A Washington Post/ABC News poll last month found that nearly half of the liberals surveyed are enthusiastic about supporting Barack Obama, while only 13 percent of conservatives are enthusiastic about McCain. More generally, 91 percent of self-identified Obama supporters are “enthusiastic” about their candidate; 54 percent say they are “very enthusiastic.” Seventy-three percent of such McCain supporters say they are “enthusiastic” about his candidacy, but only 17 percent say they are “very enthusiastic.”
This is probably good for John McCain.
OK, this time I read read (most of) the source and still have no idea what you’re referring to. The enthusiasm gap is good for McCain? Because the poll is old and the gap has probably narrowed? Because enthusiasm is evanescent? Do I win a prize?
To engage in some Booman-exegesis, my guess is that Booman was mocking the way the corporate media covers McCain.
I believe you’ve got it.
Eeek! I think I’m in danger of becoming a serious person. No prize, I guess.
And here I thought that too much enthusiasm would cause an outbreak of heart attacks among his elderly supporters.
I had been Very excited about Obama, and he will for sure still have my vote.
I just received a very nice phone call from a volunteer. They were looking for people to do calling and other such work.
I told her I was going to be doing a great deal of work for his candidacy, until his vote on FISA. I just can’t get excited about him at the moment. That was the worst buzz-kill I have seen in years.
The funny thing was, the woman on the phone said that she has heard that on the last several calls she made.
I suspect that this vote will not significantly impact the casual voter, what this vote will have done, is to really compromise the die-hard Democrats. The folks who year after year man the polls, make the calls. We are the ones that pay attention to that stuff, and we are the ones that noticed the FISA capitulation.
So, yea, I think the problem Obama will have is the enthusiasm of the activist class.
Well, I have certainly told the last 2 calls from the DCCC that very exact same thing. I do not really blame Obama on this. I blame Hoyer and Pelosi. They did not have to bring this up, and they did not have to grant Bush to immunity.
I will not be giving money to the DCCC on this cycle. I will be giving money to Obama, and I will be volunteering.
Additionally, the real problem is the Bush Dogs. I have given money to these flaming assholes in the past.
I gave money to Pat Murphy, Joe Sestak, Melissa Bean, Adam Schiff, Mark Udall, and several other Bush Dogs. ALthough I can excuse some votes, this one is a deal-breaker. I will not be giving money to anyone who voted “YES” on FISA. Period.
Did you contribute to anyone who voted YES on FISA? If so, did you send them a note about the situation?
My congressperson, Jerry Costello, voted NO on FISA. I called and thanked him. Have you thanked your congressperson, if they voted the right way?
Slight contradiction here:
“I will be giving money to Obama and I will be volunteering”
“I will not be giving money to anyone who voted “YES” on FISA. Period.”
Obama voted Yes on FISA.
so which is it?
and Melissa Bean always has been a DINO. No surprise with her vote.
Sestak is a BIG disappointment. Wish I could thank someone for voting against it, but all of my congresscritters of both houses voted to gut the 4th Amendment.
Sad. Sad. Day.
Hagel’s Office Officially Announces Iraq/Afghanistan Trip With Obama:
has hagel turned into the RAT version of lieberman? stay tuned.
Hagel is set to endorse Obama says the well connected Steve Clemons. Hagel’s wife donated to Obama.
hadn’t seen that, thx. strange bedfellows indeed, eh.
the latest tempest in the campaign involve The New Yorker
What do you think of this?
Obama Camp Hammers New ‘Ironic’ New Yorker Cover Depicting Conspiracists’ Nightmare of Real Obamas
Tasteless satirical cartoon or funny
I used to admire McCain back in the day.
What the fuck happened?
Obama Statement on FISA
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
CONTACT: Michael Ortiz, 202 228 5566
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) today released the following statement on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Earlier today, Senator Obama voted in favor of the Dodd-Feingold amendment to repeal retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies (S. Amdt. 3907). He also supported other amendments to improve the bill, including the Feingold-Webb-Tester amendment to protect Americans from unwarranted surveillance (S. Amdt. 3979), and the Feingold amendment to protect Americans from the bulk collection of communications (S. Amdt. 3912).
“I am proud to stand with Senator Dodd, Senator Feingold and a grassroots movement of Americans who are refusing to let President Bush put protections for special interests ahead of our security and our liberty. There is no reason why telephone companies should be given blanket immunity to cover violations of the rights of the American people – we must reaffirm that no one in this country is above the law.
“We can give our intelligence and law enforcement community the powers they need to track down and take out terrorists without undermining our commitment to the rule of law, or our basic rights and liberties. That is why I am proud to cosponsor several amendments that protect our privacy while making sure we have the power to track down and take out terrorists.
“This Administration continues to use a politics of fear to advance a political agenda. It is time for this politics of fear to end. We are trying to protect the American people, not special interests like the telecommunications industry. We are trying to ensure that we don’t sacrifice our liberty in pursuit of security, and it is past time for the Administration to join us in that effort.”