Credit where credit is due: at last a Republican conservative hack propagandist journalist is not running away from Dubya’s war record. On the contrary, Eric Bolling seems positively smitten with Bush’s presidency because … Mission Accomplished!

Commenting on the tenth anniversary of the Iraq war, Fox News host Eric Bolling claimed invading the country was former President George W. Bush’s most intelligent move.

I mean, what better means were available for Dubya to throw trillions of dollars down a rathole, kill hundreds of thousands of people, re-introduce the tactical use of chemical weapons by the US Military to the battlefield, refuse to raise taxes to pay for a war thus metastasizing the federal deficit, outing a covert CIA operative because her husband said the stated reason for the war was bullshit, and raising the stock value of Halliburton, his Vice President’s former company?

Who cares if casus belli for the Iraq War was all based on lies? Who cares if it strengthened Iran and destabilized Iraq and the rest of the Mideast for years to come? It was absolutely effing awesome!

Just ask Eric Bolling, Bush’s newest Iraq War cheerleader.