Geov Parrish reports on the underlying hostility that surfaced in Seattle and how our police and press reacted to it:
“Monday, while my column on immigrants and May Day ran as the lead at, I was busy for most of the day helping provide security for the massive immigrants rights march here in Seattle.They were concerned about a steady stream of virulent, anonymous death threats directed both at organizers and march attendees, and they didn’t have nearly enough security to protect people adequately against such threats.
Their fears were well justified. At one point in the march, a car plowed into the crowd (a passenger later called the driver’s decision to drive into a street jammed with people a “mental lapse.”) And, as the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported, in the 21st paragraph of their story, Seattle police reported that a total of seven people were arrested during the march, and those included five people on possible weapons violations. The SPD said all five may have permits for the weapons, however, and have been released.
This was fairly typical local media coverage. What the SPD apparently did not say, but any organizer could have (and perhaps had) told any local reporter who cared to ask, was that the five were not marchers, as the P-I intimated. They were self-identified Neo-Nazis, and in the context of the large number of death threats organizers had received, there is only one possible explanation for their having come to the march armed. It was march security that brought their presence to the attention of SPD.
Here, as in much of the rest of the country, large numbers of (white) people have been whipped up into an anti-immigrant frenzy (they would call it “anti-illegal immigrant,” but as any immigrant will tell you, people on the street or workplace can’t and don’t tell the difference) by media icons like Lou Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the whole Fox crew, and an assortment of reactionary local talk show hosts across the country.
Howard Dean, who has been warning that the rovians will “use” the immigration issue in the fall elections, repeated his position last week on the administration’s approach to immigrants:
“This is a president who says he’s going to send 12 million hardworking people back where they came from. He can’t find a six-foot-four Saudi terrorist! How’s he going to find 12 million people … ?” Dean asked the more than 450 people who came to see him speak. “All this business about sending everybody back — I am tired of everybody being divided.”
He also criticized the Bush-supported guest-worker proposal and legislation that critics say would wrongly require doctors, teachers and clergy members to report suspected illegal immigrants. “We don’t think we should criminalize religious figures,” Dean said. “The oath I took to become a doctor was not, ‘I’ll help everybody — unless they’re an illegal immigrant.'”
We know the rovians are going to try to paint the Dems as soft on “illegal aliens,” just like they did on national security. I have heard the “12 million illegal aliens” being blamed for low wages and other ills in the workplace. The economic insecurity all around us is the perfect breeding ground for this sentiment. Rising gas prices this summer will only cause it to grow louder. I hope a solid strategy is developed to counter it.
This morning I saw a headline in the local paper: “Schools Prepare for Cinco de Mayo”. I began reading, expecting to find cool cultural events to take my daughter to. The first sentence was about how they were boosting police presence so the townspeople could stop being afraid. Ick.
I also happen to come from an Irish-American family who adopted a Hispanic boy (my older brother)when he was a few days old. The difference between the way he is treated vs. the way the rest of the kids are is always jarring.
And yet those who have been whipped into a frenzy by the likes of Rush et al. apparently have no problem with the “outsourcing” of thousands of jobs to other countries. If it benefits big business, it’s apparently good enough for the wingnuts.
It keeps them furriners in their “proper place”, where they don’t get all uppity and start wanting to be treated like human beings. (And if they do get uppity, the local enforcers aren’t hamstrung by quaint concepts like “workers’ rights” … or even human rights.)
Yep!! that’s it.
most of the talking points that the anti-immigrants are spouting are easily refuted.
my favorite being “they don’t pay taxes.”
the latimes reports that “tens of thousands” of undocumented workers pay taxes.
another point i like to make is, if the only problem folks have with the immigrants is that they are “illegal,” then why aren’t those same anti-immigrant screechers saying something about bush’s illegal wire taps, illegal war, illegal ignoring of congressional laws, etc etc etc?
xlnt point.
The illegal immigrant issue was a desperation campaign tactic by Richard Burr in his pursuit of John Edwards’s Senate seat. Other Republicans might have hopped on it at the same time.
It’s intent then and the Republican’s intent now is to separate working-class voters from the Democratic Party. The current effort aims to drive a wedge between labor unions and Latinos. So far most labor unions have not taken the bait, but a lot of their members have.
Why this is the issue is easy. The Alito nomination and the South Dakota law turned the abortion issue into a pro-choice backlash. The gay marriage issue is not cutting everywhere and where it is there have already been successful ballot initiatives, so backlash is an issue there as well.
Well, what is left for desperate Republicans? Illegal immigrants, the “terrorists at our borders” and other paranoid dreams.
Well done, Partie Lion.