Rupert Murdoch’s ‘News Of The World’ To Close For Phone Hacking
(ThinkProgress) – Rupert Murdoch’s son and News Corp’s Deputy COO James Murdoch announced today that the company’s 168-year old British tabloid News of the World will shut down this Sunday after its journalists hacked phones, including those belonging to family members of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Noting that two employees went to jail for similar acts in 2006, Murdoch said News of the World “failed to get to the bottom of repeated wrongdoing.” There are two ongoing police investigations and inquiries by Parliament into these allegations, and reports suggest that the five journalists and executives involved in the hacking may be arrested by the end of the week.
Some Background
European Tribune – Phone hacking, a roundup Part 1
Isn’t it good to see Murdoch squirm for a change? Now, if we could just include the Koch Bros.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."