issues have been passed over in favor of any of the above groups.

Let’s see… who else? Educators – not nearly enough people (including party leaders) have stood up to the “let’s hate the public schools and the teachers” campaigns conducted not only by the right (but primarily).

So, are they representing Big Business? Well, while most corps give to both parties, they seem to give the majority of their money to the Republicans (except for some few that give most or all to the Democrats, or do a 50/50 thing).

I’m trying to be uncharacteristically concise here so will not list all the various groups and interests in this loose coalition we call Democrats… but the question still remains. And it’s not to further denigrate the Democrats… much… but I think it’s a question we really need to be addressing as, as Janet puts it, WE are the Democratic Party.

Maybe someone can answer it for me…

Which constituency does unequivocally believe that the Democrats are looking out for their interests and representing them?