UPDATE: It was report by Al Jezeera that at least 10 activists were killed as Israel Navy opens fire on Gaza aid flotilla.
Over 60 additionally were wounded after the convoy sailing for Gaza Strip ignored Israel’s order to turn back, Turkish news reported. IDF confirms two commandos also wounded.
The flotilla was in international waters at the time.
Israeli ships stalk pro-Palestinian aid flotilla
HAIFA, Israel – Israeli warships stalked a flotilla carrying hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists, including a Nobel laureate and a Holocaust survivor heading for the
Gaza Strip on Monday, edging closer to a naval showdown on the high seas.
Huwaida Arraf, one of the organizers, said the six-ship flotilla began the journey from international waters off the coast of Cyprus on Sunday afternoon after two days of delays. She said they expected to reach Gaza, about 250 miles (400 kilometers) away, on Monday afternoon, and that two more ships would follow in “a second wave.”
The flotilla was “fully prepared for the different scenarios” that might arise, and organizers were hopeful that Israeli authorities would “do what’s right” and not stop the convoy, she said.
“We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us,” she said. “They are going to have to forcefully stop us.”
UPDATE: 31st May 10 3 AM
Gaza TV News:
The Flotilla has now changed course and is sailing due west, further into International waters.
The Israeli war ships have pulled back, and are out of range at present.
URL: http://ipad.io/KI8 OR http://www.ipadio.com/phlogs/Gaza_TVNews/
UPDATE: Tweets, 7:30 EST
about 8 minutes ago another OK signal from the #Flotilla, they are at Latitude:32.98883 Longitude:33.54669
about 37 minutes ago italian translation of @freegazaorg at @freegazaroma, see also http://witnessgaza.com/it
about 40 minutes ago when twitting about the Flotilla, please use the #Flotilla tag to increase its visibility. #Flotilla
about 54 minutes ago OK signal from Challenger 2 (see http://witnessgaza.com), they are going ahead. #Flotilla
about 2 hours ago Call to the world from the people on the boats. This flotilla is bringing supplies the people of Gaza and are being met by military force
UPDATE: Gush Shalom Coalition against the siege in Gaza
Urgent message:
A demonstration supporting the break the siege flotilla will be held tomorrow, Monday, 31.5.10 at 4:00 pm in front of the Ashdod port, Gate No. 1.
We will be leaving from Levinski garden in Tel Aviv, at 3 pm. We will be using private cars, a bus will be called if necessary. Those who can bring a private car are requested to come to the pick up location to help with transportation.
The humanitarian flotilla is predicted to arrive at the Gaza shore at noon. We expect the ships to be taken over and to be towed in Ashdod port. We will be there to express our solidarity with the flotilla. And will call to break the siege and open the gates of Gaza.
Registration: Ya’acov 050-5733276, 09-7670801. E-mail: manor12@zahav.net.il
UPDATE: The IHH ship Livestream is up showing passengers in life jackets after three Israeli ships confronted the flotilla 78 miles out at sea in international waters. Israel’s block of electronic traffic was apparently overcome by rerouting. This is obviously an act of attempted piracy.
WATCH HERE: http://www.ihh.org.tr/canliyayin/en
Email from one ship:
At 22:41pm tonight, preparations aboard the Mavi Marmara are extensive. We are 90 miles away from land – 22 miles further than the Israeli decided 68 mile exclusion zone – but are being approached by an Israeli vessel.
Triage is set up and various strategies implemented to resist seizure. The Israeli media is reporting that Israel will deploy a very large naval force. Far from minimising violence, this is an illegal aggressive move which will make it more likely.
We are broadcasting live from the ship. Calm and organisation overcome the fear that Israel is trying to instill.
Viva Palestina and all aboard are prepared.
We are calling on everyone to contact various political leaders to ask them to do everything in their power to ensure the safety of these brave people, and to stand up and add their voice in support of this humanitarian flotilla.
Full details of how they can contact these political figures can be found through following this link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gaza-TV-News/119275738102852?v=app_2347471856#!/pages/Gaza-TV-News/119275738102852?v=app_2347471856
There you will find email addresses, and template letters to use. Full instructions are provided, and we ask that you follow these and show your support for everyone involved.
This is a very serious situation, and we are calling on everyone to play their part in helping ensure their safety, and that the aid reaches Gaza without difficulty.
