I learned today that Jay-Z and Beyonce got a tour of the Situation Room and that people are naming their kids “Mason” because some lesser Kardashian did so. I don’t really know anything about the Kardashians. They sound like one of the tribes on the Game of Thrones. Which one of the Kardashians is the Mother of Dragons? I’m waiting for Mason Kardashian to lead his armies against Stannis Baratheon and Priestess Melisandre. But when I get really depressed about the state of American politics, I remember this:

Yeah, that’s Sammy Davis Jr. (not Sammy Davis Junior Junior) stumping with Tricky Dick in 1972. This shit has been going on for a while now. Some celebrities are smart and sincere. Others are inexplicable, like Dennis Miller. The only constant is that our political discourse is stupid. But I think it’s getting worse.