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Saddle on In!
Saddle on In!
Question for everyone:
Are you a nightowl, morning-glory or hybrid?
Have you always been that way?
Are you a nightowl, morning-glory or hybrid?
Have you always been that way?
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May the 4’s be with you
Clear a path! Hold yer horses! Comin’ on through!
If you’re new to the site, or a grizzled ole frog, time to say hello and introduce yerself!
My answer to the question: definitely a nightowl, always have been and doubt it will change. There’s a period between 9 and 10pm where I get a jolt of energy that lasts until the wee hours š
Your turn!
I can’t fall asleep to save my life.
i prescribe scotch, lots of scotch.
or is that the problem?
Scotch eliminates the problem, but I’m not sure that’s a good long term solution. Is there a doctor in the house?
Right off the bat as I was reading your options, I missed:
■ an animal snuggling at her feet
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
hi Oui, I forgot to add the ‘none of the above’ option – d’oh! Bud is too big to get up on the bed, but when I’m laying on the floor he is a great cuddle-friend.
Intermittendly catch up on the news and sports late in the evening/night by watching satellite TV CNNi, BBC and SkyNews. Usually that means between midnight and 01:00AM. When I hit the mattress I am sound asleep and wake up without alarm at 06:00AM on the dot (during the summer ofcourse when it’s light and the birds and seagulls awaken me). I do catch up on some sleep later in the evening, usually a nap of 30 minutes max.
Feel comfortable, relaxed and in good spirits, so why adapt? Need plenty of time to follow most diaries and comments at the pond, can’t do without you know.
City of The Hague, near Meijendel. BTW it’s not me riding a horse in the dunes and along the shores of the North Sea. More pictures.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’m a darkness freak. My perfect night’s sleep was when we took a cruise in 1985 and got an interior cabin. Once you turned off the light it was complete heaven as far as I was concerned because it was do dark in that room. Unfortunately I live with my wife, who prefers to sleep with the sun shining on her face. So I wrap my head in in a dark shirt each night and deal with it.
If that isn’t true love …
Ps. I prefer to stay up late, but I tend to wake up at first light, and be fully awake until I run out of steam. So I guess I fit the hybrid model, but not by choice.
hey steven, i also voted the darkness option. i’ve turned alarm clocks towards walls and even taped up the lights of my wireless router because any speck of light interrupts the ‘grey zone’ š
can’t help but laugh, though, thinking of your tshirt head cocoon. true love, indeed! why don’t you buy one of those masks?
(still laughing)
Tried it, but the the elastic head bands bothered my ears, and a little light still seeped in because my nose creates a little separation between the mask and my face.
I tend to be a morning person, and usually have to struggle to stay up much past eleven.
Although I’m probably more of a hybrid in the summer…
Hybrid, I’m usually functioning at the same level ’round the clock.
I’ll eat when I’m hungry.
I’ll drink when I’m dry.
And if the moonshine don’t kill me
I’ll Drink til I die..
An empty bottle.
A fate horrid to be sure.
Keep your hands off mine.
Chronic fatigue has my sleep patterns in a mess. I either can’t sleep, or can’t stay awake. Some of it is simple inertia. I don’t want to change direction.
hi, hens teeth. how is the summer treating you? (besides the Great Battle of Inertia 2007)
LOL I am a Hybrid. I love to stay up till the wee hours and then get up really early. I love afternoon naps but sledmo get one.
Here is the link to my latest podcast.
A Call to Service
The podcast is a Farewell to Lady Bird Johnson and an introduction to some great Texans who are running for office.
Some poltics and some great music.
I hope everyone is doing well. The Diva Dogs and I are doing okay. Still job hunting and plugging away at all my other joys such as designing, blogging, podcasting and have been doing some volunteer work on campaigns already. I am hoping the campaign work might lead to a job with a campaign if nothing else works out.
hey refi, nice to see that you’re buzzing around as usual. Will have to check out your podcast this evening as my speakers appear to have been fried with the power surge we had earlier. Monsoons – Good. Lightning – Bad.
Anything but the godforsaken afternoon. I hate the afternoon. Makes me want to die. Oh, and pigs…
hi Chris, i see you brought your entire entourage today. just make sure you don’t go on vacation to Peru. The carnage would be unspeakable.
:::CG runs to the trashcan in the corner and hurls:::
Thanks, ManEe. Really.
Anytime! Although there were plenty of clicks between here and there to deny me of the title of ‘sole conspirator’ š
Now that’s a proper use for those beasts.
Super cuy me.
bar-be-cuy, the perfect summer meal
tastes like chicken…
well, sort of.
VERY gamy chicken.
but hey, it turns cellulose into protein, and that’s a good thing.
Too bad they’re also kinda cute.
This may have put my “I’ll try anything once” motto out to pasture
Circumstances have a LOT to do with it.
When in Rome, or some such… we were being entertained at a very traditional little gathering in the Ecuadorian highlands, and the operative ethic was “We’re amabassadors, don’t ask, just eat.” The guy beside me was eating from the same platter and didn’t appear to be getting ill, so…
It wasn’t bad, really it wasn’t. Ecuadorians don’t use a lot of spice IN cooking, you add different salsas and picantes at the table to whatever degree you like. When I figured out what it was, I liked adding a LOT. Scald your taste buds, you won’t notice much.
