Richard Cohen sent me a blogger alert:
Now for a blogger alert: Please note that I do not think racism is no longer a problem or that campus rape has not been an unaddressed horror. I know better. But I also believe that distorting the facts can impede progress. The dead of anywhere — Ferguson or Benghazi — do matter. And so does the truth.
This is very cool. I want all bigfoot columnists to end their columns with blogger alerts so I will know what I can and cannot say about what they’ve written above.
Here’s a sample for Tom Friedman:
Now for a blogger alert: I know I shouldn’t have said “Suck.on.this.” Please stop mocking me for it.
Here’s a sample for Chris Matthews:
Now for a blogger alert: I know I shouldn’t have said that there’s a sunny nobility about George W. Bush. Please don’t disregard everything I have to say, ever.
Go ahead and craft your own blogger alerts. They can be pasted on the bottom of many columnists’ opinion pieces.
One last example, for Peggy Noonan:
Now for a blogger alert: I know I drank a half a bottle of gin before I wrote this. Please don’t mention it.
Your turn.
The best comment about Cohen’s column is this:
Noonan gets that way after only half a bottle?
Cheap date.
David Brooks: OK, there’s no salad bar Applebee’s. Please don’t spoil the illusion I have unique insight into the hive mind of middle-class America.
My own take re. David Brooks’ Blogger Alert: I am the perfect centrist. Liberal bloggers should be thankful I am around, as I moderate the Republican Party with my powerful, thoughtful commentary. Please note the one time I criticized a GOP policy position and did not draw a false equivalency with the Democrat Party. Your claim that I am a pathetic purveyor of intentionally deceptive CW is belied by that single incident
Ross Douthat: Yes, I am a prude who is turned off by the very thought of any woman who would be willing to have sex with me. Please consider my dour moralizing as relevant anyway.
The last one made me laugh the most.
Maureen Dowd: this column mocks the sexuality of Democrats and contains nothing different from any of my “other” columns.
William Kristol:
Now for a blogger alert. I know I am largely responsible for sending America’s sons and daughters to needless death in Iraq. Please stop pointing out that I am dripping with delicious human blood.
Blogger Alert from George Will: it is grossly unfair of you to mock me for the hot, hot summers of my childhood in Illinois. Illinois had a completely different climate in the Jurassic. The Cubs sucked then, too.