Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Back to the salt mines…feels like I never left ‘cuz I worked for 4.5 hours yesterday. Time for a comp day…
Hope everyone is having a good morning!
Good morning, CG!
This weekend passed way to fast, heading back to Geneva this evening.
It’s pouring down outside!
Hope your trip back is safe and pleasant.
Thanks Andi!
Next trip is late June…
Wow, that was a short trip! Will everyone be visiting you in Geneva soon?
Hope you have a safe and uneventful trip home. Does it look likely that you’ll be back in June for our NYC meetup?
Indeed, too short!
curly will come in 3.5 weeks, that’s it for now.
June trip is certainly being planned.
Will you be in Geneva through the whole summer?
As it stands now, until end of July.
May become longer, but that will not be determined for some time yet.
Make sure that your comp day is not a rainy one.
You can bet on that!
What an interesting shot, Andi! I guess it’s the angle of the light that gives the trees & the pup that stained glass look. Pretty neat!
WIshing everyone a happy rainy-day-and-Monday.
Hiya WW. That area often has interesting light. I think it’s because it’s bordered by two steep and heavily wooded hillsides but the creek valley itself doesn’t have a heavy canopy so the light get filtered in interesting ways. I did heighten the effect it a bit with some post-processing.
Speaking of pics, I’ve missed you over at the flog — I hope you’re back for awhile and will be posting some of your great photos.
Good to see you!
Thanks for your photo-encouragement, as always. I’ve missed being able to post. Life has changed here on the hill somewhat. My housemate, aged 85, has become rather crippled & there are many things I need to do for her. Which is perfectly fine — but it means that I’m generally hopping about & don’t have a lot of time to play with my camera.
I’ll be in NYC for a few days next week, however & hopefully will get back into it.
Unless I’m killed by an unusually competent redneck terrorist ..
I’m sorry to hear about your housemate but share you hopes for you starting up the camera again. And yeah, please do avoid the terrorists. 😉
Well, the key words there are “unusually competent”.
I’m sorry about the housemate, but looking forward to some new pictures from your travels next week.
Thank you both for kind thoughts. Re pix, I’ll do my best.
I’ll be dragging my sorry carcass up at about 4 a.m. in the morning to mother my precinct through YAED (Yet Another Election Day). Wed. will definitely be a comp day for me. I hear the absentee vote is running quite high in Indianapolis this time, especially for an off-year. Hope that bodes well for us. If its inner city people, that’s good. Haven’t heard any demographics yet.
OFA is seriously organized, totally beneath the radar. It’s our wildcard.
I don’t vote in primaries since I don’t (and won’t) belong to a political party but you have my sympathy for having to spend all day sitting around an election site, instead of listening to people yell about how their assessment is totally, absolutely, and completely wrong … oh … never mind.
Have fun with that!
Update on the primary here – less than 50% turnout at my precinct, I think. It appears we’re missing a lot of the newly registered from 2008. I hear low turnout from Monroe County, where IU is, as well.
Closed at 6:00 with 49%.
Wow. I’m afraid Republicans are more mot
ivated this year.
Good morning!
This is too crazy; straight from the airport to the office. I’ll make it a short day…
Ugh, ask. That sounds awful. Hope the work time goes by fast.
And I saw above that you’ve got that all important trip for the meetup on your calendar. Yay!
That sounds like no fun at all.
Wow, I guess Melissa Bean’s reelection is assured.
I’m sure Jesus is thrilled.
click for larger
My goodness that GREEN.
Mornin’ Andi.
Yep. I love spring.
Good morning Andi and Keres.
Ya’ll snuck those posts in on me while I was typing. Andi I agree with Keres – that is very green. 🙂
Wow, is that a big bunch of green! It’s been an incredible spring here this year too, with all the wet and warm weather.
I’m so glad it’s Wednesday. I’m still trying to get over my cold and the creeping lung crud. I really just need a day of sleep.
This has been a fantastic spring so far (well, the farmers probably don’t thinks so).
Did you get to stay home or did you go share your germs with your co-workers?
Plans for today involve immersion in the local green rather than the computer screen. Its time for a little rest and renewal. Lovely photo! Andi’s Enchanted Forest lives once more!
I’ll bet the park is spectacular — that little trail that starts behind the fire tower and drops down into a hollow is probably gorgeous.
Things are still plodding along here.
We got the plumbing problem fixed. You just don’t realize how nice a hot shower is when it has only been cold showers for four days.
George and Lucy (the puppy) are doing fine, with the exception that Lucy keep barrelling into George and George keeps acting like he’s going to tear her head off.