But hey, none of us got sick, and all was well, and the next day we got taken to see the things we needed to see… so it all came out in the end.
The after dinner coffee with rum was SUPERB, however.
And the breakfast with croissants and papaya and pineapple was enough to compensate for the evening.
I have to agree. If i was in the same position, I would have done the same thing. I always try to order something new on a menu, but I might just draw the line at eating guinae pigs. However, if I was served one at a private residence, I would eat it with a smile and tell the cook how delicious it was.
I ate blood sausage once because it was served to me while I was in Paris. I hope I never have to eat it again! :>)
Come to think of it, I just saw a picture of a bunch of cats that were rescued from the table in China. If I knew I was being served cat in China, I might just have to claim I was allergic or some such thing.
totally hear ya on that one
yeah, i can totally understand the whole ‘don’t insult your host’ bit, but yikes! The coffee/rum concoction sounds yummy though, and that’s something that can be replicated here with more ease š
Oh abso -hic- lutely. It’s pretty good of a morning, too, if you’ve nothing on but watching the rain. ;*> (I DO, but I was out almost all night so waking up is taking longer than it normally would…)
It’s all in what you’re used to; I’ve never had more than a passing acquaintance with guinea pigs, certainly not enough to have developed the habit of thinking of themselves as individuals. For me, “food source” is as good a use for them as any.
Dogs or cats would be quite another issue – I have a mental classification for those. Nobody quite understood why I was actually petting the cats at the hostel in the back country. As far as the host were concerned, those were just self-propelled mousetraps. Of course, I’d been three weeks without my normal purrage fix, so I was in fairly steep withdrawal, and any port in a storm….
I’ve actually owned two guinea pigs. Why I ever got the second one, I will never understand. Never again. They are loud, dirty, stupid, and sometimes mean. Lousy pets. I assume that is why I am more amenable to eating them than cats. You are totally spot on about the cat/dog thing. Personally, what grosses me out about eating guinea pigs is they remind me of rats, not because I equate them with loving pets.
Eh, I’d eat a few of the little bastards. Wouldn’t bother me one bit. I’ll have a couple legs and some dark meat please. I mean, who among us hasn’t craved a bite out of one of our pets from time to time?
I tried biting my dog once…she didn’t like it….
Maybe you could hitch them critters up to a harness and a wagon for indoor beer delivery..
maybe some grilled ear….but first I must summon the willpower to overcome the look
Be strong.
Looks like all you whippersnappers can’t keep up on a late night (except refinish…he just keeps on ticking, I guess).
Ditch that workaday world, and come over to the side of Light. Work when you feel like it, sleep whenever, and leave plenty of time for Pizza and Beer.
Here’s some of my Pizza Porn:
Good afternoon all!
Just back in from 3.5 weeks of cool and, mostly, rainy vacation. 58 this morning when I left – mid 80s and horrid humidity here. Return ticket! Anyone?
As for the poll; mostly hybrid – late to bed, early up, but with the occasional crash on the couch if watching TV (duh!).
Dark, or light – doesn’t matter much. Spent the last few weeks at a latitude where it doesn’t really get dark at night this time of year.
welcome back, ask. You’ve been missed.
Hey, BooMan.
Just re-packing a bit, before heading uptown.
I see it’s been busy lately.
hi ask, i’ll work on losing a ton of weight so i can tag along as carry-on luggage š nice to see you back
I’m a night person — unfortunately, I have a day job.
I get this ‘second wind’ around 10pm and if I am not careful, the next thing I know it’s 3am and I have to get up at 7:30. (Coffee is my friend….)
I live in an urban high-rise — between the hotel and the parking garage across the street, street lights, etc, it is NEVER dark in my apt. The only time there isn’t traffic noise from the street below is during a really big snowstorm. I don’t even hear the police and fire sirens anymore. (Sometimes I don’t hear my alarm going off either…)
I leave iTunes playing on random shuffle on my PC for background noise at night.
I’m am so the same way. Given my option, I would stay up till 2:00 every night and get up at noon. Work however, takes a dim view on such things.
I want to get some blackout curtains for my bedroom. I was at a hotel once and closed them up and slept until noon without even realizing it. Usually, I wake up at dawn or so, and then fall back to sleep. But with those curtains (aided by a rousing night of suite parties at a convention) I never even realized it was light outside.
I think I would have to be seriously hungry before I even considered eating my kittens. ;>)
my kittens get fed BEFORE I do. If I go hungry, so be it, I understand from “below the bottom rung.” They don’t, and selecting humans with low earning potential should not be a fatal mistake for li’l fuzzy people.
Oh, and to answer the poll… If I’m sleeping, there had better be coffee available for when I wake up…. I’m caffeinated to the extreme; sleep is fairly rare…
hi Janet! looks like we’re both stricken by the dreaded late-night second wind. i’m exactly the same way. hope you’re doing well!
Hey Manny,
I loved your comments on the live blog last night.
Good job. Nice asides.
thx, knucklehead. it was unnerving to hear them pontificate, hopefully it is the start of many, many debates on the war. Although I’m all about action versus talking points. we shall see.