Bill O’Reilly is hilarious. Last night he had the following exchange with Marc Lamont Hill, a black professor at Columbia University in New York City.
OREILLY: I don’t need IEDs. If I have 10,000 guard down there, that’s an intimidating force. That intimidates. Say you are a cocaine dealer, and you kinda look like one a little bit–
HILL: As do you, you, in fact, look like a cocaine user. So we’re even.
OREILLY: I know, I’m too thin. I’m twitchy. […]
How’s that for a lack of respect? If Professor Hill had been more on his toes he would have responded, “M-Fer, I want more iced tea.”
This is one what one expects of BillO the Clown. You didn’t think he was gonna develop a soul, did you?
yeah, it was.
I wonder if he was right. It would explain a lot about Billo.