by Geov Parrish

Geov Parrish is a weekly columnist for the Seattle Weekly and for the national site, WorkingForChange. He posts regularly at Eat the State! blog. Geov is now a regular contributor to, and looks forward to your comments so he can respond to you. His full, fascinating bio is below.


I’ve been astonished at how little commentary there’s been on left-leaning blogs and web sites in recent days concerning the worldwide protests, riots, and fires stemming from the printing of (originally) a handful of European newspaper cartoons that some Muslims find spiritually offensive.

Sorry, but I find riots and violence to be spiritually offensive. Am I the only progressive alive who thinks this?

I’m all for cultural sensitivity, and as a child of desegregation in the South Carolina of the late ‘60s, I’m fully aware of the power of words and images to wound.

But I’ve never been a fan of so-called “hate crimes” legislation, in which charges and sentences are increased when a defendant is allegedly motivated by racial, ethnic, religious, gender-based, sexual-orientation-based, or whatever-based hatred.

The problem with these laws is that it is inevitably the state — people in power — who are increasing penalties based on their interpretation of what someone else is thinking. Eventually, and usually sooner rather than later, the state (or the D.A.) realizes that this is a very handy tool for suppression of all sorts of untidy thought. Criticizing the state, magically, becomes a “hate crime,” like when the guy in San Jose who defaced a statue of Christopher Columbus for being a genocidal bastard was charged with a “hate crime” for his purported unreasoning hatred of Italian-Americans.

It’s a very, very slippery slope.

And now we are faced with one of the more fascistic tenets of Islamic fundamentalism, and … continued below …
one of its most terrifying – their complete lack of interest in freedom of speech, and their complete lack of a sense of humor, respectively. Salman Rushdie knows what this is about. He had to live in hiding for years after some Muslim yahoo issued a fatwah against his life for having had the temerity to write a satirical novel about the prophet Muhammed. Rushdie’s mistake, of course, was in thinking that because he lived in liberal, free-speech-loving England, he was safe from the Islamic censors.


And now a few European cartoonists and their publishers have discovered the same thing. They are being vilified by people whose own media frequently runs depictions of Jews and Christians that are as racist and offensive as anything imaginable. The Muslims’ problem isn’t with disrespect to religion; it’s with disrespect to their religion. And in particular, pro-Western Arab dictatorships like Egypt and Pakistan don’t dare let their populations demonstrate against the U.S. or Israel, but Denmark and Norway are nice, safe targets for the outrage of the masses. So cops normally inclined to crack open protester heads are encouraged instead to join the fun.

Regular readers of mine are well aware that I think George Bush’s foreign policies are full of shit. But when he and his fellow neo-cons warn that fundamentalist Muslims are fascists, they are right. They don’t believe in freedom of speech, and they reserve the right to enforce their moral interpretation of the universe anywhere in the universe — just like Christian fundamentalists. The difference is that while their religion is probably responsible for the spilling of more blood than any other religion in the history of the world, very few Christians issue death warrants or riot if someone draws Jesus or God. Even when it’s not a very flattering drawing.

Muslim fundies are big on the being judge, jury, and executioner. And they’re big believers in what they call “education” — kids’ memorizing of the Koran, or what we might refer to more quaintly as “brainwashing.” I suppose that crack could land me on some fatwah list, too.

This isn’t about “respecting cultural diversity,” folks. If someone wants to pray five times daily in the direction of a city in Saudi Arabia, that’s cultural diversity. Fine by me. If someone wants to impose their religious beliefs on me, whether it’s James Dobson or Mullah Omar, that’s theocratic fascism. And it must be defended against.

That doesn’t mean I want the U.S. to wage war, economic or military, in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, or any other Muslim enclave. It does mean I don’t want them waging war on me, either, whether it’s a bomb, an exploding jet liner, or someone’s banned book list. The riots against these profane cartoons ought to inspire every newspaper in the Western world to print them, just to demonstrate that while we might have all the respect in the world for Islam (and some of our political leaders have a ways to go on that score), we won’t be dictated to by any religion’s lunatic fringe. Religion is the opiate of the masses — and never more so than when it bans all those competing opiates.


Geov Parrish has been a local and national political activist and grass roots organizer since the mid-’70s, in Oregon, Houston, Washington D.C., and, since 1990, in Seattle. He is a former broadcaster, punk rock singer, convenience store clerk, strawberry picker, and successful small business owner whose first regular political writing (other than songs and poetry) came with co-editing the national pro-feminist Activist Men’s Journal (1991-96) and co-founding the Native American community newspaper On Indian Land in 1991. In 1996, he founded, and has since continued to co-edit, the community newspaper Eat the State!.

ETS! led to an unexpected career as a political commentator, beginning with offers to write regular weekly columns in The Stranger (1997-98) and both column and feature writing in Seattle Weekly (since 1998). Since 2001 he has written from two to five columns weekly for Working Assets’ national web site, His work has also regularly appeared in AlterNet, ZNet, Common Dreams, In These Times, Mother Jones, and on web sites and in newspapers, magazines, and anthologies across the country. Since 1996 he has also appeared each Saturday morning on Seattle’s KEXP-90.3 public affairs program Mind Over Matters, and also records short political commentaries each week which air on KBCS-91.3 and on other community radio stations around the country. He contributes regularly to the Eat the State! blog.

A lengthy, terminal illness led to an experimental (and successful) double-organ transplant in 1994. Assorted serious health complications, including a stroke, have continued. Geov lives in Seattle with his long-time partner, Gavin Greene, and the dog Kit, who actually runs the house.

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