Hagee’s Prosperity Gospel and Jews
San Antonio TV preacher John Hagee is an ex- college football player with two earned PHDs. The physique of a football player is long gone as well as the early marriage and divorce. Hagee, whose church teaches men to throw up their demons in a brown paper bag, started out with 25 members. In 2 years the church had a 1,600 seat auditorium. In 1987 Southern Baptist and fellow Texan W.A. Criswell surprised many in the country when he led an anointing service for Hagee in the dedication of the new church. Criswell’s blessing on John was peculiar being Hagee is a pentecostal. The connection with pastors like Criswell can be explained by secular political movements. Hagee is chummy with Texas Governor Perry on a personal level …
New Life Church‘s members worked to map out all the territorial demon spirits inhabiting Colorado Springs. At some point in the process, they fed the mapping information into a computer database. Methodically–street by street, block by block–they used prayer-warfare to expel the demons from their city. And they maintained a 24/7 prayer shield over Colorado Springs to prevent demon re-infestations. As with inner-city cockroaches, the price of demon-free living was constant vigilance.
Philip Jenkins’ “The Next Christianity” argued that the new “counter-reformation” is being driven largely by indigenized forms of Christianity, erupting from the Global South, that view the Christianity of the developed North as spiritually enervated and morally corrupt.
The reality of the North-South dynamic is far more complex–there is cross-pollination these days between Christian traditions in the Global South and in the developed world, with African evangelicals aggressively moving to develop their own missions in Texas, Ukraine, Moscow, and elsewhere.
I need a shower and get scrubbed …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."