Everytime the Fed Government raised the terra alurtz states had to shell out millions of dollars for readiness.

However at the same time:

Bush cut funding to the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Domestic Preparedness, which supplies a variety of first-responder grants to state and local governments, by $800 million, to $3.6 billion in 2005 from $4.4 billion in 2004. [Department of Homeland Security, 2005 Budget in Brief, www.dhs.gov; Congressional Quarterly, www.CQ.com]

Bush Leaves Chemical Plants, Air Traffic, Ports, Other Sensitive Targets Under-Protected

The sector that had no choice but to pay themselves for homeland security has been airports orther wise people would not fly.

This sector could least afford the cost of fake terra alurtz. According to the Reuters website, the industry’s cost structure is very tight.  The average margins are: gross margin 28%, operating margin 5.4% and net income margin 2.6%.  The long-term debt as a percentage of total assets – 1.05%.

Funny the same day that Ridge confesses to unneccessary terra alurtz is the same day that a bankruptcy judge has allowed United Airlines to default on its pensions.

Is the Bush administration to to blame? And if so should the sates and the employees of United sure the federal government for negligence?