Richard Cohen sent me a blogger alert:

Now for a blogger alert: Please note that I do not think racism is no longer a problem or that campus rape has not been an unaddressed horror. I know better. But I also believe that distorting the facts can impede progress. The dead of anywhere — Ferguson or Benghazi — do matter. And so does the truth.

This is very cool. I want all bigfoot columnists to end their columns with blogger alerts so I will know what I can and cannot say about what they’ve written above.

Here’s a sample for Tom Friedman:

Now for a blogger alert: I know I shouldn’t have said “Suck.on.this.” Please stop mocking me for it.

Here’s a sample for Chris Matthews:

Now for a blogger alert: I know I shouldn’t have said that there’s a sunny nobility about George W. Bush. Please don’t disregard everything I have to say, ever.

Go ahead and craft your own blogger alerts. They can be pasted on the bottom of many columnists’ opinion pieces.

One last example, for Peggy Noonan:

Now for a blogger alert: I know I drank a half a bottle of gin before I wrote this. Please don’t mention it.

Your turn.