Alice Howard
Viva Palestina UK
Tel: +447889726777
Email: alice@vivapalestina.org
Website: http://www.vivapalestina.org/
Sign up to the Viva Palestina Mailing List http://www.vivapalestina.org/alert.htm
Viva Palestina, helping to make the positive steps in breaking the siege of Gaza!
Keep posted on developments.
12 PM: Israeli war ships surrounded the Flotilla about 45 minutes ago. They have been told that they either be towed into Israel, or be boarded. This is a serious
threat.The Flotilla is 90 from Gaza in international waters.
Original TEXT:
On Sunday, at 9AM EST (4PM Cypress), the flotilla finally left for Gaza.
Slide show from the Challenger 1 (on of the small passenger boats), Mediterranean Sea, 30th May 2010, in the morning prior to departure.
There is livestreaming from the IHH Turkish passenger ship, now en route to Gaza, as shown here:
Click here for the LIVESTREAM: http://www.ihh.org.tr/canliyayin/en
(UPDATE: It is night now on the sea.
Here is another livestream from the Greek-Swedish ship, which is running older video, presumably until day break.
Link to the livestream from the IHH Turkish ship may be temporarily broken. There was some earlier expressed fears that Israel may attempt to block these connections, in order to interfere with footage of events when the convoy reaches Gaza. I will replace the link if it does not revive.)
Messages from the flotilla received this morning:
This one came from VIVA PALESTINA’S CREW MEMBER KEVIN OVENDEN (Viva Palestina is the British org):
At 08.50 am today we are awaiting the arrival of the European parliamentarians, who begin to shuttle from Northern Cyprus to our staging ground in international waters to the south of the island where they will board the lead ship. The decision by the Greek Cypriot government not only not to allow the flotilla to harbour there, but also to object to, and twice prevent, the departure of a parliamentary delegation directly by sea to join the convoy is creating something of a scandal in Greece and beyond.
Cyprus recently elected its first ever Communist President, earning him the moniker the Fidel Castro of the Mediterranean. If this recent shabby episode is anything to go by, Akel, the Cypriot Communist Party, would be better served by its previous policy of supporting a left of centre figure for the highest office. The last such president allowed friends of Palestine to
muster there.Five vessels are ready to go – three cargos and two passenger, three Turkish and two that sailed from Athens – one Greek and one Greek-Swedish. They are larger boats and the clear lesson is that for such an operation a few larger and well fitted vessels are more effective than a larger number of smaller boats.
A coalition of organisations and initiatives has come together in this flotilla, but the Turkish IHH has set the standard by raising around 20 million USD and setting about the mission with elan, peerless organisation and a collegiate approach that belies the extent to which they are responsible for the impressive force that is gathered now in the Eastern Mediterranean.
To my mind, the lessons are worth learning now, for whatever the outcome of the next 48 hours, there will be another sea mission to Gaza – and it will need to be even bigger and broader.
A small boat has pulled alongside with the parliamentary delegation. They will now join us on the Mavri Marmara and then it’s all a question of timing:when to start the 18 to 20 hour journey down to Gaza so as to avoid giving the Israeli forces the best conditions to attack us.
Fatima Mohammadi added these remarks in another message:
If allowed in, this will be my third humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza. Each convoy has had its difficulties and its joys. The difficulty of this current convoy is that nearly 800 volunteers aboard 6 ships are attempting to enter the besieged strip through International waters -a completely legal activity – despite constant threats by the Israeli government to block, arrest and deport the entire convoy. These threats have two effects in my opinion: 1) they highlight the severity and depth of the siege that Israel has imposed on Gaza for nearly four years, showing Israel to be the vicious occupier and instigator of hostility in the region that we know them to be and 2) they strengthen the resolve of volunteers around the world, on this convoy and beyond, who are aware of the plight of the Palestinians and who actively seek a resolution to the unjust occupation and continued colonization of Palestine. Of course, the joy of this convoy is the real potential it has to finally end the siege on Gaza if it gains enough international support and attention in the upcoming hours.
Currently, we are anchored in the Mediterranean Sea about a 6 hour sail from Cyprus, where we have been awaiting two final ships. A Greek ship carrying members of Parliament from half a dozen European countries has just arrived, and the Irish boat, the MV Rachel Corrie follows shortly. We will soon set sail towards Gaza, straight towards the threats of Israel to stop us at all costs, including by use of force. Rest assured, however, regardless of their tactics to stop us – force or delay – we will not turn back nor will we allow Israel to board our ships (The ships are now on their way).
