Right-wing bloggers Michelle Malkin and Little Green Footballs have launched vicious attacks by claiming that we on the left, who they refer to as “ghouls”, are planning “parties” when the US casualty rate from the war in Iraq reaches 2000.

Via LGF:

The American Friends Service Committee is planning to hold a series of parties all across the country when the 2000th US soldier is killed in Iraq: Not One More Death. Not One More Dollar.


They support the troops…by partying over their deaths.


But it’s par for the course.

I’ll tell you what’s sick and ghoulish, you ignorant fucking right-wing liars: linking to the American Friends Service Committee site which is calling for people to hold candlelight vigils and protests the day after the death toll reaches 2000 in order to show support for the troops and calling those events “parties”.

We shouldn’t be surprised by these slimy right-wing bloggers though. They’ll obviously do anything to support their dear leader and his warmongering – including disrespecting the soldiers who have died and the friends and families who mourn them.

You want a fucking party? Just wait until your beloved administration goes down in flames, and it is going down – make no mistake about that. Then we’ll show you what a real party is and you and your kind can go slithering back to the swamp from whence you came.

Now that I got that out of my system, here’s how you can participate in the planned events:

Soon we’ll be reaching another horrific milestone in the war in Iraq – the death of the 2,000th U.S. service member. AFSC, Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families for Peace, and Iraq Veterans Against the War are calling for people across the U.S. to stand up and say that the needless killing of U.S. troops and Iraqis must stop and that the resources funding this war are needed for other things.

Events to mark the 2,000th reported U.S. military death will range from candlelight vigils to public actions that illustrate the size of the death toll. Here in our “Not One More Death. Not One More Dollar.” campaign center, you will find supporting materials and suggestions for designing an event that meets the needs of your community.

The Iraq War has already committed us to aiding a generation of veterans and their families and to rebuilding Iraq.

We need to meet these just obligations and stop the funding for further destruction so that our resources can be used to strengthen our communities and help those in need.

We’re asking that you think along these two lines:

Public actions at congressional offices, federal buildings and other appropriate spaces with 2,000 representations of the lives lost.

This could be 2,000 candles, 2,000 gold stars, or 2,000 placards with the name, rank, age and home state of each casualty with a photo of a pair of boots. We also ask that you find ways to recognize the tens of thousands Iraqi deaths. (Boot placards, star patterns, signs, and other materials are available in the resources section.)

Sign the call to Congress to end funding for the war and work with other organizers in your state to carry the message to your legislators in the month after the 2,000th reported death of a U.S. servicemember. (Further legislative information will be forthcoming.)

You can find more information, along with a list of events planned in your area, by visiting the American Friends site.