… than John Sweeney of the New York 20th congressional district.”

So begins the endorsement today of Kirsten Gillibrand by Democracy for America.

“In addition to voting in lock-step with President Bush, enjoying ski trips with lobbyists, accepting thousands of dollars from Tom DeLay, and partying at college fraternity houses on the weekends, John Sweeney’s found time to try to privatize Social Security and give away billions to the oil industry.”

“Thankfully, DFA candidate Kirsten Gillibrand is everything that Sweeney is not. She’s smart, ethical and will represent Upstate New Yorkers with the honor and dignity they deserve. Let’s help Kirsten bring dignity back to DC.”

Within minutes of the announcement being posted and my cutting and pasting the post here the contribution page at DFA for Ms. Gillibrand has had these words added…

“So far, we’ve raised $165.00 from 8 contributors!”

Whoops… make that…

“So far, we’ve raised $175.00 from 9 contributors!”

What will it read by the end of the day? The week? This month? This cycle?

Kirsten has made a strong commitment to combining traditional large dollar fund raising (at which she has been outstanding – outraising the incumbent over the last 3 quarters despite all his PAC and lobbyist money) with local house party and internet generated small dollar contributions. Her campaign organization is based on the local grassroots organizing pioneered in the Dean campaign.

I had the pleasure of meeting Kirsten 2 years ago when we were looking for a candidate in 2004. I knew in the first few minutes that this was my candidate. Kirsten immediately impressed me with her intelligence, capability, and understanding of what it would take to win this campaign and rid the 20th district and the United States House of Representatives of one of the worst of Republican rubber stamp congressman. Kirsten had a plan and now I am having the pleasure of watching her execute that plan and being a small part of it.

As I review the campaign landscape across the country I see that Democrats have a great opportunity to take control of the House this year. We need to gain 15 seats to become the majority party in the people’s House once again. Looking at the various campaigns that are in play I see Kirsten Gillibrand’s campaign as that 15th seat.

Let’s make sure Democrats win those 15th seats. Let’s help Kirsten represent New York’s 20th Congressional District. If you live in or near the 20th please contribute your time and effort. If you live elsewhere in the country but want a Democratic House to check the abuses of the Bush White House then please contribute today to the campaign of Kirsten Gillibrand.

Ummm… make that…

“So far, we’ve raised $845.00 from 30 contributors!”

No! Wait…

“So far, we’ve raised $2,000.00 from 58 contributors!”