It is imperative to reiterate that this is an unarmed humanitarian aid convoy carrying the better part of one thousand volunteers from 1½ years of age to 88 years of age, from more than 30 countries. We have the official support of the governments of France, Mexico, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Italy and the European Union. Unfortunately, my own country is not on that list…the United States. As they are a stall-worth supporter of Israel, that is hardly surprising.
What is surprising, however, is that although I was the only American on board as an IHH participant, I have been joined by a few US citizens from the Free Gaza movement and discovered that we are 11 in all including ex-military and government personnel, dual citizens, activists and medical volunteers. Most have been to Gaza at least once and are “used to” dealing with the threats of oppressive regimes and direct conflict with their police and military forces. And most of us still hope and expect the United States to take an openly supportive role of this convoy and to pressure Israel to allow our convoy into Gaza to deliver aid.
In sum, we, the Americans on board the ships, and the collective “we,” volunteers and people of conscious from around the world, are relying upon the support of our fellow citizens and our respective governments to pressure Israel to 1) allow this humanitarian aid convoy into Gaza and 2) once and for all end this crippling and unjust siege of Gaza.
God’s speed, as they say.
Yesterday, Mondoweiss reported this information on Cypress’ behavior:
EU calls for immediate end to Israel’s siege of Gaza
Paul Woodward
AFP reports:
In spite of this appeal, the government of Cyprus has taken the extraordinary step of preventing members of the European parliament from joining the Freedom Flotilla.
The Cyprus Mail reported today:
The government denied it bowed to pressure from Israel to put the ban in place.
The European Union guarantees the right of freedom of movement of its citizens within the territory of its member states. Cyprus has been a member of the EU since 2004.
It is of course Israel’s strategy to maintain a state of war and hostility, while it completes its colonization of Palestine.
For this reason, it is unlikely that it will drop the Gaza siege, as well as its output of propaganda intended to portray itself as a victim of terrorism and hostile neighbors, whose hostility is often provoked.
Jeff Halper (Israel Committee Against House Demolition) called this strategy “managed conflict.”
Israel’s disinformation (bullshit) campaign never seems to end. Take this example.
Israel: Gaza Freedom Flotilla Organizers Linked To Worldwide Terrorism
By Joel Leyden
Israel News Agency
Forget the fact that the aid flotilla has the blessings of the Turkish PM Ergodan, who loosened ties with Israel after the Gaza massacre of 2008, but the humanitarian work of this world wide organization is well known and evident in numerous countries in Africa and Asia.
WIKIPEDIA, just revised entry.
IHH (İnsani Yardım Vakfı)
The rest of the wiki article was just revised by proIsrael propagandists to include mention of the flotilla and claims that IHH is a supporter of terrorism and Hamas. What a joke, but that is how organized Israeli propaganda services are.
Apparently, IHH has been sending humanitarian aid into Gaza, through Israeli entry points, and that is enough to call it a supporter of terrorism, while Israel attempts to starve the population by restricting even humanitarian aid The propaganda never ceases. I once thought that Israeli propaganda services were the best in the world, but now I am beginning to doubt it. This kind of stuff in unbelievable. On top of this notion, many Israeli officials have now claimed, against the UN, EU, and human rights organizations, that no humanitarian crisis exists. Reality always comes home to flesh out the liars.
More developments:
George Galloway salutes Freedom flotilla!
George Galloway founder of the worldwide Viva Palestina movement and leader of three land convoys which broke the siege on Gaza today hailed the heroic sea-borne aid effort steaming towards Gaza.
Speaking from Miami Florida where he is in the middle of a twelve city speaking tour of the US on Palestine Galloway hailed the Turkish humanitarian organisation IHH which has organised and leads the flotilla as “heroes” who are facing the hardships of the seas and the threats of violence from Gaza’s beseigers the Apartheid state of Israel.
Galloway called on all people and governments of goodwill to insist on safe passage for the hundreds of humanitarians on board the ships and the unmolested delivery of the vital aid supplies on board.
Promising on behalf of Viva Palestina Arabia a second sea convoy later in the year – again in partnership with IHH – Galloway thanked the government of Turkey and it’s incomparable prime minister Erdogan for showing the world the way to peacefully confront the international crime being committed against the people of Palestine.
