It’s all partisan pre-calculated politics with Karl Rove and George Bush. Every moment of every single day. To such a degree, they probably wipes their asses with only their left hands.
Everything that can be micro-managed is. Nothing is put into place without adhering to the master plan of greater infiltration and therefore, control. That of filling any and all possible governmental, judicial and other positions with only the Kool-Aid imbibers, the mightily indebted hacks, those willing to harm others whether it be out of glee or indifference. It’s the imposition and insertion of ‘our people’ — not necessarily those who are competent in their respective fields but who will take the call, implement the orders, toe the politically partisan line and remain quiet.

Firing federal prosecutors in order to fill spots with those willing to follow the dictates and whims issued from the White House, outing an undercover CIA agent–one working on national security matters involving the Iranian nuclear threat–because of a perceived political threat, cannily timing and scaring the U.S. populace with faux pre-election terrorism alerts in order to gain votes, filling literal life-and-death importance government positions with shills and incompetents, sheltering veterans in slums so that cronies can make money–nothing is beyond the pale for this current bunch in the White House.

Whether ‘government’ per se ‘works’ or not isn’t important to them. That doesn’t ever even make it on to the agenda. It’s not important because, for this cabal, perception is everything. If anything goes wrong and inevitably it will, just round up the usual media sycophants, issue the talking points and let the demonizing of others begin. Create the ‘reality’ you need. Problem solved. Case closed.

Part of the real power of the presidency–the ability to appoint whomever, to lock away documents and papers under the aegis of national security or presidential privilege, plus the aura ordained to the office by the those who unwilling to imagine wrongdoing on the part of the presidency in such a majestic republic as ours, allows this reprehensible selfishness to continue on.

This is the height of disrespect, to us and to our nation. Yes, all poiticians practice partisanship but the blatantness and degree of what the Bush Administration has wrought is unmatched.

No, George W. Bush didn’t have sex with that woman but his warped collective efforts have proven far, far more debilitating to all. George W. Bush has put our country at risk, greater risk than necessary, based simply on unrelenting political partisanship. Countless have died, at home and abroad, because of his own malfeasance and his unwillingness to control his figurative foot soldiers.

Yet he won’t even acknowledge, let alone, apologize for all this.

Yes, he stopped drinking but the metamorphosis abruptly ended there and he has merrily continued on with his venal ways, in the behavior of a dry drunk. Bush’s manner is in alignment with those who hammered the nails into the body of Jesus, the social, and therefore, political instigator. Yep, it’s George (here’s another nail for you Jesus) Bush, too cowardly to face his own true self and unwilling to end his affliction on America and the world.

Mercy is too good for him.