Seven American troops killed “over there.”

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Seven American soldiers were killed on Thursday when their transport helicopter crashed in southern Iraq, the deadliest such incident in the country for over a year, the US military said.

The CH-47 Chinook went down, killing all on board, about 100 kilometres (60 miles) west of the main southern port city of Basra as it formed part of a four-aircraft convoy flying from Kuwait to the northern city of Balad. […]

Meanwhile, the US military arrested an American soldier serving in Iraq over the killing this week of two comrades, the military said in a separate statement on Thursday.

Staff Sergeant Darris Dawson, 24, and Sergeant Wesley Durbin, 26, were shot dead on Sunday at their patrol base near Iskandariyah, just south of Baghdad, the US military said in a separate statement.

Stuff happens. No one pays attention. Life (for some of us) goes on. For others, there are simply coffins no one is permitted to see, and official visits to loved ones of the recently departed no one wants to receive.

Oh, and where is that WMD hiding, Mr. President?

Meanwhile, what will we do if Bush and Maliki can’t agree on a status of forces agreement? Will we stay or will we go? And will anyone in the media care to report about it?

Ps. My money’s on we stay regardless of any legal authorization from the “sovereign” Iraqi government.