Alice Howard
Viva Palestina UK
And this added one:
Freedom Flotilla to Hold Memorial Service for US Sailors Slain by Israel in 1967
U.S.S. Liberty Survivor Joe Meadors to Honor Slain Shipmates
On Sunday, May 30, 2010, participants in the international flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip will hold a memorial service at sea to commemorate the 34 Americans killed and 173 injured in Israel’s 1967 attack on the U.S.S. Liberty.
Joe Meadors, a signalman on the Navy surveillance ship 43 years ago and a member of the Free Palestine Movement delegation to the flotilla, will lead the ceremony in honor of his crewmates. The service will be held aboard the Sfendoni, a ship contributed to the Freedom Flotilla by the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza. It is scheduled to be held in international waters about 30 miles off the coast of Gaza, near the site of the deadly incident.
Mr. Meadors believes that while the facts of that day in 1967 may never be fully acknowledged, the men who died should not be forgotten. “I am sailing again in the Eastern Mediterranean,” he said, “to remember the brave heroes from the Liberty and the forgotten 1.5 million people trapped in Gaza.”
Among the passengers joining Mr. Meadors will be Ambassador Edward L. Peck, former State Department Chief of Mission in Iraq and Mauritania, Deputy Director of the Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism at the Reagan White House, and State Department Liaison Officer to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. Explaining his presence on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Amb. Peck stated that, “I have been on several trips to the Middle East to promote a resolution but I wanted to do something tangible instead of just talking.”
Gaza has been under an Israeli-led blockade since 2006. Amnesty International, in its latest Annual Human Rights Report (May 26, 2010) stated that Israel’s siege on Gaza has “deepened the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages have left four out of five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose showed that it was being imposed as a form of collective punishment of Gazans, a flagrant violation of international law.”
The Freedom Flotilla carries 10,000 tons of relief and developmental aid to Gaza. These supplies are being delivered by a coalition of international civil society and human rights organizations directly to the people of Gaza, using only international waters and the coastal waters immediately off of Gaza for passage. The flotilla is expected to arrive in Gaza late Monday morning.
(Jewish Journal) – In his opening remarks the President acknowledged the biggest draw. He said it was a remarkable gathering of rabbinical scholars, politicians, artists and Sandy Koufax. When he mentioned the name of legendary pitcher, the room exploded in applause. Koufax is of course famous in the Jewish community not only for his epochal skills as a pitcher, but for refusing to pitch on Yom Kippur in the World Series. The President mentioned the similarities between himself and Koufax: “We are both lefties. He can’t pitch on Yom Kippur, and I can’t pitch.”
Who’s invited to White House Jewish bash?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Sucking up beyond belief. The Palestinians of course are forgotten, as is Edward Said, Obama’s mentor. I wonder what he will say when he finds out that most youthful Jewish Americans are not supporting right wing Israel?
As Obama sucks up to Bibi, Israeli troops attack humanitarian convoy
MJ Rosenberg put it this way:
In the meantime, an eight ship humanitarian aid flotilla to Gaza broadcast this message:
Check out this site for details:
I have been hearing this evening on KGO radio, an ABC affiliate, that ten people have been killed in an “exchange of gunfire” between the Israeli Navy and ships carrying relief supplies. Aside from the fact that it is difficult to exchange gunfire when one side is unarmed, what is the story here? I have seen no reports of deaths from any activist sources connected to the Free Gaza group.
See my new diary with videos by al-Jazeera and CNN Turk:
Israeli Commandos Enter Mavi Marmara – Up to 16 Killed
shergald’s new diary up – Israel Navy opens fire on Gaza aid flotilla
Meanwhile, Obama and Operation Desert Schmooze. I wonder what sort of pie will Netanyahu be served for approving this operation before meeting with Obama?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Local news is now reporting 19 dead on the flotilla.
I am waiting for news on the safety of award-winning Sydney Morning Herald journalist Paul McGeough and photographer Kate Geraghty, last heard from 11 hours ago aboard the MV Samoud. Paul McGeough has reported brilliantly from Iraq and Afghanistan.
I don’t know what international law says about blockades, but at first glance it appears illegal to board and seize ships in international waters.
An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman interviewed on TV a few minutes ago said that the commandos who boarded the ships were met with weapons and violence. He begged the question about why the commandos had boarded the ships with weapons…
Israel is very skilled at propaganda.
Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet
(al-Jazeera) – Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships aiming to break the country’s siege on Gaza.
Up to 16 people were killed and dozens injured when troops stormed the Freedom Flotilla early on Monday, the Israeli Army Radio said. The flotilla was attacked in international waters, 65km off the Gaza coast.