My leg keeps looking better and better. I have noticed I won’t be able to wear shorts during the summer anymore. I’m afraid that long of a scar up your leg just doesn’t look that good.
It’s starting to turn very hot (90’s) and humid here. I’m just waiting for the third disaster (everything comes in threes) to befall the house. I’m figuring it will be the a/c, but with this house you never know.
Hope everyone is doing fine and take care.
I always appreciate hot water, especially a hot bath. Mmmmmm.
Luna and Lily decided to try and kill each other this evening over a bit of fish I gave them (equally apportioned). I was caught in the middle and sensibly kept my hands out of it. Lily ended up with a small bite from Luna and a dressing down from me.
Sorry about the shorts. I wear them at least 9 months of the year and in the future I will probably inflict my elephantine varicose-lined legs (if y grandmothers are anything to go by) on everyone, well, well after I should have switched to pants.
Hiya again Keres,
Before I had the surgery I was thinking they would suture the wound with very close sutures thus preventing a big scar. Needless to say what I got was not what I expected. Just another pitfall of growing older.
George and Lucy haven’t had any fights over food yet. While George is eating if Lucy come near his food he will give her that growl that says, “I’ll turn you inside out if you come any closer.” Luckily Lucy has gotten the message. With dogs the size of Luna and Lily it was probably the smartest thing to do of not getting in between them.
Actually, as the saying goes: it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Which is to say that two of my little dogs once got in a fight, and I got a tooth clear through my thumbnail trying to separate them.
I see your point completely. I guess that’s a good reason to have a broom always handy. Of course with the size of Luna and Lily maybe a sledge hammer would be more appropriate. 😉
I’ll just repeat the comment from over at my place — going to the pond and taking some pictures would be a great way to exercise your healing leg. 🙂
Yuck on hot weather.
Today if the pond looks half way decent I will hobble out there to take picture especially for you Andi. However, it has lately had what looks like dust or something on top of the water which makes it look scummy. However again, if it looks half way good, I’ll take some pictures. 😛
Must be pollen time in Alabama.
It’s good of you to be so unslackerly for me. 🙂
We had our worst pollen about three or four weeks ago. I could be on the patio and see yellow clouds close to the ground going by. There’s still a lot of pollen, but just not as visible.
Oh Andi you know I would be unslackerly for you. How long have I been promising to get pictures of the pond for you? About six or eight months I think. 🙂
Only 6 or 8 months? Obviously you’re in overachiever mode. 🙂
Hiya CG,
Well you know how it is, if it takes less than a year you really didn’t put that much thought and effort into it. 🙂
Watch out for snakes! 😉
Well, you could always go for a nice floral tattoo like practically everyone I see has nowadays.
Well George has started his whining to go outside. So I’ll see everyone later on.
Have a good day!
Sorry I missed you!!!
Been absent for awhile. Things are still going great just a little hectic lately. LOL I guess that is what happens when you become a shutterbug and also get back involved in politics and civil rights after being gone for awhile.
Sounds like you’re having fun being back in the swing of things!
And with that, I’m off to work at this lovely pre-dawn hour. International conference call…and I have to do this one from the office. ergh.
If you ever said you were doing nothing but slacking, I’d know the Invasion of the Body Snatches was not just a 1950s movie with two bad remakes.
Overcast and a little rainy here. At least I won’t have to bother watering the new plantings. Sigh.
Might as well look for the silver lining, b2.
Our weather has been nutso, no? Here on the hill we’ll probably make it into the 40s this weekend. Maybe we’ll get ice-balls too.
Hi & bye, everyone!
got the dogs off the hook for murdering a possum last night. Imogen went outside about 3am to see what the fuss was and found them with a small dead possum. She, understandably, came back into the house upset with the dogs.
I went to look at the body (Imogen had chucked it over the fence) and found gristly things I won’t describe here, but which put the body at at least 2-3 days dead.
Lily has shown herself to be very good at “fishing” for things from outside the fence with her paws. A few water hoses and bits of irrigation pipe have became chew toys that way. We’ve learned (the hard way) that anything less that two feet outside the fence is fair game.
Eventually, you see everything in politics.
LOL. Now I’ve seen (nearly) everything.
“No, I swear I’ve had sex with other men. Honest.”
You just don’t see that happen very often.
And heaven forbid that a candidate would lie to claim a closer affinity with a particular voter demographic that could get them into office.
This week’s theme is A Day in the Your Life. Click here for the flog.