Footage from the flotilla’s lead vessel, the Mavi Marmara, showed armed Israeli soldiers boarding the ship and helicopters flying overhead. Al Jazeera’s Jamal Elshayyal, on board the Mavi Marmara, said Israeli troops had used live ammunition during the operation.
The Israeli Army Radio said soldiers opened fire “after confronting those on board carrying sharp objects”.
Free Gaza Movement, the organisers of the flotilla, however, said the troops opened fire as soon as they stormed the ships. They also said the ships were now being towed to the Israeli town of Haifa, instead of Ashdod to avoid waiting journalists.
Earlier, the Israeli navy had contacted the captain of the Mavi Marmara, asking him to identify himself and say where the ship was headed.
No News On Indonesian Volunteers Aboard Mavi Marmara Ship
Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara
ANKARA, Turkey – Turkey’s Foreign Ministry says at least 2 people have been killed and more than 30 wounded in an Israeli raid on an aid ship in the Mediterranean (International waters).
The ministry condemned Monday’s raid on the ship carrying pro-Palestinian activists, called it unacceptable and demanded an “urgent explanation” from Israel. It says Israel violated international laws and will suffer consequences.
Reports: Israeli ships attack aid flotilla, 2 dead
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’m trying to get uptodate on this attack. Bibi was just at the White House and undoubtedly gave the go ahead to the Israeli Navy to stop the convoy. Another slap in the face of Obama just after he supined himself before the Great One. We are now in the gutter with the Israelis, or at least the right wing government.
I will never vote for Obama again.
As for the attack, Israel forces apparently picked out the Turkish IHH ship, the Mavi Marmara, for special attention, given their Turkish-Muslim-terrorist connections. The latest Wikipedia bit on IHH, recently revised, presumably by proZionist spinsters, called it a terrorist sympathizer because it supplied humanitarian aid to Gaza. But I await more facts in the morning.
“We are now in the gutter with the Israelis…“
I hope you are not just now noticing that. The U.S. has been in the gutter with the Israelis for decades! :o}
What on earth was the Netanyahu government thinking when they put this plan together? Live bullets in international waters? Why was that considered a better option than, say, fouling the propellers once the boats crossed the territorial limits?
It leads me to wonder if the current government would use nukes against Iran in a first strike.
There’s an article in Haaretz by Gideon Levy which called it an act of “stupidity.”
It’s well beyond simple stupidity, though, which is what bothers me.
That is an arrogant and cruel military in Israel. Do they ever answer for anything? Murdering peace activists? This is an Israeli government out of control. The rights of man are losing.
Recent article about Sheikh Raed Salah …
(al-Jazeera) – Sheikh Raed Salah, a leading member of the Islamic Movement, has been acquitted by a Jerusalem court in connection with rioting in the city three years ago. The ruling comes four months after he was sentenced to nine months in jail.
Salah was found guilty for assaulting a police officer during 2007 protests against archaeological excavations near the holy compound in Jerusalem’s old city known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. Salah remains free as his lawyers appeal the January ruling.
In regards his acquital though, the Jerusalem Post quoted Salah as saying that he believed the court’s ruling “described the truth”.
“The police should be blamed, and if true justice is sought, all of the four remaining cases against me should be closed,” the paper quoted him as saying.
Freedom Flotilla massacre: 19 dead, 60 wounded including Sheikh Raed Salah
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — Israeli Commandos Enter Mavi Marmara – Up to 16 Killed ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This is equivalent to wounding ML King. Yet, one suspects that some thin skinned excuse will be found for calling him a terrorist, especially given all of the Islamic-terrorist propaganda that Americans have been brain-washed with. And I suspect some of it is worn by the Europeans.
This is an Act of War against the International Community. The international community should respond not with war but by demonstrating that alternatives to war are possible and effective. What should happen:
1. A UN (not an Israeli) sponsored investigation into the precise circumstances of the attack – to issue initial findings within 6 weeks
2. Suspension of diplomatic relation with Israel by all UN members in the interim
3. If the findings of the initial report confirm an unprovoked attack in international waters full economic sanctions should be applied to Israel.
4. A UN force should supervise future aid shipments to Gaza.
5. Gaza and the Occupied territories should be declared a UN protectorate and sanctions maintained until such time as Israel recognises their separate sovereignty and works to fully restore their infrastructure and economic viability.
Good points. Some of these things should have happened a long time ago, though!